Coming here always reminds me I should travel.
I tried to get you to go to France.
No, you fled to France.
Nitpicking つまらないことにこだわる
You had quite a run there for a while... The Riviera, Copenhagen.
I should've sent postcards.
No, I had Interpol warrants... Just as good. Neal's robbing a palace.Wish you were here.
Just as good 勝るとも劣らない
Good times. Where would you go... Anywhere in the world?
Sweden. I like vikings... A sword in my hand, a good ship under my feet.
Pillage and plunder... I knew that under that lawman exterior beats the heart of a thief.
Pillage 戦利品 plunder 略奪品 lawman 法執行者 exterior 外部の
Well, maybe I just like hats with horns. That's our guy... Undersecretary of Asian Affairs.
Undersecretary 次官
He asked for us?
What does the State Department want with the FBI?
Let's ask him.
Agent Burke? Adam Wilson. And you must be Neal Caffrey. Thanks for coming.
It's not often get a request from the U.N. ambassador's office. How can we help?
His name is Christopher Harlowe. He's an American college student being held in Kabaw prison in Burma.
He's accused of smuggling a ruby out of the country.
Gem smuggling in Burma... That's serious.
We believe the charges are trumped up.
trumped up でっちあげ
You think they grabbed him to embarrass the U.S.?
It's possible. Our relations with Burma aren't good. We're in the middle of trade negotiations that aren't moving. This is a kid with no criminal record, no prior travel or contacts in the region.
I sympathize with your problem, but where do we come in?
sympathize 同情する
We've heard chatter that the ruby was smuggled out of Burma by someone else and that it's here in Manhattan.
chatter 傍受通信
We find the real smuggler, and the case against Christopher falls apart.
Exactly. Can you help?
Christopher Harlowe is charged with stealing this... the Mandalay Ruby. It's a 237-carat pigeon blood.
Pigeon blood?
It's a local description of the deep-red color of the most prized Burmese gems. No pigeons were harmed in the mining of this ruby.
I'll take mine medium rare.
That's good to know. In the last year, it was held in a secured vault at a state mining facility, under army guard, in the middle of a jungle.
That's good to know 教えてくれてありがとう
Not exactly a prime location for a college kid to just walk in and grab it.
No. The mine is in the Mogok Valley. You can get there by a helicopter or a seven-hour jeep ride over some nasty terrain.
terrain 地形
You just know these things?
Yeah, that's why they keep me around. You'd need some muscle, a cargo plane, and a few grand in bribe money just to get started.
bribe わいろ
You would?
And who knows what else? Because I've never considered stealing gems in Burma. Wow.
What if this kid's guilty?
We're working under the assumption he's not. If we find the thief in Manhattan, then the Burmese case against Christopher falls apart. So, Diana, Jones, see if any of our usual gem fences have been in Burma lately.
assumption 仮定
Got it.
Sniff around my contacts and see if anybody's hocking a 237-carat pigeon blood.
Sniff 傍受する
That's why I keep you around.
You know, you look at the world differently when you've crossed the Irrawaddy River on the shoulders of an elephant.
You've been to Burma?
Myanmar. Guess I missed that postcard.
Thank you for referring to our country by its true name.
Of course.
We changed our name to Myanmar in 1989 after...
After a military junta took over, I know. But America still recognizes it as Burma.
junta ホンタ
One of the many reasons we find negotiating with your country difficult. This is ambassador Than Kyi.
Gentlemen. I'm sorry we couldn't meet under better circumstances.
Special agent Burke, FBI, and this is my consultant, Neal Caffrey.
Mr.Caffrey. You understand that my government is under no obligation to turn over the DVD of Christopher Harlowe's confession, as this is purely an internal matter.
obligation 義務
I'm sure pressure from amnesty international to confirm the health and well-being of Christopher Harlowe had nothing to do with it, either.
amnesty アムネスティー
The DVD will verify that he is being well-treated.
verify 検証する
But also that he's guilty of the theft.
Sadly, yes.
Ambassador Kyi, if we prove that someone else stole the ruby, I assume you would release Christopher?
Well, of course I would bring that evidence to our courts.
I believe the Myanmar people have a saying... Even if the truth is buried for centuries, it will eventually come out and thrive.
thrive 力強くなる
Yes. But keep in mind that he will be sentenced in one week. After that, it would be very difficult to reverse the decision, despite our proverbs.
sentence 判決を下す despite かかわらず proverb 格言
Thank you, ambassador.
You're quite welcome.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Yeah, maybe we'll meet again under less-political circumstances.
That would be nice.
Love that you had that Burmese proverb ready to go.
They also say, "beware a man's shadow and a bee's sting."
beware 警戒する
What does that mean?
I have no idea.
Then you used the right one.
Did he just trash a parking ticket?
Yeah, just like it was a bubble-gum wrapper. Diplomatic immunity.
Diplomatic immunity 外交特権
The bane of meter maids everywhere.
bane 破滅
Yeah. This case is going to be different than we're used to. Our laws don't apply.
I hope Chris can hold out the week.
hold out もちこたえる
For whatever reason, they want to make an example out of him.
Once he's sentenced by the junta, no civilian court will overturn his verdict.
verdict 裁定
We have one week to prove he didn't do it.
I don't know how he pulled it off. The Burmese have been stonewalling since Chris' arrest. We weren't even aware there was a tape.
stonewalling 議事妨害
Well, you can thank agent Berrigan for this.
The regional director of Southeast Asia's a friend.
She was able to pressure them into turning over proof of life.
The good thing about this is they wouldn't let us see it unless he was all right.
Go ahead.
State your name.
Christopher Harlowe.
I have some questions. Are you prepared to answer them?
Yes, sir.
Are you being treated well?
I've been given everything I need.
Did you steal the ruby?
That's what I'm accused of.
Did you steal it... Yes or no?
Who helped you?
I was alone.
How did you manage such a feat?
feat 手柄
I crossed the stream into the base. Then I bribed a guard to get the ruby.
That's gonna be hard to refute.
refute 反論する
When you came to us, you already knew that he had confessed.
Yeah, sorry. I should've mentioned that. But Chris has absolutely no criminal record whatsoever.
Chris? We're meeting outside your workplace. You're comfortable calling him Chris. Chris isn't just any kid, is he?
He's your son.
That's why you really came to us.
Yeah. Chris and I have become...distant. He took his mother's name after the divorce. Our contact is down to e-mails at birthdays and holidays, but if the Burmese are made aware that he is my son...
distant よそよそしい
You don't want him used as a bargaining chip.
bargaining chip 交渉の切り札
We may not be close, but I'm still his father. I can't put him in jeopardy.
jeopardy 危機
We'll handle this.
He was doing something with his hand. Do you think he was sending a signal?
The children of diplomats are trained to send messages if they're in trouble.
diplomat 外交官
We're gonna need to get a look at the rest of that tape.