Ted: Hey,you're home. I didn't think we'd be seeing you until tomorrow morning.
Marshall: Ha,ha,ha,ha. It wasn't a date. Okay, it was a date and it got way weird.
Marshall: Oh, you really don't have to do that.
Brad: No, I insist. You're my guest.
insist 主張する
Marshall: Thanks, Brad.
Brad: Bro. You got some chocolate on your chin. Still there. I'll get that bad boy.
Ted: Woah!
Robin: Well, it could have been worse. It could have fallen in your lap.
fall in someone's lap にひょっこり舞い込む 図らずも手に入れてしまうこと
Marshall: It gets worse.
Marshall: No, I can do it, Brad. Okay,thank you.
Brad: So anyway,ah,it's this Saturday. Do you want to come?
Marshall: You want me to go to a wedding with you?
Ted: Okay, that's not too bad. Two single guys on the prowl. It'll be like "Wedding crashers".
prowl うろつく、ぶらつく
Robin: Just keep Brad away from the bouquet.
Marshall: It gets worse.
Brad: It gets better.The foliage in Vermont this time of year is ridonc.
foliage 木の葉 ridonc An abbreviated form of "ridonculous," meaning "ridiculous"
Marshall: Vermont?
Brad: Yeah,the wedding's at this awesome B&B. Kara and I used to go there. Anyway, there is one room left,and we got it. Walt Whitman Suite, bro.
Ted: You said no, right?
Marshall: Of course.
Brad: I understand. It's cool. It's the first time I was going to see my college friends since Kara left me. I just... I just miss her so much.
Marshall: I'll go to Vermont with you.
Brad: That's great! You know, uh, they're registered at Pottery Barn. I figure we could go halfsies on a gravy boat.
register at 泊まる
Ted: I'm sorry. It's not funny anymore.
Marshall: Damn you,brunch! This guy's crazy, right?
Ted: Look,I don't think he's crazy. I just think he's suffering from a severe case of girlfriend withdrawal. And unfortunately, you're his nicotine patch.
suffer from 〜に悩まされる severe 耐え難い withdrawal 離脱
Robin: And now you have to do what every dysfunctional couple has to do Break up.
dysfunctional 機能不全の
Marshall: You're right. You're right. I promised Brad I would go to the wedding with him,and then that is it.
Ted: Good man.
Lily: Oh,I think we made the right decision going for the custom-made italian sheets.
Barney: Hey, if my bed's going suit up, it's going to do it right. Want to give it a whirl?
give it a whirl 試しにやってみる
Lily: Oh. Ooooh!
Barney: All right, I'm going to head out, hit the bars. What are you going to do tonight?
head out 出発する
Lily: Oh, I was just going to watch "Letterman" but, God this bed is so comfy. I wish you had a TV in here. Okay, seriously, what do you do for a living?
comfy 心地良い
Barney: Please.
Lily: I thought you were going out.
Barney: Eh. After the monologue.
Narator: The next morning, as the sun rose over Manhattan, your Uncle Marshall headed over to Brad's apartment to leave for the wedding in Vermont. But when he got there...
Marshall: No. No... No. No! No! Ted. Um, Brad got me flowers.
Ted: Hold on. Brad got him flowers. I'm sorry. It just got funny again.
Brad: Oh, hey...
Marshall: No, Brad, uh, I don't want to hear it. I do like you. And calla lilies are my favorite flower. I don't know how you knew that. I guess you just get me, but this is not cool, man. I can't believe that you would...
Girl: Hey,sweetie.
Brad: Hey.
Girl: Aww. Hey, Marshall.
Marshall: Hi, Kara. So you guys,are like back together now?
Brad: Yeah. Happened last night. Uh, I'm sorry, bro. I should have called you.
Marshall: Yeah, you should have.
Brad: Well, I didn't mean to hurt...
Marshall: Don't, Brad. Just don't.
Kara: Oh, what was with him?
Brad: I don't know. I think he's in love with me.
Barney: Aaaaaah!
Lily: Aaaaaaaaaaah!
Barney: I can't believe we just... You and I... What have we done?
Lily: Nothing. Nothing happened. We... We just went to sleep.
Barney: "Just went to sleep"? I don't sleep in the same bed as a woman and not make a move. How could... You! You spooned me against my will.
spoon 側位 いちゃつく
Lily: Hey,it takes two to cuddle.
cuddle 〜を抱き締める
Barney: We... We redecorated my place. We stayed in on a friday night to watch "Letterman", and then slept together and didn't have sex? Oh my God! We're in a relationship!
Lily: That's what you think a relationship is?
Barney: You were supposed to be the vaccine, but you gave me the disease. You gotta go.
vaccine ワクチン
Lily: Barney. I don't think you're mad at me. You're mad at yourself. You let down your guard, and let someone into your life, and... And it actually felt okay. And that terrifies you.
Barney: Uh-uh. You gotta go.
Lily: Hey, you can't just kick me out! I put a lot of work into this place, and I've grown accustomed to a certain standard of living.
put a lot of work into 非常に力を入れる accustom 順応する
Barney: "A certain standard of living"? You didn't pay a single...
Narator: And so Mr. and Mrs. Stinson, after two weeks of marriage, decided to call it quits. Fortunately, they reached a settlement. And that's the story of how Aunt Lily furnished her apartment.
call it quits 終わりにする reach a settlement 合意に至る furnish 家具などを備え付ける
Narator: Marshall ran into Brad again some time later.
Marshall: Oh my God, it's Brad. Laugh like I said something really funny.
Ted: That was great.
Marshall: Right? Right?
Brad: Hey, Marshall.
Marshall: Oh, hey, hey, how's it going?
Brad: It's good. Hey, I'm uh...
Ted: Yeah, I know who you are.
Brad: Well,I got to go. I got this thing.
Marshall: Yeah, me too, but more important.
Brad: So, I guess I'll see you around.
Marshall: Sure. Sure. Even if you don't believe it, tell me he looks fat.
Ted: Totally looks fat.