Marshall, you know she didn't say any of that, right?
I know, but I just want to slap him so bad! But that tie is so stupid! But the slap would feel so good! But he hates that tie so much!
Perhaps I can help.Marshall, ask yourself this question: why today? He hasn't said anything about that tie for weeks, and yet, suddenly today, he can't wear it another second? No, there's a reason.You've got something coming up.Something where you're on display, vulnerable exposed.It's not work-related.No, this is relationship stuff.You're trying to impress someone.In the lie you told, you said you were being chased by two goons.So it's two people.A couple, perhaps.You're meeting Nora's parents tomorrow!
Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! It's in two days, and I really want them to like me!
Oh-ho! Therapisted! Shrinked? Shrunk? We'll figure it out.
So, boogie-boarding.
Hey, Lily, can I talk to you for just a second? Come here.
Marshall, if I'm in here to brush your teeth, I swear to
I'm sorry that I've been so needy lately.I know that you need some time alone.So I'll be in the other room.
You're not going anywhere.
Mmm Hey
And the funny thing is, after that night, we'll never be alone again.
You made that in my bathroom?
Wow, a hurricane baby.
Oh, man, Hurricane Eriksen would be a sweet name.
It would be a crazy sweet name!
Thanks, Ted.
Anyway, the next day, after the danger had passed
It's closed.
Now what?
A Boy Scout is always prepared.
To surviving the hurricane.
I love you guys.
Love you.
I did finally make it up here to the house later that week only to find that a falling oak tree had landed in the living room.If we'd been here, it would have crushed us like bugs.You see, kids, there's no way of knowing for sure where the safest place is so the best you can hope for is to have some good company.
Guys, how far do you think I can boogie-board on this thing?
So far!
Marshall, your insurance doesn't kick in till tomorrow.
Yeah, well, you know what? Life kicks in right now.
Don't worry, he wasn't hurt the first time.I have splints! The second time he went through the front window of Maclaren's.
Hence the No Boogie-boarding sign.
hence これが理由で
All right, guys, I gotta go.Barney, good luck with Nora's parents.
See you later.
All right.See you.
Hey, Barney? Listen, um, we made a baby in your bathroom.So we owe you one.So we say you can take off the ducky tie.For three slaps.
Three slaps?
And to be clear, this would add three slaps to Marshall's existing one, giving him four slaps in total.
Deal.I'm free! God, this feels so good! This was a mistake! I wanna put the tie back on! I wanna put the tie back on! Why do I have to be Barney right now?
Three slaps remaining!
Three slaps.Wow, I like the sound of that.I think I'll save those bad boys, you know, for a rainy day.
Okay.The worst is over.
Two slaps remaining!
It's all right.Hey, it's all done for now.
I think I need to go home and reevaluate how I make life decisions.
reevaluate 再評価する
Come on.I have to go back to work.Let's split a cab.
Did you ever tell those guys about that other thing that almost happened?
That other thing? Oh, that.No.Did you?
Hey, I'm really sorry about that phone call.
Oh, it's fine.
No, it is so not fine.I was a jerk.And if you don't mind my saying, your dad is a complete idiot for not calling.He should never let a day go by without calling you because when I let a day go by without talking to you Um, that day's just no good.
Um, sorry.Um It's my dad.Wait, show me your hands.
My hands.
Hey, Dad! That's what I've been saying! Golf weather!
Can you believe we almost?
I know.
Good thing we didn't.
Yeah.I mean, not long after that you got together with Nora.
And you met Kevin.
Yeah.Disaster averted.
Disaster averted 大惨事
Exactly.It would've ruined everything if we'd been all ah-la-la-la
I know, right? So dumb