Find anything?
I started with the family history of Robert Townsend, the man they think is Mozzie's ancestor.
His lineage ends with his son, and little is known about his family after he died in 1838. But guess who's the mother of his son.
You got me.
Agent 3-5-5.
The ancestor of our librarian.
That got me thinking. What if I track her ancestry or other Culper spies? I might figure out who 7-2-3 is today. I found a bunch of them nearby.
Who are they?
One's a marketing director in Connecticut, there's a nurse in Spanish Harlem, and a Rutgers professor.
A professor? I interviewed a former professor about this -- Oliver Stringer.
No connection. Could be a coincidence.
Unless it's not. Who's your guy?
Uh, Nathan Woodhull.
Well, we won't be interviewing him anytime soon. He was strangled in his home two months ago.
strangle 窒息死させる
Is your professor Stringer a suspect?
No, but the guy they arrested has initials that are particularly interesting.
"Cabot Hawkins." C.H.The initials on Mozzie's bathrobe.
Look where they're keeping him.
"The secret is in her eyes" made me realize what these holes you told me about might be for.
The room is a camera obscura!
These used to be windows. So, you black out most of the light in the room except for one spot on the glass, and the light naturally projects. It's an upside-down image.
The view outside over the woman's eye!
Yeah. It flips the image like a pinhole camera.
So that's where the flag is?
Well, not necessarily. I mean, there are dozens of holes here.
Oh, and each hole presents a different location over her eye.
Modern-day 7-2-3 drilled these holes to try to figure out which projection is correct.
Wow. He was re-creating the infirmary. His ancestor would lay on this bed, looking up at 3-5-5's eye.
The flag could be any one of these.
So, the coordinates to the right hole are the final key.
coordinates 座標
If we get those, then we'll find the location of the flag.
Hey, Peter.
Can you and Mozzie meet me at my house? I've got an update on the case.
All right.
I paid a visit to Bellevue today. Meet psych patient Cabot Hawkins, otherwise known as agent 7-2-3.
Cops found Cabot Hawkins at a murder scene of another Culper Spy descendant -- number 7-2-2.
That victim could have been me!
Judge ruled Cabot be taken to an insane asylum, and his records were sealed.
insane asylum 精神科病院
Were you able to question him?
At first, he wouldn't talk to me. He said he would only talk to 7-1-1, but I got to him eventually.
7-1-1? That's George Washington!
How'd you get to him if he'd only talk to Washington's descendants?
I may have quoted our founding father.
founding father 創始者
You tricked him into thinking that Washington was your ancestor?
I gently guided him. Cabot claims that he was only there to get the guy's documents, but when he arrived, the man was already dead.
Hm. Do you believe him?
He also told me that his cat gave him a parasite that subtly manipulates his personality.
manipulate 操作する
Sounds like paranoia runs in the Townsend blood.
Yeah. Cabot also said that he alone tracked down the descendants' clues about the flag.
With no help from anybody? All by himself? So there's no Culper network.
I'm sorry, Moz.
Well, theories are meant to be disproved. You think, uh, Stringer could be the killer?
disprove 反証する
My gut tells me it's not Cabot.
Then I gave you one bad guy to put on your books. Good for you.
Hey, where you going? We still need you to prove Stringer's guilty.
Well, you're good at solving crimes. I'll just stick to, uh... finding them.
You sure he's gonna be all right?
This spy thing means more to him than he lets on.
let on 認める
Whatcha got there, Moz?
Oh, research -- about my parents. This may be a surprise, but the Culpers weren't just a treasure hunt to me.
Once again, I fell under the spell that if the Culpers existed as spies --
fall under the spell of 魅了される
Then your parents could be spies, too.
What are these?
I made them in third grade to impress the other kids at the orphanage about my parents' story -- secret shadow-puppet show at lights out.
I might need to see that immediately.
No, it's too humiliating. Billy Chadham never let me hear the end of it.
Well, I'm not Billy Chadham. Show me.
It was Russia, during the cold war.
Alisa the noble had nobly -- remember, I wrote this when I was 8 -- devoted her life to her country.
nobly 気品
Meanwhile, across the Bering strait, Alvin the Great -- I was obsessed with "The Chipmunks" -- was also a servant to his country.
meanwhile その一方で strait 海峡 obsessed with 頭がいっぱいである
Then, one fateful day, by way of the Berlin crisis, their paths crossed.
fateful 運命を決する by way of を乗り越えて
Their forbidden love, fit for Shakespeare, resulted in the gift of a tiny son.
fit for にふさわしい
I was the greatest violation of the cold war.
Ill luck befell them for it.
ill luck 不幸 befall 生じる
Their governments, forces more evil than Godzilla -- -- sought to divide them.
sought seekの過去
Their son, in mortal danger, gave them no choice.
in mortal danger 生死にかかわる危険
So they hid him with Jeffries the king, who loved the child as his own.
And the parents were heroes...
The child thrived...
thrive 健康に育つ
And one day, they reunited...
And they all lived happily ever after.
It's a really great story.
That's all it is, Neal -- just a story... An 8-year-old tells himself to hide the fact that his parents didn't want him.
I'm sorry. I know how hard it is to lose faith in your family.
I pored over Woodhull's crime-scene photos yesterday when I finally noticed something. The tie around his neck -- it was loosened.
pore over よく見る
So someone was trying to give him air?
Cabot was telling the truth. He arrived after the murder and tried to help. Only thing the P.D. did get right is that they retrieved the victim's hard drive. Found some very interesting e-mails he exchanged with Stringer about the Culper descendants.
retrieve 回収する
Stringer used him for research.
At first, but eventually the victim gets evasive. Stringer accused him of hunting for the flag on his own.
gets evasive あいまいな態度をとる
Yeah, he felt threatened.
He's a sociopath. He thinks the flag is the key to regaining his respect.
So, Stringer kills the victim and then goes after Cabot for the flag.
He doesn't know his name or what he looks like, so he waits at the house until someone finally shows up. Enter Mozzie.
That's my working theory. But short of having Stringer confess, I don't know how I can prove it.
short of 足りない
So let's get him to confess. Stringer believes the Culpers still exist, right? Let's prove they do.
My vertigo is acting up.
vertigo 目まい
Are you sure you can do this?
He'll be fine. He's happy to help.
We're on, boss.
Stringer must have gotten my note. I used Culper code to lure him in. 5-6-1, 6-8-2 --
Yeah, enough with the numbers. Let's get ready for our close-up.
All right. Good luck.
Come in.
I got your note. What is this about?
The boss wants a meeting.
The boss?
Mr.Stringer. Glad you could join us.
Who are you?
We're old friends.
This is 7-1-1.
George Washington.
I cannot tell a lie.