Not that door. Hang on.
My apologies for the scene.
Ohh. And, uh, I thought I was gonna be the one in the doghouse tonight.
Oh, no.
Chloe. Why aren't you with Evan?
I got another call. So...did you get lost?
Yeah. Yeah, I guess I took a wrong turn.
She is. I'm telling ya. And the whole -- Chloe?
You're the one who told us to rebel.
Oh! She's always doing this pocket-dial thing. I tell her her jeans are too tight.
If my dad found out you broke a house rule, he'd be upset, but sometimes a study break can be fun.
Chloe, I can tell you have a lot of, um...passion. You just need to find the right place to focus it. I know you're smart enough to know that.
What the hell is going on here?! I want to know what you're doing in my private office. With my daughter!
Dad! Don't be mad.
Why don't we all just take a minute here? Oh, this will be over in a minute. You interested in my office?!You looking for something?!
It's actually my fault, sir.
Your fault?!
Chloe said that you had an old map of Paris in here, and I really wanted to see it.
Yes. Yes, we were discussing the revolution, and Chloe mentioned a copper-etched map in your office. After hearing about it, I thought it might be an original Hogenberg. Well, 16th century, bird's-eye perspective, and there's the Bastille.
Enough. I want you out of my house -- now.
All right.
Chloe, go to your room.
Bye, Evan.
Turns out an honor-roll student isn't such bad backup after all.
No, A-plus for both of you. And Jones already pulled several account numbers from the drive that you copied.
Sounds like another win for us.
For the bureau.
Well, of which I am an integral member.
integral 不可欠の
Stop digging.
You know my statement for the Keller case is coming up.
statement 発言
I won't ask you to lie.
But I don't have to tell them everything. Is that it?
Peter, I've got nothing to hide.
You sure about that?
You can come out, Mozzie!
You have no proof I'm here!
There's a half a bottle of wine on the table and a whiff of camembert in the air.
whiff かすかな香り
I'll see you tomorrow.
See ya.
Little sloppy.
sloppy ずさんな
Until that file is wiped, I'm keeping a safe distance from the bureau's favorite Brooks brother.
He hasn't made a decision.
There's still a chance this could swing in our favor.
swing in favor of よりに揺れる
Well, we have a decision to make. Evan put himself on the map with Chloe tonight. He's got momentum.
put on the map 有名にする momentum 勢い
Oh, time for the grand romantic gesture.
I was thinking a classic -- flowers, fine chocolates. Or...this.
Evan's homework assignment?
A perfect handwriting sample. I can whip up a sonnet, and you could forge it.
whip up 手早く作る
Mozzie, I know why I want to help this kid, but why do you?
I want to see the little guy get the girl. Oh. Plus, I need a distraction.
You're worried about Peter.
And you're not?
Let's go with the sonnet.
I'll get my quill.
quill 羽ペン
Hey, Peter.
I'm on my way to meet Slater.
Did you write the check?
Technically, the bureau did.
Should be a nice tax write-off for Mr.Stone.
Yeah, he'll put the savings towards his upcoming alimony payments.
alimony 慰謝料
Good luck in there.
And that'll be the last thing you do at this school!
You okay? What'd he say to you?
He knew. He said he knew about me getting the documents from the Bursar's office.
He looked into me after the tutoring session. He knew I xeroxed the quarterlies from my copy-machine code. Look, he said he was gonna expel me. I had to say something.
xerox コピーする expel 退学させる
What'd you tell him?
That he couldn't scare me because I had some very powerful friends of my own looking into him.
Go to my classroom, okay? Lay low. Go.
Diana, we need backup at the school right now. Peter's cover's blown.
Mr.Stone, we cannot thank you enough.
It's my way of giving back. Now, unfortunately, I have to get to the airport in an hour.
You're not going anywhere.
Andy, what's going on?
His timing isn't a coincidence. All the questions about the endowment, the quarterly report coming up, that check -- it's a trap.
Don't do anything stupid.
Then walk.
You'll be happy to know I just did the equivalent of the hoisting of the boom box.
equivalent 同等の hoisting 昇降 boom box 大型ラジカセ
Peter's in trouble. I need your help.
I'm on my way.
What are we doing here?
I've got questions.
Hang on, Moz.
And as you know, this is where I like to ask them. Who do you work for? And don't give me any of that Hong Kong banker crap!
You've got all the answers. Why don't you tell me?
Did the Juarez brothers send you?
Hey, he's with the cartel?
You've got it all wrong. Check my jacket pocket.
Shut up, Graham.
We can't cut up a fed.
Yes, we can. Go on! You're gonna talk, or you're gonna disappear!
Listen, I'm outnumbered three to one. We need a distraction.
What kind of distraction?
Anything. It's classroom 23B. Hurry.