Come on, get 'em up, boys. Huh?
FBI. Zev Demetrius, you're under arrest.
For what?
You held to your word, Caffrey.
hold to one's word 約束を守る
What was that?
I got you pizza. You got me a bad guy. Can we keep that arrangement going?
Well, you make it a dinner at Masa, and we might have a deal.
You and me, we're two sides of the same coin, Caffrey.
You and me?
How so?
We're both self-made men. Just in different ways.
You came from millions.
I did. And then I was disowned. See, arresting your family's friends will do that.
disown 縁を切る
I guess that explains the phantom ring.
Well, not exactly. She missed the life. I don't blame her. She thought she was marrying a Siegel. She got agent Siegel instead.
You gave up all that for long hours and little reward?
Yeah, I did. You gave up the exotic locales and exciting capers for the same thing, Neal.
caper 盗み
I didn't have a choice.
Oh, come on, Caffrey. We both know you can ditch that anklet any time, if you really wanted to. I gotta ask you something, Caffrey.
Good work, you two.
Peter, I read your report. Your name wasn't anywhere in there, and it should've been. It was your case.
I stepped into it, and it was only fair that I stepped out.
Either way, I appreciate it.
I look forward to what you two bring me next. Phew.
What were you gonna ask me?
You want to get a drink? Celebrate?
Ah, I can't tonight. Next time.
Right, next time.
Good work today.
I made a mistake.
We all make mistakes. Including Zev, fortunately. You should have seen the look on his face.
Yeah, it probably matched the one on mine. I took off my gloves, Moz.
When the Navajos make a piece of art, they always add a flaw. Only the great spirit is perfect. Humanity should not try to be.
That's a little grandiose, don't you think?
grandiose 壮大な
All I'm saying is that we are mere mortals. We all make mistakes now and then.
mere 単なる mortals 人間
Lately, I've been making a lot of them, and I'm starting to think that delivering this chapter is another one.
Hagen is a forger. If we gave him a fake, he'd know it.
We need a game plan, Moz.
In order for Hagen's plan to work, he had to give us access to the chapter first. That was his mistake. We'll use it to our advantage.
We figure out what's hidden in those pages and get to it first.
You and me decoding a puzzle, never bet against the house.
Oh, by the way, I think your mistake was that wig, MacGyver.
Seriously, you're just jealous because for once, people are staring at all of this instead of staring at all of that.
Okay, they're staring, all right. Do you think if I find a paper clip, some silly putty, and a rubber band, you could make me an 8-track player?
I could make a wine opener.
That, I believe.
Knockoff suit has already seen my face. Hagen doesn't need to.
Thanks, Moz.
You caused quite a ruckus.
ruckus 大騒ぎ
You got what you wanted. That's all that matters.
This is the real thing?
You know your forgeries. You tell me. I will.
See, this relationship is working wonderfully.
When does it end, Hagen?
I'm a fair man. I won't hold this over your head forever. When I get what I want, I'll leave you be.
But you won't tell me what that is.
Come on, Mr. Caffrey. I know you love a mystery.Don't spoil it for yourself.
Shouldn't somebody else be doing this? I mean, you're the acting S.S.A. now.
And returning a multimillion-dollar piece of art is exactly what an acting S.S.A. does. And it feels damn good doing it. What I don't get is why you're here.
Well, I mean, it's rare for someone like me to be able to return something. I just thought I'd try it on for size.
You could've told me it was about a girl.
Why can't it be both?
Hey. Neal, is it?
I never lied about my name. About anything, actually.
You sure did leave out a lot.
leave out 省略する
I did. I heard you were cleared.
I was. Just in time to be fired.
Why? The painting was returned. You had nothing to do with the theft in the first place.
From your lips to my boss's ears. But I'm the reason the thief got in, so...
Because they stole your key card.
So I'm gone. It doesn't matter anyway. My hope was that the owner would let us look at and study the Codex, and now it's gone.
I'm sorry.
It's not your fault. See you.
See you.
Initial report is a mugging gone wrong. No known acquaintances in the area. We're not sure why he was here. Think he was looking for an apartment?
He was, but not here.