Well, Amanda refused to come back.She thinks you guys hate her.Marshall, you have to go apologize.
You ruined Lily's birthday, and you want me to apologize.If anything, you should apologize to me.
What are you talking about?
Ted, you bring girls to these intimate events, and it makes them think that things are really serious.And then, when you break up with them, you know who they turn to? Me.I've been your girlfriend clean-up crew for years.February, 2005.I had just come back from a marathon study session at the law library.
intimate 親密な
Hey, hey, Natalie.Where's Ted?
We broke up.Again.
Won't you sit with me for a little while? Just sit.
Oh, man.You know what? I've been up for, like, 36 hours.
Yeah, but I don't have anyone else to talk to.
Just for a few minutes.
And, at first, I was completely sympathetic.But, damn it, Ted, over the years, you've made me cynical.
You know what? I'm gonna go get us some Rocky Road, and we're just gonna sit here and talk it out until it makes sense.
I just thought we had something so special, you know?
Me, too.Yeah, but, you know, life goes on, sweetheart.
I don't know how I'm gonna put my life back together after this.
Oh, shut up.
Well, I'm sorry my search for true love has been such an inconvenience to you guys.You know what? Maybe your precious pictures would look a lot better if I wasn't in them.
They'd look a lot better if Marshall weren't in them.
Cheap shot, cheap shot.
Cheap shot 卑劣な言動
You know what these pictures are, Lily? They're a big, fat lie.They're posed.They're touched up.They're what you want our life to be, not what it is.
That's not true.
Oh, yeah? Okay.Look at this one.Halloween, two years ago.You and Marshall got in a huge fight because you didn't wanna dress up as penguins.
No, no, no.It's not just that she didn't want to.It's that she called penguins lame.Penguins.
And yet, here you are, smiling like nothing's wrong.Completely phony.Oh! Robin's birthday, three years ago.Robin had a cold, and you made her change out of her pajamas for the picture.
And then you pinched my cheeks really hard to get some color in them.
Yeah, but you looked pretty.
And then we all ate chocolate cake in my bed.
Actually, that was a really nice night.
Yeah, it was.
Yeah, I guess it was.
Hey, look at this one.This is the first picture the three of us ever took together.
That's right.It was.
Hey, you remember how it happened?
Okay, ready?
Wait, wait, wait.What pose should we do? Buddy cop picture?
Oh, no, no.What about an '80s sitcom about two roommates - who never agree on anything?
Nice.Okay, one, two
Hi, Marshall.Ready for the movie?
Um, yeah.Just a second, though, okay? We're about to make history.We're about to take our first ever roommate picture.
Yeah.Hey, why don't you get in the picture, too?
Wait.What are you doing, Ted? What if we break up?
What if you don't?
Come on.
Come on.
I forgot all about that.Marshall and I had just been dating a few weeks, and you invited me into the picture.
Well, I liked you.
We have to get Amanda back.
Ted, you believed in me.It's my turn to believe in you.For all I know, she's the one.
Thanks, Lil.
I think Lori's age has made her very wise.
They say your 40s are when you really get to know yourself.
So, your Aunt Lily called Amanda.
All right, people, gather around.Let's make a memory.
Okay, Marshall.No, Marshall, try this.Keep your eyes closed until the last second, - and when I say so, open them.Okay?
Okay, Ted.
Hey, Barney, is that a hole in your suit jacket?
What? Where?
Now, Marshall.
Damn it!
Ted, name that bitch.
Bertha Bertha?
No.It was my birthday.
Your brain makes associations in a very obvious way.
All right, people, gather around.Let's make a memory.
Hey, Robin, what's in this dip that you made? It tastes like cilantro, and you know that cilantro makes me