ハイライトは"It's a shame he's dead"



White Color(ホワイトカラー) シーズン1【原題】Pilot

We've got a dead book dealer, a killer lawyer, and a bunch of worthless books.

a bunch of = a lot of

All right.

Come on.

As a reformed professional counterfeiter, what is the Dutchman's interest in these?

reform 改心する counterfeiter 詐欺師

Published 1944 in Madrid.

This is what he's after.

after 〜を欲しがってという前置詞の役割もある

The top sheet?

More than that.


This is a piece of 1944 Spanish Press Parchment.

Parchment 羊皮紙

That's what he wanted.


This is good.

He's gonna counterfeit something that was originally printed on paper like that?

counterfeit 偽造する

That's what I would do.


Tony made three prior shipments with these.

prior 前の shipments 渡航

Two blank pages per book is 600 sheets.

Too many for paintings, not enough for currency.


I bet our deadbook dealer knew.

I bet 賭けても良い

Diana, where's that wallet?

It's right here.


This is where he went the day before he left Spain.

This is where 〜 ここが〜だ the day before 〜 〜する前の日

Yeah, I do remember him.

do 動詞の強調

He came by several months ago and then again last week.

come by 立ち寄る

This is what he came to see.

The Spanish Victory Bond.


He took several photographs of it.

Said he was gonna write a book.

It's a shame he's dead.

It's a shame 〜なのは残念だ 恥ずかしいとは違う意味になるので注意

This Bond does have a fascinating history.

do 動詞の強調 fascinating history 逸話

It's a Goya.


Beautiful, isn't it?

Oh, look at that.

A perfect fit.

You're starting to earn your $700 a month.

You said it had a fascinating history.



It was issued during the war.

issue 発行する



Yeah, the U.S.

Issued it to support the Spanish Underground in their battle against the Axis.

Very few have ever been redeemed.

redeem 換金する

There's speculation that entire boxes were captured and many of them are still hidden away in the caves of Altamira.

speculation 憶測・意見 entire 全ての capture 捕獲する hidden away 隠されている caves 洞穴

Whole boxes of these?


Boy, that would be something, wouldn't it?


This is the only surviving copy.

Except it's a forgery.

forgery 偽造


That's not possible.

What are you talking about?

It's the ink.

This is iron-gal dye mixed to match period colors, but it hasn't dried yet.

period 年代 iron-gal dye 無理に日本語にしない

You can still smell the gum arabic.

the gum Arabic アラビアガム

Uh, no.

This has been here since 1952.

It's been here less than a week.

less than a week 一週間以内


Tony makes two trips.

The first time, he takes a picture of the Bond.

His second trip in, he steals the original and replaces it with this copy.

Can we confirm that?

confirm 裏付ける

The timed ink-identification test puts the age of the Bond at approximately six days, which coincides with Tony's visit.

The timed ink-identification test テスト方法の名前 put A at B AをBと評価する approximately だいたい coincide with 一致する

We're pulling surveillance video to back it up.

pull 差し押さえる surveillance video 監視カメラ映像


So the question is, why go to the trouble of making a really nice forgery, on the right kind of paper, just to stick it back in the archives?

why 動詞の原形 なぜ〜する必要がある right kind of 適切な種類の stick A in B AをBに置いてくる

Is the Bond still negotiable?

negotiable 交渉可能

It's a zero option, so it never expires.


What's it worth?

$1,000 face value.

face value 額面

Drawing 9% interest.

draw 利子を生む interest 利子

Compounded for 64 years.

compounded for 複利計算で


What he said.


Quarter of a million.

Not chump change.

chump change はした金 Not chump change 大金。日本人の感覚だと逆じゃない?大金があってそれの否定。

And he's got 600 sheets of the stuff.

$150 million...Give or take.

He'd be a rich man if he could pass them off.

"pass A off" Aと言う偽物をつかませる(売る)

But it still doesn't tell us why he would take out the real Bond and put in a forgery.


I think it does.

What if he claimed he found boxes of the original bonds?

claime 主張する

Dragged them out of those caves in Spain.

Dragge 引っ張り出す


How would they be authenticated?

authenticate 証明する

They'd be taken to the archives and compared to the original.

archives 資料館

Which he's already switched out with one of his own copies.

switch out with 〜と入れ替える

So of course they're gonna match.

Oh, this is good.

This is really good.

All right.

Let's think about this.

It's Elizabeth.

Would you believe me if I said I was pulling up right in front of the house now?

Would you believe me 信じてくれる? pull up 駐車する

You lost track of time.


It happens.


I hope you didn't make dinner.

Did you forget who you married?

I am smarter than that.

So, how's Neal doing?


He met Diana.

Oh, a woman who can resist his charms.

resist 我慢する 〜に侵されない I can't resist chocolate チョコレートに目がない

Bet that's taking some getting used to.

"take some doing" かなりの努力がいる 慣れるのに時間がかかりそう

Is he helping?

We're onto something here, El.

"be onto A" Aに気がつく、(特に悪事を見つける)

So I won't wait up.

wait up 寝ずに待つ

I'm leaving.

10 minutes.

I promise.

20 at the most.

I know.


Chew your food.

chew 噛む

You sound like your father.

事件発生 モジー登場



"a bunch of"が出てきた。学校では習った記憶がないなあ。"a lot of" "much" "meny" あたりは記憶にあるけど。
イラつくピーターにニールが結果を出し始める。reformed professional counterfeiter として。改心してるかどうかはわからないけど。
"That's what he wanted" これが彼が欲しがってたものか → "That's what I wanted to say" 言おうと思ってたことはそれ。"That's my point."とか使いたい。
"too many for〜, not enugh for〜" これも使いどころありそう。帯に短し襷に長し的な使い方。
"I bet 〜" 賭けても良い〜だ。もたまに見かける。
"It's a shame he's dead" 残念なことに亡くなったんですよね。shame は恥ずかしいと思いこんでいると失敗しそう。
ニールの暗算の速さにダイアナもジョーンズも驚く。"What he said" 推理がまとまってきたところでエリザベスから電話。

"Would you believe me if I said〜" って言ったら信じてくれるかい?ってその嘘になんか意味ある?ピーター。
それに対してエリザベスが"You lost track of time" と時間を忘れてたんだから仕方ないって。"It happens" そういうことあるある。
"I hope you didn't make dinner" に対してホントは用意して待ってたのに、"Did you forget who you married?" 誰と結婚したと思ってるの?って素敵な返答。
サッチモにピーターの夕食を食べさせ、"Chew your food.You sound like your father." よく噛んで食べなさい。お父さんみたいに音をたてないの。

ハイライトは"It's a shame he's dead" shameを恥と覚えていると痛い目に合いそうなのでこれ。 resistも重要かな。"I can't resist the temptation of another gulp" もう一杯飲まずにはいられない。 temptation はロマサガの七英雄の一人・ロックブーケが使う技で魅了する。 ゲームや漫画とかでも知らないうちに英単語とか覚えることある。 Bleachはスペイン語の単語がわりとでてくる。エスパーダとか。