That's my boy. Kathy's children thank you. You ready for round two?
Yeah, I don't think I'm up for round two.
up for 〜に向けて意気込んで
That'd be an ill-advised life choice.
ill-advised 軽率な
Why? You'll kill me?
Don't test me, Neal.
Tell your friend Jim to put that red dot on my head and pull the trigger, if you don't think I'm serious.
It's like I'm talking mandarin.
mandarin 重要人物
How about I kick things off by killing my sweet little hostage?
I'm starting to wonder if you even have Lindsey.
Why don't we take a break, let you think about this?
Last thing I want you to do is...drag your heels.
drag one's heels 足を引きずって歩く 先延ばしにする
Please. Get in.
Where are we going?
You talk too much.
Tase this man again.
tase にテーザー銃を発射する
That's really not -- ah!
I've got BOLOs out on your van description. NYPD is canvassing the area where Neal was taken.
bolo =Be On the LookOut 捜索指令
We just found this in Gless' mail.
It was sent before Caffrey was taken.
Hi, daddy.
I'm okay, but you need to do what they ask...Now.
Or I won't be okay. I love you.
All right, everybody, watch it again.
Anything jumps out at you, call it.
jump out at 目に飛び込んでくる
Hi, daddy.
I'm okay, but you need to do what they ask...Now.
Place is falling where it stands.
Cracks all over the wall.
Funky windows.
Pre-civil war construction.
You hear that?
Foghorn. No, tugboat horn. Let's get it isolated. We know she's by the water.
Foghorn フォグホーン 霧笛
There are more than 500 miles of waterfront in the New York area.
I want search teams on the ground now, Everybody sweeping and canvassing any waterfront structure with cracked walls or funky windows.
Or I won't be okay. I love you.
Hey, you okay?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Didn't even hurt. Lindsey?
Who are you?
My name is Neal Caffrey. I'm with the FBI. I'm here to help you.
Who's gonna help you?
I'll admit, not the greatest rescue.
But the FBI knows we're here, right?
No, but the best agent the bureau has got is looking for us.
Yes, trust me.
If there's anyone in the world who can find me, it's him.
Nice manners. You should chew your food.
It's pretty foul, right?
foul 泥まみれの
He burps when he swallows.
burp げっぷをする swallow 〜を飲み込む
Hey, hon.
Okay, you need to come home. We have a visitor.
Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie, But I'm right in the middle of something now.
Right. Well, I think your something is connected to the someone who showed up at our front door.
What? Who's there?
Mozzie, and he's pretty worked up.
worked up 神経が高ぶっている
That's his normal state.
I think it's important.
If it's that important, tell him to come to the office.
Mozzie in the FBI headquarters?
Yeah, he's not going.
Honey, I don't have time.
It's about Neal.
I'm on my way.
So, you've met Lindsey. Now are you gonna join me for round two? Or does it get ugly?
get ugly 険悪なムードになる
What's round two?
Why would I want to ruin the surprise? In or out?
ruin 破滅する
Let's get this over with.
get over with 終える、済ませる
You know, Moz, you never told me what do you do for a living.
I know that. Neither have you. Mrs.Suit.
I'm an event planner. I run my own company.
Burke premiere events? I thought that company was a front for Peter.
Okay, not everything has a secret meaning.
Ah. Naiveta. So sweet. I bet you believe in the moon landing.
Naiveta ばか正直
In here.
You know, Mozzie still won't tell me what he does for a living. Do you know?
I know enough not to ask.
Why are you here?
I received this.
"Elite Voyages, come frolic with us."?
frolic はしゃぐ
Look at the e-mail address.
Dante Haversham.
Remember the alias I gave when Neal introduced us? See, some things do have secret meanings.
I believe you on this one. Is Neal okay?
I don't know.
That's a distress signal.
distress 〜を苦しめる
I spent a great deal of money making sure mr.Loze's limo gets quietly sidetracked.
Let me guess. I'm his new driver.
He'll be carrying a titanium briefcase.
Your job is to take it.
Any suggestions on how I do that?
Come on, man, you know I don't like guns.
I really don't like unloaded guns.
Be at this address by 4:00, and our business is complete.
I tell you where I'm keeping the girl, and we go our separate ways.
But be a minute late or call your Fed friends, and I make a call. And Lindsey...
Well, you know what happens to lindsey.
You're not gonna stick around for the show?
stick around 近くにいる
On this one, I'll keep my distance./p>
Any luck on the tip?
Three hours ago, Caffrey goes into Elite Voyages asking for the itinerary of a Thomas Loze.
Do we know him?
Pulled a file from interpol. Turns out that Loze happens to be a favorite alias of Edward Reilly.
Edward Reilly. The hits keep coming.
He's the go-to guy when VIP criminals want something valuable moved.
go-to guy 頼りになるやつ
Hand-delivers everything himself, which is all the guarantee anyone needs.
He's dangerous. My guess? Wilkes is snooping around Reilly's itinerary because he's planning a surprise for him.
snoop 嗅ぎ回る
Wilkes is planning a rip off.
Yeah, and he's using Neal as the face of his whole show.
Reilly's on an inbound flight from Sydney, he touches down in an hour.
And we'll be there to meet him.