So you ditched Big Brother?
ditch から逃げる
Big sister.
Yeah. She's not gonna follow us. What's with the second hammer? I said one.
You said to surprise you.
Mozz, you're worried about Peter.
I happen to have an arsenal of hammers. Look, you've got half an hour before the exchange. Unless Keller has developed a hammer fetish... I imagine we're smashing something.
arsenal 武器庫
You recognize this spot?
I once met a man in this park who claimed to be John Lennon. And I believed him. The year was 1991.
Hmm. This is where Kate and I used to come. I used to think one day our kids would play in that playground.
I didn't know you thought about kids.
Yeah. Thought we'd grow old here.
You were gonna propose?
I had the whole thing worked out, Mozz. Remember that street violinist?
I had him learn... "Everybody Loves Somebody." He was gonna break into it... when we passed.
break into 急にしだす
Why didn't you tell me?
Would you have approved?
Perhaps not. But the name "Uncle Mozzie" does have a certain je ne sais quoi. I assume you acquired a ring.
Yeah. Figured it was safer here than in a safety deposit box... when I was in prison.
Well, any idiot can rob a bank. That's a McNally solitaire. That's worth at least two...
And-a-half million at the last appraisal.
appraisal 鑑定評価
I thought we had depleted your resources.
deplete 激減する
I guess I was still holding out.
hold out 抱かせる
For what?
Hope. That she wasn't gone.
Fate has a way of putting in front of us that which we most try to leave behind.
have a way of 傾向にある
No. Me during my blue period. Are you really willing to give that up for the suit?
Keeping Peter alive is more important than holding a candle for someone who isn't.
hold a candle to に匹敵する
You should stay hydrated.
stay hydrated 脱水症状にならないようにする
Caffrey is on his way to the exchange.
Check in with Ridgefield?
The transfer is in motion.
Okay, all right. Terrific. Well, you stay here. All right? Don't talk to him. Don't let him talk to you. And don't take your eyes off him. That's nice.
Lang, did I hear you mention Ridgefield?
Keep your mouth shut.
Ridgefield. Private security firm that the government has contracted out to transfer prisoners.
Could be. Or maybe I have a cousin Elmo Ridgefield.
Sounds to me like you're helping Keller escape during his transfer. You're meeting Neal for an exchange. So you're using whatever he gives you to buy off Ridgefield. And they're gonna let Keller escape during the transfer.
You are a smart guy. You know what? I genuinely like watching you work. So you probably also picked up on the fact that I don't care if you heard us.
genuinely 誠実に
Which means you don't intend to let me go. You intend to kill me.
intend するつもりである
No. No, I don't intend to kill you.
No. Keller does. Once he's free.
Keep an eye on our friend.
Um, I'm selling magazines. Uh, Suit Quarterly anyone? No? Clearly I have the wrong house.
It's okay. He's a friend. We can talk on the patio.
Did Neal send you?
No. I came of my own volition.
volition 意思
Look, I don't know anything and it's killing me.
Listen, I don't usually give these guys much credit. But between them and Neal... Peter is gonna be home in time for dinner tonight.
in time for 遅れずに
Do you know that? Mozz, what do you know?
Neal is meeting with the bad guys to strike a deal. He's also giving them what they want to ensure your husband's safe return.
strike a deal 取引をまとめる
Peter and I had a fight this morning.
I'm sure it was nothing.
Well, there's never small fights. It's... If you don't resolve them, they fester. And this is the first morning that we didn't. I thought he would've loved that I picked up the dry cleaning.
fester 悩ます
Seriously? This is about dry cleaning? I'm sorry. The longest relationship I've had is 11 days. And then she deflated. I'm kidding. Go on.
deflate しょげる
Last thing I said to him was, "Have a wonderful day."
Now, I'm guessing in a fight about dry cleaning that that's pretty severe.
severe やっかいな
We're not like most couples, Mozz. We work. I don't wanna lose him.
Look, I understand how hard this is. Particularly when the suits won't tell you anything. That's why I want you to have this. I'm gonna drop a bug in there so you can hear what they hear. When they hear it.
Thank you.
Oh, wow, I have a set of these. Oh, wait. No. These aren't Russian military surplus.