Your Honor, $25,000?What just happened?
Son, yes, Gruber Pharmaceuticals probably polluted that lake, but I'm not gonna ruin an important company just because they gave some bird a rash.
No, but it's thousands of birds, and fish and otters and turtles
Look, Eriksen, I hate to cut you short, but I got tickets to Annie and my wife is waiting.
You have a wi won-wonderful show to see?
You'd best get your mind right, son!The game is the game, and there ain't no winners.
How many retired gangbangers you know?Exactly.
Barney check it out.I found my scrapbook from the old days.
We're kind of busy right now, Warren.
We're scaring kids straight, so
No, no.
Barney was the youngest member of our Magic Enthusiasts Club years back.Famous for escaping from handcuffs.
Handcuffs, huh?
Very tiny hands.That was his secret.See you around, baby hands.
So, you don't know the bailiff because you were a badass.You knew him because you guys were in a nerd club together.
bailiff 廷吏
Where you dazzled audiences with your sleight-of-tiny-hand.
dazzle 驚嘆させる sleight of hand 手品
So I was a late hand bloomer!Go ahead, laugh, laugh like all the others,they accepted me.
late bloomer 遅咲きの人
Okay, well, to be fair, I may have slightly exaggerated my badass story, too.
exaggerate 大げさに言う
Oh, sorry.Uh, no, thank you, housekeeping.I've already made my bed.And I only used one washcloth, so it's
Congratulations, Miss Sparkles.On behalf of the Manitoba Hotel and Curling Rink Association, we'd like to thank you for being the nicest, most well-behaved hotel guest ever.
Oh, yippee!
What a loser!
Your story's not true, either, is it, Ted?
Not at all.
Make sure you get my good side, Princess!
I left the courthouse that day questioning what I was even doing with my life and then that night, I had a dream.
Sorry I failed, son.
What about your Pebble Theory, Dad?One good deed ripples out and makes another and another?
Yeah.This is what really happens when you throw a pebble into Frog Lake.The truth is, you can fight your whole life to do good and still get nowhere.
You're wrong.Some good's gonna ripple out of this, Dad.I promise.
Great, I've angered the Frog King.
Later that night, some good did ripple out.
What, are you here to gloat?
gloat ほくそ笑む
Came here to thank you.to fight for the little guy.Which is why I said Hasta Lucia to my firm, and took a job at your firm, brobeans.
Don't brobeans me.My boss would never hire you after the way you lied to us.
I told him I'd take every last bit of manipulation, deception, and accidental pen-dropping I used against you guys and put it towards saving the world.
manipulation 改ざん deception ごまかし
Even if that's true, I'm still not sure that I can forgive you.
Would you object to an 11:15 brunch rezzy for two tomorrow at the Popover Pantry?
I'll allow it.
Yes!The Brunch Bros are back!
And thank God we were, because well, what he said next is the reason that I'm sitting in this chair.
Seriously, thanks-- for giving my soul a little redempsh.And B-T-dubs, that judge was an idiot.It's people like you, people with hope and vision and integ, that should be behind that bench making the calls.
And that's when I realized I wanted to be a judge.Because judges are the ones who can effect real change.And that's why I'm here, before the New York State Judiciary Committee.I hope that you will consider me for an appointment to a judgeship.
Thank you, Mr.Eriksen.The panel will take this under advisement.
Take your time.
It could be a few months.
Better tell my wife I won't be home for dinner.
Get out.
How are you?
Uh, great.You?
So gr Can we talk about this for a second?
It is super-weird between us, and I don't want it to be.
Me, neither.
So let me just say this.I'm done.You don't have to worry anymore.
What do you mean?
I'm done trying to get you.I can't do it anymore.I'm sorry it's taken me this long to figure it out, but I promise I'm done making a fool of myself.
Barney, you haven't been making a fool out of yourself
It's okay.It's okay.I want it to be okay.So here's what's gonna happen.I'm gonna get us two drinks, come back and comment on the likely size and color of the nipples on that redhead at the bar, with the big, dark nipples.And you're gonna be grossed out, but you're gonna laugh a little anyway, and then you'll tell a funny story about that bitch Patrice at work, but neither one of us are gonna say, Hey, how's it going?or Good to see you!Because it really will be good to see you.Think we can swing that?
Yeah, I do.
Thanks for your support, guys.It means a lot.
We'll call in sick anytime you are in trial.
You just won the case.
Lily coming!Lily coming!