Narator: Kids, the key to a good relationship is communication. You need to talk.
Robin: How about Mimi's?
Ted: Nah, I don't really feel like Mimi's.
Robin: Well, I'm hungry. Let's just pick a place and go.
Ted: Oh, you know where we should go? Cynthia's. You love that place, remember what a great time we had the last time we were there?
Robin: We did?
Ted: Yeah, yeah. We had that crazy waiter who kept going, "You two should get married! You two should get married!"
Narator: It's also important to know when to stop talking.
Ted: Come on. Then we stepped outside. It was raining. It was so romantic? How can you not remember this?
Robin: Because it wasn't me.
Ted: Oh, right! It was... my sister.
Narator: You see, by the time you've hit your late 20s, you've dated a few people, but when you're in a relationship, it's common courtesy to pretend that you haven't.
courtesy 礼儀
Ted: Oh, my God, Van Helsing is on. Remember when we went to see it? We sat in the back row.
in the back row 後列にいる
Robin: I've never seen Van Helsing.
Ted: That's right. I saw it with my sister.
Robin: My boss just got back from Maui. He said it was really romantic.
Ted: Oh, it's so romantic.
Robin: When were you in Maui?
Ted: I... went... with my sister.
Robin: With my sister. Why do you always say that? Look, we're not 16. We've both dated other people. It's silly to try to act like we didn't.
Ted: You're right. We should just be honest.
Robin: Totally.
Ted: See that girl over there? Three years ago, I totally made out with her.
Robin: I don't want to hear that.
Ted: What? You said...
Robin: God, that is so insensitive.
Ted: Remember honesty...?
Robin: You're a jerk!
Ted: Well, you're...confusing.
Marshall: Okay, so you have to have sex with one. Either classic mermaid; bottom half fish, top half human, or inverted mermaid, top half fish, bottom half human. Go!
inverted 反転した
Barney: I don't know. Is she fat?
Marshall: Yeah, but it's a fish, so it's the good kind of fat.
Lily: Hot off the presses!
Hot off the presses 新発売の
Barney: I-I don't take flyers.
flyers チラシ ビラ
Marshall: You took one two seconds before you walked in here.
Barney: That's different. It was for a strip club. Two bucks off wings. How much is your flyer going to save me on wings?
Lily: Fine. It's a flyer from my play.
Barney: Oh, Lily, I'd love to, but we're not in college and I'm not trying to sleep with you. So anyway, this mermaid...
Marshall: Hey, Lily's friend asked her to be in this play, and it's gonna be really good.
Barney: Lily, I love you, but we're too old for this. Asking someone to come see your play is like asking someone for a ride to the airport or to crash on your couch or to help you move. Call a cab, book a room, hire some movers and repeat after me. Friends don't let friends come see their crappy play.
Can I crash on your couch tonight? 今夜、オマエのカウチで寝ていいか?
Ted: Okay, first of all, I've thought about it and top half fish. Second of all, we need you guys to decide something for us.
Barney: Yes, you should break up.
Ted: So, earlier tonight...
Robin: Mm, we should get down to the bar.
get down to 本腰を入れて取り掛かる
Ted: I know we should, but you just look so sexy in my red sweatshirt.
Barney: Oh, God, why is this part of the story?
Ted: We're getting to it.
Robin: Damn, my face is so dry. Is there any moisturizer around here?
Ted: Yeah, there's some in the bathroom. Got to moisturize! Got to keep that pretty face moist.
Lily: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Barney: What's wrong with her?
Marshall: She hates that word.
Barney: What word, "moist"?
Lily: No! Seriously, stop!
Robin: So, anyway, Ted goes into the bathroom to get the moist... face lotion...
Robin: Wow, this is great stuff. Now I know the secret to your great complexion.
complexion 顔色
Ted: What are you talking about? It's yours.
Robin: No, it's not.
Ted: Oh, well... then I guess it's Lily's.
Lily: No, it's not.
Robin: Whose moisturizer is this, Ted?
Ted: Um, my sister's.
Robin: So, in other words, some girl you went out with.
Ted: Um... I love you.
Robin: Disgusting. You let me put on the same moisturizer as one of your exes?
Disgusting 汚らわしい
Lily: It was probably Carla's. Her face was a train wreck.
train wreck 大惨事
Marshall: I'm don't think Ted was dating her for her face.
Ted: Thank you, Marshall. Thank you so much.
Robin: Why is that still in your apartment?
Ted: I don't know. I just never threw it out.
Robin: Well, why not? Do you still have feelings for this girl?
Ted: Yeah. I'm madly in love with her, and the only way I can deal with it is by holding onto a three-dollar tube of lotion.
madly in love with に猛烈に恋してる
Robin: Not three dollars! Try 14.
Ted: Why is this such a big deal?
Robin: Because I don't want to use some whore's moisturizer!
Ted: Whoa, she wasn't a whore.
whore 売春婦
Robin: Well, she's leaving expensive lotions all over town. It sounds like a whore to me. What else do you have from old girlfriends just lying around?
Ted: Nothing. That's it. Well, except for the phone booth. And the lamp by the desk... and the...
Robin: No. No! No! Oh, Ted!