Ted: Ah, this'll be nice, the three of us living together. I think it's a good setup.
Ted: Man, this coffee's great. It's really great. Too great.
Ted: What happened to Shocky?
Ted: What's this?
Lily: My coffee maker from my apartment. Makes great coffee, right?
Ted: Yeah, definitely. I mean, so does Shocky.
Marshall: Really? I always thought Shocky's coffee tasted kind of rusty.
Ted: Yeah, no, it did. I mean, I kind of liked the rusty taste. I'm used to it. I don't know.
Marshall: Also Lily's coffee maker doesn't, you know, shock you.
Ted: No, it's just... You gotta admit, that shock, wakes you up in the morning
Marshall: You know what else wakes you up in the morning? Coffee.
Ted: That's great. You're right. Roomies! I love it.
Ted: They're edging me out. They're totally edging me out. I didn't' believe it but you're right.
edge out 徐々に追い出す
Barney: Told you. That Lily, she's a shrewd one.
shrewd 抜け目のない やり手の
Robin: Yeah, she got you a nice new coffee maker. How dare she!
How dare you! はぁああああああああ!?
Ted: It's not just the coffee maker.
Lily: Done. The painting's done.
Marshall: That is great.
Ted: Nice.
Marshall: Where do you wanna hang it?
Lily: I don't know. Um, over the piano?
Ted: Yeah, that would be a good place for it. Too bad the swords are there. We kind of love those swords.
Marshall: Well, those swords have been up there a long time.
Ted: I know, right? I'd really miss them too. So, maybe Marshall's room?
Lily: OK.
Ted: He was gonna take the swords down. Can you believe that?
Robin: Ted, why don't you just talk to him? He's your best friend.
Robin: One of your best friends. The point is, maybe it's time for some healthy communication.
Barney: Healthy communication? That's the worst idea ever. Look, you held off their first advance. That's good. Now it's time to counter-strike.
hold off 寄せ付けない、撃退する、阻止する counter-strike 逆襲する
Ted: Yeah, well, what am I supposed to do?
Barney: You gotta mark your territory, and I don't mean missing the toilet. You gotta do something big.
Ted: What, like buy a new sofa?
Barney: Bigger.
Barney: Katie's here. OK, real quick, last night, epiphany! I realized what the world of dating needs. Ready? A lemon law.
epiphany エピファニー、〔本質・意味についての〕突然のひらめき A lemon law 欠陥商品の修理交換を販売者またはメーカーに求める権利を定めたアメリカの州法 欠陥商品法
Robin: A lemon law, like for cars.
Barney: Exactly. From the moment the date begins you have five minutes to decide whether you're going to commit to an entire evening. And if you don't, it's no hard feelings just good night, thanks for playing, see you never. Huh? Huh? The lemon law, it's gonna be a thing, possibly starting right now.
From the moment 〜の瞬間に[から]entire evening 一晩 see you never もう一生会わないね it's gonna be a thing "X will be a thing" means that X will be popular, widely used, or widely recognized. I suspect that phrase might be used more in popular media than in reality. すぐに広まるとかってことかな?
Barney: Hi Katie. Barney.
Katie: Hi, it's good to finally meet you.
Barney: Hm, yeah. Katie, you are about to be a part of history. Tell your friends. It's gonna be a thing.
Lily: Man, Ted's been acting weird. He started labeling all his food. He even carved "Ted" into that block of cheese.
carve into 〜を〜に刻む
Marshall: Yeah. Well, now it's Ed's.
Lily: I think he's not cool with me moving in.
Marshall: No, that's not it. I mean, you basically lived here all along. Ted loves you.
Lily: So, what's he PMS-ing about?
PMS-ing PMS=Pre-Menstrual Syndrome → 月経前症候群
Marshall: I don't know. But when he's ready to talk to me about it he'll come and talk to me about it.
Lily: Are you kidding? You guys never talk about anything.
Lily: He'll just let it fester under the surface until he does something big and passive-aggressive.
fester 化膿 passive-aggressive 受動攻撃性の 問題解決に取り組まなかったり、かたくなになったり、わざと能率を悪くしたりするなどの行動によって攻撃性を示す人格的欠陥。
Marshall: You clearly don't know Ted.
Delivery guy: Delivery for Ted Mosby.
Marshall: Your English phone booth arrived.
Ted: Oh, awesome. It's great, right?
Marshall: Yeah, I guess. Just not sure if Lily's gonna like it.
Just not sure if 〜だと確信は持てない
Ted: Well, I like it, so I'm just gonna keep it right here, if that's cool.
Marshall: Of course, we all live here so we should all be able to have things the way we want them.
Ted: Exactly.
Marshall: Great
Marshall: Terrific.
Terrific 素晴らしい、すごくいい
Marshall: You like the phone booth. It stays. I like this painting so I'm just gonna hang it...right here on the wall.
Ted: Oh, so it's like that, is it?
Marshall: Bring, bring. Oh hello governor, oh it's like isn't it? Cheerio.
cheerio さようなら、じゃあまた、ではまた、おめでとう、失敬
Marshall: Yeah, it's like that.
Ted: I want this apartment.
Marshall: Well, I want it too.
Girl #2: You're a jerk.
Barney: No, I'm a visionary. Lemon law, it's gonna be a thing!
visionary 夢想家 洞察力[先見の明]のある人 予言者
Robin: For the record, your little lemon law is a symbol of everything that's wrong with our no-attention span society.
no-attention span society this has often been referenced regarding the changes in people's ability to concentrate or stay on focus in the era AFTER the advent of television and excessive sugary additives in the collective diet. For TV, the "flicker" of the camera angle, which changes every several seconds, is believed to have diminished children's capacity to focus. For sugary foods, they may have increased the incidence of ADHD disorders.
For the record はっきり言って 実際には、現実には
Barney: No, wrong, lemon law is awesome.
Robin: It takes longer than five minutes to really get to know someone. You keep giving up on people so quickly, you're gonna miss out on something great.
Barney: OK, you're on a blind date, sitting across the table is that guy.
Barney: You really think it'll take more than five minutes to realize there will be no date number two?
Robin: Yes I do. For all I know, that guy's my soul-mate.
For all I know 恐らく、たぶん
Barney: Bad move, Scherbatsky.
Bad move 下手なやり方 悪手、下手な手
Barney: Hi, have you met Robin?
Kevin: Hi.
Robin: Hi.
Ted: All right Marshall, we're deciding right now who gets this apartment. It may lead to an argument, but we're settling this.
Marshall: Or we could flip a coin.
Ted: Yeah, let's flip a coin.
Marshall: Flip it.
Ted: OK, I'm flipping it, here I go.
Marshall: Flip it.
Ted: OK, here I go.
Marshall: Flip it.
Ted: I'm flipping. But before I do, I just wanna say something. You didn't even wanna move in here in the first place. You said a pre-war building was bad for your allergies.
pre-war building 戦前の建物
Marshall: That was five years ago. Now you can get prescription-level antihistamines over the counter. Oh snap. What else you got?
prescription-level prescription 処方薬 antihistamines 抗ヒスタミン薬 over the counter 店頭で
Ted: OK, I'm flipping. Heads or tails.
Marshall: You don't need two rooms
Ted: Heads or tails, Marshall. Like you need two rooms?
Marshall: We might be starting a family soon.
Ted: Oh, no you're not. There's no way you're having a baby while you're in law school. It's gonna be at least three years.
Marshall: It could be sooner, we're not that careful with our birth control Two-zip.
Ted: Oh, come on, you know damn well I move out that room's going unused.
Marshall: Oh, and I suppose you'll get a new roommate? Who's it gonna be? Barney? You know he cooks naked.
Ted: Yeah, well, at least Barney wouldn't take the swords down.
Ted: We were bros! These swords represent our bro-hood. And you took 'em down to make room for your fianceee's stupid painting?
Marshall: My fiancee?...suddenly, she's my fianceee.
Marshall: Lily's a part of who I am. And if you're such a bro, she's a part of who you are too. She's a bro by extension.
by extension 同じ方向でさらに進めると、延長線上で考えると
Ted: I deserve this apartment, Marshall.
deserve 〜にふさわしい
Marshall: No more than I do.
Ted: Great, so let's flip for it.
Marshall: Flip it.
Ted: So, is this how we're deciding who gets the apartment?
Marshall: I guess so.
Ted: How are we doing this exactly? Is this like to the death?
Marshall: We should probably figure that out.
Ted: It's OK, it's OK.
Ted: Can I observe something?
observe 順守する
Marshall: That this is kind of awesome?
Ted: Totally.
Marshall: I can't believe we didn't do this before.
Ted: I know!