Before I tell you anything, I want complete immunity and the truth behind DARPA's
DARPA 国防高等研究計画局
No and no. You are still a suspect in a dozen other crimes. Start talking.
Fine. But the statute of limitation protects crimes committed by a minor.
statute of limitation 時効 commit 犯す minor 未成年の
Minor? How long ago did this happen?
When I was 12.
You were 12 when you stole 500 grand from the Detroit mob?
Gifted child.
There's your immunity. Talk.
Look, when you're an orphan, a-a family is like your holy grail. Mr.Jeffries worked really hard to find me one, and he did, a wonderful urbane couple from Sterling Heights. They taught me about all the finest things in life -- music, art. They were quite decent... ...for people who wore suits.
holy grail 渇望の品 urbane 礼儀正しい decent 寛大な
What went wrong?
They had a son -- an only child. Their son -- he got jealous, so he stole a priceless family heirloom and pinned the crime on me, and I got scared... Ran away. I hit the streets.
heirloom 家宝
I got a job making book for a numbers guy. Before long, I knew the business better than he did.
I'm telling you, Biggie, if we open a policy bank, we can centralize where runners report bets, we can hire more people, and we can triple our profits.
centralize 集中させる
Ah! Get lost, kid.
Biggie? Seriously?
Problem was, who's gonna trust a kid? Adults like to feel superior. They want to think they're smarter than everyone else. So I learned the art of the con.
superior 見下したような
Dang, Bruno, six in a row! Sometimes I wish I worked for someone who knew what he was doing, someone with some brains, you know? Like you. Oh, Bruno, not the hair, man.
You got yourself a patsy.
patsy だまされやすい人
You use what you learn.
I talked Bruno into opening a back office in a betting parlor. He was the public face of the Dentist. I was the brains.
parlor 営業所
Why "the Dentist"?
I was 12. A Dentist was the scariest thing I could think of, and...it worked.
Together, Bruno and I ran the biggest street lottery in town, had runners working for us all over the city.
Whoa. The Dentist is busy. Come back later.
People loved us... Except the ones who owed us money. That's when de Luca came in. He didn't like me cutting into his profits.
cut into one's profits 利益に食い込む
Frankie Jr., stay by the car.
De Luca caught wind of the Dentist, threatened Bruno into closing shop.
catch wind of 気配を察する
What are you looking at?
I wanted payback, so I got de Luca Sr. on a wire con. He went in for 500 large.
go in for 手に入れようとする
How'd he find out you were the kid behind the curtain?
Bruno sold me out. He told them I was the Dentist. I had to retire the moniker -- no more Dentist. I took the money, left for New York, and became a new person.
moniker 呼称
All right, what about everything attributed to the Dentist since then?
De Luca didn't want the world to know he'd been taken by a prepubescent grifter.
prepubescent 思春期前の grifter ペテン師
He started the rumor that the Dentist was Superman.
Yep. The Dentist became the perfect patsy for every criminal in the northeast.
You're a living conspiracy theory.
See? They do exist.
Ohio turnpike clocked Jeffries' car running a toll a couple of hours ago.
turnpike 高速道路料金所 clock 気づく toll 料金所
Mr.Jeffries would never run a toll. He's a very conscientious driver. Wait! That's another clue! Do they have a photo?
conscientious 良心的な
It's on its way.
Look, Mozzie's given us everything we need to run the con on O'Leary. What are you gonna do with him now?
I'm gonna check and recheck every case in this file. Your story better hold up.
hold up 真実であることが分かる
It will.
You're in danger, and you're a liability to us on the street. Jones, take him to a safe house.
liability 不利益になる
An FBI-monitored safe house? That's legalized torture!
torture 拷問
It's that, or I set you in lockdown until this is over.
Ah, safe house it is. But -- but I have demands. My atopic eczema requires custom-made silk pajamas. Reading glasses, slippers, sleep machine -- all vital. Oh, and -- and I have soft gums, so I'll be needing my electronic toothbrush.
atopic eczema アトピー性湿疹 vital 必須の
Do we look like your errand boys?
Fine. Then no complaints when I'm forced to sleep in the nude tonight.
Make a list.
I'll make a list.
You're giving me a headache.
This isn't exactly the Plaza of safe houses, is it? The mattress isn't hypoallergenic. I saw a dead mouse on the bathroom radiator.
hypoallergenic 低刺激の
Ah, lucky bastard got out while he could.
All right, here are the items you requested, Moz.
Oh, great. Right here. Thanks. Oh, you touch anything, and you'll be hearing from my lawyer.
You are your lawyer.
Ooh. Got pictures of Jeffries at the toll.
Oh, let me see that. Look what's on the dashboard.
Yeah, a book, a CD.
A particular book, a particular CD.
"Escape From Freedom."
A masterpiece. And the CD -- "La Femme." Freedom. Femme.
Lady Liberty.
Yes! He'll be going to the Statue of Liberty when he gets here.
I-I guess it's worth checking out.
You guess? You see what I have to put up with because of you? How long do I have to stay in this Stygian limbo?
put up with 我慢する
You won't be safe until we run the con and get de Luca in cuffs, okay?
I beg of you, hurry, for the sake of my sanity.
sanity 正気
And mine.