Hey, Blake, who's at extension 2614 at Prager & Vaughn?
extension 内線
Company directory has her listed as Amy Sawyer, R&D. Sawyer. She lives at... 4258 West 79th Street. She's cute.
Company directory 社員名簿
Yes, she is.
Unmarried. No dependents.
dependent 扶養家族
Unless you count Sir Boots Barkley. You got her cellphone?
This company has had a bad run under your watch. It's my personal mission to make sure you've cleaned up your practices.
Yes, Ms.Sawyer? I live in 6A. I found your dog, Boots, in the hallway.
Boots? How did he get out?
I have no idea. But I got to get to work. Can you please come and pick him up?
Yeah, I'm on my way.
Should we start with offshore marketing or recalls?
I need to take this. Uh, will you be all right without me?
We'll be fine.
Gentlemen, if you'd take a look at this number right here, that one puzzles me.
What's confusing, Mr.Brown?
The FDA operates under the information we have. Your company's not known for its transparency.
transparency 透明性
Mr.Brown, despite what you're insinuating, we're in the business of helping people. P&V's the reason you're gonna live long enough to find yourself browsing the aisles for adult diapers. And you'll thank us for it.
insinuate ほのめかす browse the aisles 商品をあれこれ見て歩く
Nice speech. I want Q.C. reports, stage-four clinical trials, and R&D for all products launched within the last six months -- All of it -- today.
We'll ship it over.
Are we done here? I got a thing.
We're done.
You got me a blank sheet of paper?
Most high-quality paper stock can be split in two.Here.
Yeah. Let me try that.
Yeah. You need the right touch. A little fingerprint powder. And there you go.
They redacted the drug after the document was printed.
redact 編集する
That's why I had to get the original.
Can you tell who signed the report?
No, I couldn't make it out on the original, either. But the drug name is clear.
Never heard of Zybax.
Good thing you demanded all that product information.
Need the right touch.
Where's the research I asked you for?
I'm almost finished. Well, you said for me to stay at my desk. Would you like me to make copies or answer the phone?
Yes. There's a stain. Get it out. Set up dinner with Salman Rushdie tonight. It's 1:00. Vitamins! I've had malaria twice. Are you trying to undermine my immune system? Copies. Now.
undermine むしばむ immune 免疫
Helen Anderson's office. One moment.
It's the financial analyst from Channel Nine.
Put him through.
put someone through 電話をつなぐ
Helen Anderson's office.
I dialed your FBI phone.
I forwarded Helen's calls to my cell.
Oh. Good. Hey, the accent sounds pretty realistic. How's it going over there?
realistic 本物そっくりの
I have so many paper cuts, I need a blood transfusion. It is impossible to remove wheat grass from Chanel. She made me go to her Brownstone to give Prozac to her parrot.
transfusion 輸血 wheat grass カモジグサ
How was that?
It shrieked at me about deadlines.
shriek わめく
Is that a personal call?
Document storage. The files you asked for.
Was that her or the parrot?
I don't know how long I can do this. She wants to have dinner with Salman Rushdie tonight. How am I supposed to f-- Wait, you can find Salman Rushdie.
Oh, I'd have to pull some strings.
pull some strings 裏から手を回す
Why isn't my mail open?
I see why she gets so many death threats. Peter.
What is it?
They got inside Helen's place.
The FBI is sweeping my apartment now. Charlie's on the way to his dad's, and he'll stay there until things settle down. Have you arranged for security?
NYPD will monitor your ex-husband's building and Charlie's school. Would you like me to book you into a hotel for tonight?
I spent years sleeping in tents and bombed-out hotels. One of the perks of this job is frette sheets in my own home. They can't intimidate me with this crap.
perk 特権 intimidate 怖がらせる
That was evidence.
Then tape it back together. I have to make a call.
I'll dial you in. Should I take notes?
I'll dial myself in. Go do your job.
They got into my home. This is getting dangerous. If we want to stop this, I need more.
You're right. People are dying. I'll give you what I have. I'm ready to meet.
Good. Where?
The place you suggested. 8:00 P.M.
Let's take them down.
What we have here is a cost-benefit analysis for the recall of a drug named Zybax.
Do we have anything on Zybax?
We've got everything on Zybax. It's a new antibiotic designed to combat drug-resistant infections. Sounds like the next big thing.
antibiotic 抗生物質 combat 有効である drug-resistant infections 薬剤耐性感染症
Marketing report says they rolled it out in New York, Boston, and Philly. They're going national this month.
roll out 広げる
Passed clinical trials, got FDA approval. Looks perfect on paper.
P&V wanted to know how much it would cost to take this drug off the market. We need to find out why.
Diana. What's going on?
Helen has a source at P&V. Peter, this is serious. He mentioned people are dying over this. They set up a meet.
Where? We can secure the location.
I didn't get an address.
I want you there.