You know D.C. was built on a swamp, right?
swamp 沼地
Total myth-- it was all wetlands.
That's a distinction without a difference. Pack a mosquito net.
I'm from upstate. Our mosquitoes resemble small buzzards. I'll be fine.
resemble 似ている
That experience with bloodsuckers will come in handy when you start rubbing elbows with congressmen.
Well, thankfully, politics is only part of my new job. Gosh, you know, these last few months have been...
"Insane" will do.
Yeah. Look, Rebecca deceived us all. Are you holding up okay?
Rebecca's behind me. Right now I'd rather focus on what my future looks like.
Good, which is why I've been giving a lot of thought as to who your next handler will be.
That's not the future I have in mind.
The promotion at D.C.-- your case history was a huge factor in that decision, right?
That's right. It was based in part on my successes as a field agent.
Our successes. No more handlers, no more cases, no more anklet.
Neal, what are you saying?
I'm saying I want my sentence to be dropped. I've talked to a lawyer. A recommendation from you is critical.
Neal, you have time to serve. Being ASAC doesn't mean I give you special treatment.
It has nothing to do with rank. It's because you're my supervising officer. I'm asking you to do what's right.
Oh, I have spent a lot of my time with you thinking about what's right. And what I've learned is that there's never a simple answer.
Hey, I just got off the phone with the prosecutor's office. You know the print on the bullet inside Rebecca's gun?
They're moving to indict?
indict 起訴する
Yeah, first thing tomorrow morning.
It's over, Neal.
Yeah, it's over.
Listen, they want the evidence boxed up and shipped immediately. You want me to round up a couple of probies?
You know, on my very first case, Hughes had me bag and tag all the evidence myself. It's only fitting that I do it on my last case. Come on, Neal, let's box it all up.
it is only fitting that 当然のことだ。
All of it?
All of it. Ready, Neal?
Beers at work?
Yeah. I know you're a stickler for rules, but if was ever there was a time to break one, it's now. Besides, we are officially off the clock. Mm. That yours?
No, I thought it was yours.
No. It's one of Rebecca's burner phones.
Her voice-mail access will be password protected.
The tech guys unlocked all her phones. It should be as simple as...
Rebecca Lowe, I got this number from one of your associates. I'm in need of your... services immediately. Call me back.
We need to see where this leads. If Rebecca's other clients are anything like Hagen...
Someone could end up dead.
The caller got her name and number secondhand. We could send someone undercover to meet him.
If he knows what she looks like, he'll bolt. But if he doesn't...
bolt 逃亡する
We have a case. Now, normally, I'd send you in undercover for something like this.
This isn't Some Like It Hot. You have someone good in mind?
Yeah, one of the best agents I know-- smart, relentless, tough.
relentless 容赦ない
Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound?
Wouldn't be surprised.
Hey, boss. Let's get to work.
So let me get this straight. After we find out the client's identity, I have to impersonate Rebecca, who's really Rachel, hoping he doesn't know that she isn't a biracial woman who has to pump every three hours?
biracial 二人種の
I'm a fantastic multitasker. I'll do it on the fly. Then I determine what the job is, pretend to carry it out, and deliver evidence of completion to our mystery man, which, given Rebecca's history, might include murder.
on the fly アドリブで
Yeah. Look, Diana, truth is, who knows if we even have a case? You know, I just wanted to bring you up to speed. Tons of unknowns, and I'm not sure if we'll pursue it.
bring up to speed 必要な情報を与える
Peter, I'm in. A bad guy wants to hire a bad girl to do some really bad stuff. I'm the best person in the division to keep that from happening. You know that.
I do.
Good. Now, I got to go change, and so does he. You know your way around a dirty diaper, right?
Neal, the damn codex-- you have any idea what happens when you commit something like that to memory?
It haunts you.
Exactly! Try to sleep-- codex. Sit down to a delicious bowl of muesli-- codex. All these signs and symbols floating around in my head, combining, separating, recombining, mocking me.
mock あざ笑う
Relax. Now that Rebecca is gone, we can take a breath and go at this the right way. Think about it. Nobody is looking for the diamond except us.
You're right. This could be it. Everything we've always dreamed about--it's within reach. With the money from the diamond, we could build a small consortium, a network of associates, properly financed cons. Maybe even a few small drones.
Drones? Ah, I see you've really thought this through.
It's perfect. An illegitimate empire paid for with the legitimate proceeds from the diamond. Neal, it's our cotillion.
Oh, that's Peter. I got to run. We're tracking someone who contacted Rebecca about doing a job. Diana's coming off maternity leave to go undercover.
What will she do with Teddy?
You mean Theo? Well, like most women from Gloria Steinem on, she'll probably hire a babysitter.
I've never even met my namesake, yet some stranger is gonna mold his young, pliable mind? I delivered that child, Neal.
pliable 影響を受けやすい
How about we channel that righteous indignation into finding the diamond?
channel 導く righteous 正しい indignation 怒り
Welcome back, Agent Berrigan.
Thank you, Agent Jones. Now... what do we know about this guy?
Nothing. We've got a short voice mail and a phone.
Yeah, no I.D., no location.
Whoever he is, if he doesn't hear back from Rebecca Lowe, he'll find someone else for the job. We can't let that happen.
I agree. If this is all we've got, let's use it.
I was hoping you'd call sooner.
I call when I call. What's the assignment?
All pertinent information will be left at a drop site this afternoon.
pertinent 関連のある
I was given to understand this is how you did things.
Then you understood wrong. We meet in person in public. Those are my rules. If you don't like them, too bad.
Crawford Plaza, tomorrow at noon. My associate briefed me on your signal. I'll be looking for it.
Any bright ideas on what Rebecca's signal could be?
There's one way to find out.
She may not have much to say, Neal, not to me.
Well, I'm sure you have ways of getting her to talk. Are you in contact with the van?
Up and running. I'll try to make it fast.
Agent Burke... I never thought I'd actually look forward to a trip to the FBI. Didn't feel like coming down to the correction center? Don't like seeing what happens to the stuff you flush down the drain?
correction center 更生施設
I like to control my environment, which makes two of us.
I could have killed you, you know. I had you in my sights several times. But I never would have done that to Neal. It would have torn him up. Why am I here?
To strike a deal.
Don't suppose you could help me with these.
Your cell right now-- I hear it's pretty grim. I can talk to the warden about getting you some southern exposure.
grim 深刻な
Not interested.
An extra hour or two in the yard every day?
You know I only want one thing. But what is it that you want?
I want to know the signal you use when first making contact with a client.
Hmm. Just to quench your curiosity? Something to put in the scrapbook? Or did I get a job? Hmm. It's good to feel wanted.
quench 抑える
Your signal-- what is it?
I'm not telling you. But I will tell Neal, after I've had a chance to talk to him about a few things.
No can do. I'm sure glad I didn't waste a drive down to the MCC. Enjoy your view of civilization while you can.
Okay. Okay, I will tell you. But then I want to see him. Those are my terms.
How's that sound, Neal? Looks like we have a deal.
The signal is a watch, worn on the left hand, banded upside down.
What time?
It should be set to 10:20. Happy?
That you'll soon be serving two consecutive life sentences? Yeah, I'm ecstatic.
ecstatic 有頂天になった
I gave you what you wanted. Now it's my turn.