Previously on White Collar...
Sara, why you helping out?
I like the mystery.
Is that all?
Moz, I know who's behind everything.
Vincent Adler. He's rained hell down on both our lives.
I'm trying to reconcile the Adler I knew with the man responsible for ...
reconcile 仲裁する
For Kate? For Mozzie?
So let's get him. I caught you when I found out what you wanted most. We know what he wants most.
It's a fractal antenna. And this shape corresponds to an emergency beacon.
You're telling me that if we build a real one of these ...
It's gonna lead us to a boat or a plane or something that disappeared in the 1940s.
Something worth killing two people?
It's worth it to Adler.
Uh, hold on a second. Isn't there a probie who would've benefited more from lugging evidence around?
benefit 利益になる lug 苦労して運ぶ
Hmm, carrying evidence isn't considered valuable field experience.
For anyone.
I'm sure you never complained when you were hauling around plasma cutters and borescopes.
haul 運ぶ
When I'm cracking safes, I have a sense of purpose. Had. Had a sense of purpose.
have a sense of purpose 目的意識を持っている knock-off コピー品
Now you have a new purpose ... Lugging these Rolex knock-offs to evidence.
We're almost there.
Thank you.
Sara. Did you... Find something interesting?
On your desk? No. In the ocean, yes. This is big, guys.
I'll get the team together in the conference room.
Can I talk to Neal first?
Thank you.
Oh. I'll meet you up there.
All right.
You look well.
Thank you. You too. Did you change your hair?
I like it. It's got this...
All right, look, before everybody else gets here, I just want to say that if we're gonna continue working together, then we really should not ignore the other night.
Look, it was ...
I mean, I thought so, but ...
No, I know. The stacks with no A.C. ... It was like being back in college.
stacks 書棚
Neal, you didn't go to college.
Well, I wasn't enrolled, but I did spend a lot of time...researching.
enroll 名簿に記載する
Uh-huh. Speaking of research, take a look at this.
Ah, more "faux-lex" watches?
These are the nice ones.
Our fence in Alphabet City is trying to move 120 boxes, each box with 35 of these.
At $600 apiece, that's ...
apiece ここに
It's $2.5 million street value.
Oh, you've been sitting too close to Caffrey.
When did that happen?
I don't know. Diana, round up the Harvard crew. Jones, take this box to evidence.
Okay, people. What we have today is a chance to take down one of the most notorious white-collar criminals in New York ... Vincent Adler. As you know, Adler ran a Ponzi scheme about a half a decade ago that rivaled Bernie Madoff's. When it folded, he disappeared with a billion dollars.
notorious 悪名高い rival 匹敵する
He's also my former boss.
Sara Ellis, from Sterling Bosch, has come up with a fresh lead. Adler is looking for a sunken u-boat off the New York coast.
come up with 見つけ出す sunken 沈没した
First music boxes, now u-boats.
This is u-boat 869.
It was launched from Germany in 1945.
What makes this thing so valuable?
We don't know. Germany sent out a number of u-boats towards the end of the war. Their contents were unknown. Whatever's in this, one person's been shot, and at least two people are dead because of it. Adler wants this sub, which means we can use it to find him. If he's looking for this thing off the New York coast, then he's using boats. He's renting sonars and submersibles. There's a paper trail here. Let's track him down. Diana. Jones. There is another lead I need to you to find.
Alex Hunter. She's an old acquaintance of Neal's. But you already know that.
acquaintance 知人 sunken 沈没した
We're already familiar with Alex.
How's she involved?
There's a lot she may know about all of this. Find her.
Okay, calling her an "acquaintance" may have been an understatement.
Neal, you don't owe me anything. I've lived a life, too. But if there is anything between us then don't lie to me.
I would never.
Yes, you would. So Alex?
Over. A long time ago.
Was that so hard?
Lunch tomorrow?
My place?
See you at 1:00.
A sunken u-boat? What could be better than this?
What do you think's in it?
Ah, that is the question, isn't it? Plutonium would be an educated guess. You know they had the bomb years before we did.
educate 洗練させる
Guess I missed that chapter in world history.
Yeah, of course you did. It could also contain Hitler clones.
Is he serious?
Unfortunately, yes. Mozzie, the antenna?
Hold on. It's got to warm up. Another possibility ...
Let it be a surprise. The Chrysler Building. That's new.
Almost finished.
Painting it for your girlfriend?
Are you 9? I'm keeping up my technique. It calms the nerves.
You must paint a lot, then.
I've filled a whole storage room.
Ah! No.
How close do we have to be for this thing to work?
Oh, the S.O.S. signal on the u-boat was designed to go into a passive mode, which means we'd have to be right on top of it in order to detect it.
I don't relish hauling you and that thing up and down the eastern seaboard.
If Alex knows as much as we think she does about this thing, could she help us narrow down our search area?
relish 洗練させる
It's worth a shot. I haven't gotten through on her number, but I'll try again. Alex?
worth a shot 試す価値がある
Hello, Neal.
After all this time, you recognized my voice. I'm flattered.
Where's Alex?
The lady doesn't want to be disturbed.
disturbed 動揺して
I know about the u-boat.
I'd be disappointed if you didn't. Call off your dog. Let it go.
call off 無視する Call off your dog もうかまうな
I can't do that.
After all you've lost ... First Kate, now Alex. Why keep doing this to yourself?
I'm not gonna stop, Vincent.
Neither am I.
Any chance Alex and Adler are working together?
No. She would never work with him.
We can't make any definitive statement about their relationship at this point. We find Alex Hunter, we find Vincent Adler. Diana.
definitive 限定的な statement 意見
I ran her aliases by Interpol.
Checking the local fences.
Already on it.
All right, did you find anything on Alex?
She's moved around a lot. According to hale, she was in town two weeks ago, trying to pawn off some more silver through Teddy Eames.
pawn 質に入れる
What's she doing mixed up with Eames? He's a small-time grifter.
mixed up with 〜に関わり合う small-time 取るに足らない grifter ペテン師
Yeah, one trying to move up in the world.
move up in the world 出世する
Alex isn't known for her altruism.
altruism 利他的行為
Oh, look, are you really trying to understand Alex at this late date?
I've never understood her.
Oh, really? I thought your relationship made perfect sense ... Mutual respect, convenience.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I want to talk to Eames.