I didn't think I was gonna think about it, but then, I thought about it.
Oh, this pilates instructor was off the charts.Picture Robin, but younger.And bigger boobs.Maybe not bigger, but more shapely, and bigger.
I get her up against the StairMaster, - and we -
Do it.
Spoilers! Anyway, we do it.
It's done.Thank you, Michael.
Look, I know, it was stupid.But you have to understand, back then I was still really upset about the breakup.I was going through my mourning period.There was a lot of Scotch and a lot of long nights at the shooting range.
mourning 嘆く
Hmm.I hope those weren't the same nights.
Geez, Lily, it's not like I remember all of them.
Hey, babe, did you know that Robin was going through a mourning period? I mean, she seemed fine after the breakup.
Oh, you know how she is.She tries to keep her emotions to herself.But, yeah, I caught her crying a couple times.
She cried? Like real tears? But that means Oh, no.
And then Marshall realized what a jackass he'd been to Robin.
Exactly.Barney's dating again and he couldn't be happier.I mean, that guy has been active sexually.All right, he's just been like, bang, bang, bang! You know, it's like, bang, bang, bang, bang.Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bangity bang I said a bang, bang, bang, bangity bang bang, bang, bang Bang, bang, bangity bang I said a bang, bang, bangity bang
How could you let me do that? You're my wife.You're supposed to stop me from embarrassing myself in public.
I know.But that song's kind of catchy.Bang, bang, bangity bang Bang, bang, bangity bang I said, bang, bang, bangity bang Bang, bang, bangity bang
Damn it! I've read the thing cover to cover and I can't find a loophole.What am I gonna do?
Well, there is one other option, - but you're not ready.
Tell me.
Well, if you have to seal the deal in just one date, it's got to be one doozy of a date, right? I'm not talking dinner and a movie.I'm not talking mini-golf.I'm talking 17 dates' worth of romance wrapped up into one incredible night.I'm talking about a superdate.
A superdate?
That sounds kind of lame.What if we call it a megadate?
If you want my help, it's a superdate.
All right.
Leave it to me.I'll plan the whole thing.
You're gonna plan the whole thing?
I bet it'll be all gooey and romantic, huh?
Gooey and romantic? Gooey and romantic? Barney.You don't have to take her to Paris or Peru
Uh, Ted, what are you doing?
You just have to make her understand
Ted, people are looking at us.
What she means to you
Oh, God, really? You're really gonna do this right now?
On your superdate Troubles of the world will simply have to wait For wonders and amazement served up on a silver plate Hurry up now, don't be late 'Cause hand in hand You'll find a land Where paradise awaits And then, boom! Fireworks over the Manhattan skyline, you kiss her And that's your superdate -
That sounds gooey and romantic.
Strip club?
Strip club.
Finally, the night of the big dates arrived.
So, tonight's the big night.Where's the D-bag taking you? That's not a good nickname for Don.I'll think of a better one.
You know, that, I just I cancelled.
What do you mean you Wait Hey
Hey, what's wrong?
Robin cancelled her date.
What? She was totally psyched for it, like an hour ago.
Robin Scherbatsky, you look like the classiest, most expensive prostitute ever.
Oh, thank you.
I take it you're excited to go out with Don?
You know what, I kind of am.Don't tell Marshall.
I won't.I bet you'll have a nice time tonight.
Not, however, a super time.A super time will be had by Barney on his date with Anita.Yep.Carriage ride, dinner at Le Tombeur des Culottes.They're calling it a superdate.So
Ted! How could you do that? Robin just got over her mourning period.
She seemed so happy after the breakup.
Oh, Ted.So unobservant.Such a guy.She was obviously crushed.
unobservant 不注意な
Wait, but that would mean Oh, no.
And then I realized what a jackass I'd been to Robin.
I said a bang, bang, bangity bang -
Hey, what you singing?
Just a little ditty I wrote about how many girls Barney's been banging lately.
Well, count me in for a verse.
Bang, bang, bangity bang - I said, a bang, bang, bangity bang - Bang, bang, bang Bang, bang, bangity bang I said a bang bang -
No! Oh, God.Where is she?
I think she's in the restroom.
No, guys, guys, I'm fine.