Morning. Again. Ah. There you are.
Oh, don't worry, they delete the audio every 24 hours.
Audio? I thought you said it was only a tracking-- Oh, you are gonna pay for that.
Oh, yeah? You pick up some moves in that Moroccan jail?
Maybe. I would love to go back, but the world's too big to go back to the same place twice, don't you think?
Hm. The world used to be my oyster. Now, I know every oyster bar in my two-mile radius.
oyster 思いのままにできるもの
Two miles. That means you can never come to my place.
Look... my life is complicated. Is that too much for you?
No. I didn't like you because you were a FBI agent.
No. I liked you because you were smart and marginally easy on the eyes. And then, there was the codex. Speaking of, can I ask you something?
marginally わずかに easy on にやさしい
Mm. You wanna know why I'm investigating Chapter 13.
Well, if it's not for the bureau...
When you're a criminal, you get to know other criminals. My friend was in a lot of trouble, and the only person who could help him was a really bad guy, and the payment was Chapter 13. So I stole it.
And you made a copy.
To find out why he wanted it.
That was the right answer because that means that this can still be undone. I mean, do you think the original pages are safe?
Yeah, I'm sure.
So it's possible that they could be returned? I mean, after we figure out why Mosconi wrote the Chapter 13 in the first place and what the stained glass window has to do with all of it...
Rebecca, um... I just-- I think it's best if we distance you from all of this.
Oh. Why?
The guy I gave that chapter to is not someone you wanna know. Trust me.
Right. Of course, of course. I-I trust you. My temp job calls.
Oh. You knock now.
Oh, I had enough of an inkling about what might have transpired last evening to require a drink tray. Oh, you showed her your anklet. And then you showed her your anklet again. That's not a euphemism. You're wearing a robe.
inkling ほのめかし transpire 明らかになる euphemism 湾曲
I told Rebecca everything. Abridged-- nothing about you, and very little about Hagen.
Abridge 要約する
What about stealing the--macchiato?
Thanks, Agent Gruetzner. Never caught your first name.
Mozzie, short for "Mozart."
No further questions. That's all you'll ever know.
I can't believe I thought you worked for the FBI.
Apology accepted.
You look nice, by the way.
Merci. I have a lunch.
I better go.
Everything okay?
Yeah. You two have fun doing...
Morning, Jones.
I just came back from a pawn shop.
pawn 質入れ
Hm, finally decided to unload your action figure collection?
Never. We got a call from the owner.
The watch list? I knew this day would come.
I never thought this particular day would come.
What, that we'd be outside a bastion of the masons, planning to heist a very old, highly fragile 200-pound stained glass window?
bastion 砦・拠点
Well, give or take, depending on the lead content. Crafted by Mosconi in 1887.
Yeah, right before he died.
Or was killed.
It's a big job for two people.
Are you implying that we may need help?
No, I'm just saying we have backup, if we need her.
As devoted as rare books Becca is to our cause, we don't have time for third wheels or--
devoted 献身的な cause 目的
Training wheels. I know. Once we figure out what Hagen wants with it, we can loop her back in.
Is it possible he's making us dance just for his amusement?
Mm. He's not easily amused. Let's focus more on the "how" before we get bogged down on the "why."
bog down 行き詰まる
Step one.
Oh. Modified six-finger. Very precise.
Yeah. The CO2 cartridge gives you the juice.
Well, you can't replace a pane in a window that old without removing the whole thing. The church will call a glass repair service. I'll keep an eye on the place.
When they set up the scaffolding to reach the window...
scaffolding 足場
We'll make our move.
Look what turned up today.
Peter... this is a Welsh gold coin.
Yup. I think it's one of the ones stolen through that travel agency.
Yeah, I'd put money on it. Where'd it come from?
A pawn shop. Someone came in to sell it.
Did the owner give you a name?
Something tells me that's not a name.
It always pays off because the criminal always messes up. It always comes around to bite them.
Must be our lucky day.
Luck had nothing to do with it. I put those coins on an FBI watch list. This was my first case after prison, my last case as a field agent.
Oh, I remember.
And now we have a lead. I'm not gonna stop until I catch the thief who stole that gold.
Well, the suspect dressed up as FDNY, broke through the wall to access the vault and steal the coins.
This is our shot to recover a 1.8 million in rare gold. And we're operating under the assumption that this is part of a larger batch that went missing. I think our thief was testing the waters. What do you think, Neal?
test the water 動向をうかがう
I'd float one coin. Wait to see what happens. It could be. Did the pawn shop owner get an I.D.?
They did.
Sister Minnie O'Malley. She swiped it from the collection basket. You look surprised.
So does she. How many Hail Marys will that get her?
Oh, the sister's not the only one with sticky fingers. This coin has been stolen more than second base at a Cubs game.
sticky 厄介な
We followed the coin's trail, questioned the parishioners who were at St. Magnus's last Sunday. Susan Barrett made the donation after she found it in her son's sock drawer.
Turns out her son Abe stole it from a Cash-for-Gold shop. Set off the alarm, but the owner of the shop didn't want to file a report when NYPD got there.
Probably gets his product primarily from fences.
Exactly. These three are known for trafficking precious metals.
trafficking 不正取引
Find the fence, lean on them to reveal who brought in the coin. Now, while all appear to have dealings with the owner, we may be looking for someone outside our radar.
Anyone you want to add to that list, Caffrey?
I'll hit the streets. See what I can find.
Good. That's it. Neal, hold up.
I want to go with you.
Look, if it is someone new, it's because they're good. They hear the FBI's sniffin' around, they'll go underground.
Fair enough. Make it fast.
All right.
Neal? Uh, while you're you're pounding your pavement, I'm assuming Mozzie has connections with these type of fences.
I'll talk to him, but he has a lunch.
A lunch?
If I interrupt it for FBI business, squealing on a fence will be right below joining Facebook on his to-do list. See ya.
squeal on 密告する
Hey, hon. I know you have lunch plans. Yeah, but I need to swing by your office.
Hey! Can you break a hundred?
Sorry, pal.
Fives, tens, whatever you got. I'll even take Welsh gold.
I'm due in court--
due in court 出廷する
$1.8 million. Less one coin, that is still a lot of money. The FBI's trackin' that coin. When they find your fence, and they will, he's gonna point to you. Look, I know you took a bribe to drop the indictment of Peter Burke.
You're harassing a U.S. attorney. I want your name, so I can charge you with slander.
harass 悩ます slander 名誉棄損
Oh, yeah, sure. It's Neal Caffrey. I'm Agent Burke's criminal informant. I'm also an associate of Curtis Hagen, and I stole the coins you were paid with. Tell me who you brought that coin to. I can run interference.
run interference for 邪魔者を追い払う
Why implicate yourself?
Mutually-assured destruction's a powerful motivator. I need a name.
Mutually-assured 相互保証
Come on, you worked at treasury. You didn't think Welsh gold would be hard to unload?
treasury 財務省
I was presented with a dollar figure.
So it was Hagen's idea to pay you in coins.
And who to go to, to unload the-- he said it would be safe.
If you don't give me a name, nobody is safe.
El told me about your bat phone since day one.
I should have known she'd choose you.
Hm. I have questions.
Hey, it's Neal. Listen, I need Estelle. No, right now.
I am under no obligation to provide answers. In fact, as a citizen of this great country, you actually work for me.
Well, let's get the IRS on the phone, see how much you've chipped in for my salary.
I may have time to entertain a query or two.
Who do you know that fences high-end metals? Platinum, gold, copper?
I am neither informant nor rat.
Oh. Diana's doing well. So is little Theo. I'd hate to break up that maternal bliss and ask her about the Teddy Winters case.
maternal 母性の bliss 至福
That would be unfortunate.
You have a name?
Dekker. In the Flower District.
He traffics metals?
traffic 不正取引する
Sure. Let's go with that. His front is the one with the tulip sign.
That's fresh.