All right.
Damn, Caffrey knows how to throw a party.
Agent Burke.
Hey, is that Miss March?
Jones, pull it together.
pull it together しっかりしろ(平静を取り戻せ)
Sports Illustrated, not Playboy.
Doing okay?
Are you doing okay? うまくやってる?
Come on.
You're the most beautiful girl here.
I wanna see your smile.
Neal, straight ahead.
Red shirt, dark jacket.
Seems pretty jumpy for a guy to be at a party filled with models.
jumpy 落ち着かない
So, let's mingle.
mingle (パーティーなど)で話をする
Excuse me.
Hi, I saw you looking around.
Can I help you find someone?
I know almost everybody here except for you, Mr., uh...Dmitri.
almost everybody ほとんど全員
Write down that name..."Dmitri."
write down 書き留める
I'm just admiring the view.
admire 称賛する ほれぼれする
Yeah, beautiful crowd, right?
crowd 客 聴衆
Quite stunning.
stunning 気絶するほどの You look stunning! You're stunning! 女性を褒める時はbeautifulよりこっち
Excuse me.
No dice, Peter.
No dice ダメだ違う
Not our voice.
All right.
He's speaking Hebrew.
Hebrew ヘブライ語
What's he saying?
He's saying, "I'm waiting.Where are you?" Ghovat is here.
He's watching him.
Ghovat's here.
Peter, he's here.
He's watching Dmitri right now.
I got it.
Back me up.
I need you to flirt.
flirt ナンパする
You're charming enough, right?
That guy right there.
I'm sorry.
You just look really familiar.
Oh, yeah.
Do I know you from somewhere?
We need to leave.
How are you?
Have you met Mara?
You know, my friend here, Isabella, was noticing how fantastic your suit is.
We have to leave, unfortunately, but it was lovely to see you.
it was lovely to see you. lovely = good = nice lovely はイギリス英語でよく使われるらしい
Have a good night.
Ah, well, I'm a model.
Where do you work?
Um, actually, you know what, I think you're right.
actually やっぱり you know what あのさ
I think I don't know you.
I'm sorry.
There he is.
I got it, I got it!
Move in.
Now, now, now!
Get off me! This is madness!
madness 狂ってる 気違いだ
No, it's...it's not him.
Peter, we got the wrong guy!
Any luck getting this thing off me?
any luck 〜はうまくいってる?
I'm working on it.
work on 取り組む 今やってるところ
You're lucky.
They have you on a 2-mile tether.
tether 範囲
That's a lot in New York.
Remember Jimmy Dimako?
The Feds had his anklet set at 22 feet.
Feds FBI捜査官
He had to take a shower with one foot out of the tub.
That's not true.
Okay, maybe 30 feet.
But you have it better.
2 miles isn't enough, Moz.
I need to find Kate.
The man with the ring was with Kate in California.
You tell me what he wants from her.
'Cause he didn't find what he was looking for in San Diego.
How do you know what he was looking for?
Because I told Kate I kept everything... the money, the bonds, the art, all of it...in San Diego.
Well, clearly, that's not the truth, because you told me it was all hidden in Portland.
Isn't it?
Isn't it?
Oh...there's nothing hidden in either place, is there?
either どちらの
It's a test.
You told her San Diego.
You told me Portland.
Then whichever rock gets overturned, you know who betrayed you.
Then whichever rock gets overturned どちらに転んでも betray 裏切る
Look, I just needed to know what I already knew.
What, that you can trust me?
That I'm the one who's been there through all of it?
But Kate...Kate's the one who kicked over your rock.
kick over 強奪する rock 頼りになるモノ
Kate didn't betray me.
He forced her to.
force 脅す 強制する
Then why didn't Kate try to warn you when she came to say goodbye to you that day in prison?
I think she might have, but I was too stupid to see it.
might have そうしたいのに stupid 愚か
Here. "Weep for me, my love.
weep 泣く
I'll miss you more..."What is this?
It's just an old love letter.
It doesn't mean anything, okay?
But...the FBI was closing in on us.
close in on だんだん近づく
We started taking precautions.
precaution 用心
We started passing codes.
passing codes 暗号
That could be cracked by anyone who's ever seen the back of mad magazine.
Okay, you ask me why I don't tell you certain things...
you ask me why 理由を聞くと
it's that attitude right there.
I'm trying to be supportive.
supportive 協力する
Look, this was an early attempt.
attempt 試み
Okay, we got more sophisticated as the Feds closed in.
sophisticated 高度にする
So you think when Kate came to say goodbye to you in prison, she left you a code?
Look, I need to see that security tape.
Your friend at the FBI has access.
He's seen it.
Oh, yeah, he's not just gonna hand it over.
hand over 引き渡す
You could...ask.