I had no idea that food could be this delicious.
Marshall, you are being crazy.
No, no, I can handle it.If I sell my laptop, we can get seconds on those squash blossoms.
I mean about Lily.
Well, you know, she's being crazy, too.
She's pregnant.She gets to be crazy.You have to be the sane one.
sane 正気の
So what, I don't get to be crazy again until the baby comes?
No.Then it's baby's turn to be crazy.
When do I get to be crazy again?
We are totally even.
We absolutely are not even, and here's why.I'll grant you that if you include the 12 points for designing the skyscraper, the 83 points for slapping five with Tommy Lee and the 9,000 points for banging Robin before me, our point totals would be about neck and neck, but there's one thing you're forgetting.
neck and neck 接戦
The fact that I don't care?
No.And you just lost five points for sass.Do you remember a conversation we had about three years ago?
sass 生意気
Barney, you're the king.Nobody picks up chicks like you.You're handsome, debonair, everything I wish I could be.
debonair 礼儀正しい
I'm starting to think this never happened.
Let you finish.
You're smooth, charismatic, sauve.
smooth 上品 charismatic カリスマ的
I think you mean suave.
suave 温厚な
Aha.So you do remember.
But there's one thing even a master ladies' man like you could never do, and if you could ever do it, it would be worth 500 points.
You have my attention, my slightly shorter friend.
Here's the challenge.Get a girl's phone number while you're wearing a dress.
Accomplished.That's right.Last year, I slapped on a dress, took a few laps around this very bar, and I got this: the phone number of one Stephanie McColgan.Later that night, I took off my pantyhose, and gave her panties my hose.That's right, Ted.I am 500 points ahead.Until you can get a girl's digits while wearing a dress, you and I will never be even.
Accomplish 遂行する slap on 素早く着る
You know what? The super's probably waiting for me, and I just remembered there's a spare key under the doormat, so good night.
Wait, wait.Ted, don't go.
Barney, I am leaving.I'm afraid this is just one of those nights we're probably going to forget.
I don't think so, dude.Look.
If you're just joining us, the World Wide News Eye in the Sky traffic chopper is out of control over Manhattan and being piloted by our own Robin Scherbatsky.This probably won't end well.
Kids, every now and then, New York has a moment when every eye in the city is watching the same thing.This was one of those moments.We all watched breathlessly as the pilot on the ground told her what to do, and against all odds, your Aunt Robin landed that helicopter.
I did it.I did it!
The pilot survived and made a full recovery.And Robin?
It's Robin Scherbatsky, everybody!
Thank you so much.Oh, okay
Robin got famous.In the next few days, she would meet the mayor, go on Letterman and even have a deli sandwich named after her.But most importantly, that night, she got a call, text or e-mail from almost everyone she'd ever met.
Hey, Marshall.
Hey, Lil.
Hey, Barney.Yes, I know you're dating a stripper.Mm-hmm.
Hey, Dad.You proud of your little girl? Okay, I'll keep trying.
Babe, I think I know why you had that sex dream about Ranjit.
Think about it.The way he talks about his kids.He's a wonderful father.Just like Papa Smurf, Bill Cosby George Washington, the father of our country.You're attracted to great dads.And that's why you love me.Because I'm going to be the greatest dad ever.
Sure, that must be it.
Lily decided not to tell Marshall about her dream involving Frankenstein and the tea cup from Beauty and the Beast.That one was just for her.
Okay, Barney, I got to go.
What? In the middle of "The Night You Got Locked Out in Your Pajamas and Robin Landed a Freaking Helicopter and There's Still Time to Reunite Genesis?"
Dude, you got your wish.It's a night we'll always remember.Why can't we just go home?
I can't go home, Ted.
Why not?
Because I'm dating a stripper.
Yes, I've seen your bus ad.I get it.
No, you don't.Every night, between 9:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m., I'm in hell.All I can think about is what Quinn is doing and where she is doing it and who she is doing it on.If I don't do something to take my mind off of it You're lucky that you can just go sit around the house, Ted.I don't have that option.
Wow.You're in love with this girl.
I really am, Ted.I mean she's a stripper.
Later that night The next night, all I wanted to do was enjoy a night at home.But there was something I had to do.
It wasn't easy, but by God, after a long night of trying
Okay.Now we're even.Scoreboard.
More than a legendary night we'd remember forever, Uncle Barney needed a bro to help him forget.In this case, a bro in a dress.
I'm proud of you.Are you wearing perfume?
It's a unisex fragrance.It was in Details.
It's nice.
It's perfume.