I see Kate moved out.
move out 引っ越す 家を出る
She leave you a message in that?
leave a messeage メッセージを残す in that ボトルの中にということか?
The bottle is the message.
It's been a while.
久しぶり It's been a long time. Long time no see. 関係性によって変わる
A few years, give or take.
give or take 多少のずれはあるだろうけど
You carrying?
You carrying? で武器は持っているか?になるらしい
You know I don't like guns.
They ask me, what makes a guy like you pull a boneheaded escape with four months to go?
pull「悪巧みをおこなう、成功させる」という意味のアメリカ英語の口語表現だそうです。 boneheade は日本語でも使うかなヘマとかそんな意味 go は出所 4か月で出所できるのに何がお前に脱走なんて馬鹿な真似をさせたんだ。って俺に聞いてくる
I guess you figured it out.
Kate says "adios" to you at prison, then gets busy with her disappearing act.
get busy with 仕事に取り掛かる disappearing act 姿を消す
Her trail ends here.
trail 足跡 痕跡
But you already know that.
I missed her by two days.
miss A by B AをBの差で逃す 2日の差で彼女を失った
それにもかかわらず、なおかつ still and all それでも、やはり
It only took you a month and a half to escape a supermax.
"It take A 時間 to do" は〜するのにAに〜時間かけさせる 1か月半で最高レベルのセキュリティの刑務所から脱走した。 supermax 最高レベルのセキュリティの刑務所 プリズンブレークでも出てきた
Damn impressive.
All clear.
Subject identified and unarmed.
subject 対象が
Roger that.
了解。Copy that. も刑事モノではよく聞く。
Are we surrounded?
How many?
Including my agents and the marshals?
All of them, I think.
What's the message?
They're gonna give you another four years for this, you know.
I don't care.
That's the same suit you were wearing the last time you arrested me.
Classics never go out of style.
You know what this is?
No idea.
I got it from a case I was supposed to be working on before they yanked me off to find you.
be supposed to するはずだった working on 追う yank off 引き離す
You think you'll catch him?
Don't know.
He's good.
Maybe as good as you.
What's it worth if I tell you what this is?
Is it worth a meeting?
What are you talking about?
If I tell you what this is right now, will you agree to meet me back in prison in one week?
Just a meeting.
It's a security fiber for the new Canadian $100 bill.
Put your hands where I can see them.
Let's go.
One week.
Got him.
What's got the belt and suspender boys all riled up?
"the belt and suspenders"は、「ベルトの上からサスペンダーをする」なので、ズボンが落ちないように「二重の警戒をする」という意味らしい。rile up 怒らせる 何がスーツくん達を怒らせたんだ?
What'd I do?
Caffrey was right.
That stuff from the bank vault.
stuff モノ
Security fibers for the new Canadian 100.
I'll be damned.
Apparently, the formulation is still classified.
formulation 配合 classified 機密扱い
The Canadian secret service is very curious to know how you figured it out.
curious 奇妙に思う
This should be fun.
You may have started an international incident.
international incident 国際問題
How did you know?
Come on, Peter.
It's what I do.
How upset were the Canadians?
Oh, very.
Well, as upset as Canadians can get.
as 〜 as 人 can get 人なりに〜だ。 カナダ人なりに驚いてたよ。
All right, so, I agreed to a meeting.
We're meeting.
I know why you call him "The Dutchman".
Like the ghost ship, he disappears whenever you get close.
whenever 〜すればいつも
How do you know anything about him?
You know my life.
You don't think I know yours?
Did you get the birthday cards?
Nice touch.
You've been after the Dutchman almost as long as you were after me.
be after 後を追う as long as 〜からずっと
I'll help you catch him.
How, how does that work?
You wanna be prison pen pals?
You can get me out of here.
There's case law, precedent.
precedent 前例
I can be released into your custody.
custody 保護 あなたの保護下で釈放できる
This is.
this is very nice.
But you're right.
I do know you.
And I know the second you're out, you'll take off after Kate.
the second (the moment the minute) するとすぐに take off after 追いかける
I am not gonna run.
GPS tracking anklet.
The new ones are tamperproof, never been skipped on.
tamperproof 勝手にいじることのできない skip on うせる(スラング)
There's always a first time.
Think about it.
Sorry, Neal.
Nice try.
Lights out, Bobby.
Shut them down.
Neal, you got to turn that off.
Get one more minute, Bobby?
Okay, one more minute.
Is it midnight yet?
Yeah, it's midnight.
Shut up, bitch!