Mm. It's late.
Yeah. That's not supposed to be one of Monet's lost frames?
No, just trying to clear my head.
Good. About that. Vincent Adler... Seven years ago, he ran a huge Ponzi scheme and disappeared with a billion dollars. You knew him?
Ponzi scheme ねずみ講詐欺
He's the man who made me who I am today.
Mm-hmm. He's rained hell down on both our lives. You knew. You knew, and you didn't say anything?
I just figured it out myself, okay? I'm trying to reconcile the Adler I knew with the man responsible for...
reconcile 一致させる
For Kate? For Mozzie?
So let's get him. Come on. Start talking.
Yeah, I'm not much of a beer drinker, so...
I know. That's why I brought you this.
Oh. I don't recognize the bottle.
That's because it cost as much as the beer.
Wow. I don't even need a corkscrew.
Nope. Okay. Now... How do you know Adler?
It's a long story.
If we are gonna catch this guy, just like I caught you, I need to know everything.
There's too much to tell.
You're gonna plead the Fifth?
plead the Fifth 黙秘権を使う
A few secrets are good, Peter... Keeps the mystery alive.
I get it. This story includes some stuff about crimes I don't know about. Yeah. No. You're not holding back on me. We've got all night. I'll make you a deal. Full immunity for anything you say from this moment until the sun rises over that balcony.
hold back on 秘密にする
Full immunity?
Did you kill anybody?
Then full immunity.
Hmm. All right. Let's start with this. Mozzie decoded the music box. It's an equation. This is what it built.
It's a fractal.
Very good. I've seen one like it before.
In Vincent Adler's office when I worked for him.
How did you meet him?
If you want to know about Adler, we got to start with Mozzie.
Why am I not surprised?
It was eight years ago. I was new to the city, didn't know the East Village from the West.
All right, follow the lady. All you got to do is follow the lady. I mix them fast, but if your eyes are faster, you win... Simple as that.
Lady's in the middle.
You got good peepers, pal. Want to double up, buddy?
peepers 目
Sure. Toss them.
Okay. You think you can follow them, but I'm saying that you can't. It's all a game of you vs. me. All right, here we go, here we go. Where is she? Where is she? Watch her. Watch her. She's a sneaky lady, but I think she likes you.
She's on the right.
No, she's back in the middle.
Are you crazy? She's definitely on the right.
Hey. It's his money, kid.
Ah, she's sneaking around on you, boss.
Lucky guess. You're so good at this, why don't you put your own money down?
You gonna bet or walk away.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What you got?
All right.
$50? Come on, really take this guy. Time to put up or shut up, kid.
It's up to you.
All right. Let's go $500.
Now we're talking.
All right. All right, looks like I hooked me a whale here.
whale カジノで大金を賭ける人
Looky, looky, looky, hey, diddle, diddle, the queen's in the middle. Follow her fast. Follow her slow. My hands are fast. Your eyes are slow. See her? Huh? See her? Pick that little lady and you win, my man. All you got to do is show me the smile on the lady's face, and you walk away with it all. Ah! You sure?
Yeah. He's sure.
I'm sure. Fun game, man. Thank you. You toss the broads really well.
broad 女
Damn it!
Cado, you want to earn 10 bucks?
You gonna stiff me this time?
stiff わりに会わない目に合わせる
Go, you little weasel. Follow that guy. He's in my training program.
weasel 密告者
I'm the guy from the park. Hey, I'm not here to give you hospital time, kid.
Good, 'cause I'm not giving you your money back.
Ah, keep it.
What's your angle?
Look, I been running find-the-lady for years, and even I didn't catch that swap.
Uh-huh. Where's your partner?
I left him.
I need an upgrade.
Mozzie had a goatee?
Well, only to distract from his toupee.
distract の気を散らす
Oh, we talked. Moz told me about his Detroit days. He'd been running street cons since he was a kid.
Mm. Notice my lack of surprise. What does any of this have to do with Adler?
Well, he's the reason Mozzie found me.
These forgeries are exquisite.
exquisite この上なく素晴らしい
Who says it's a forgery?
Uh, given your living conditions, I do. How did you match the tricolor seal?
Just eyeballed it.
eyeball 目分量で測る
By eye?
Huh. You are very talented, kid. With you as my partner, we could move way beyond the street hustle.
What did you have in mind?
A long con, which, if executed properly, would enable us to purchase and retire on neighboring temperate-zone islands in a mere six months.
when properly executed うまくやれば temperate-zone 温帯 in a mere わずか
I just got to this city, and I'm too young to retire.
I'm talking about summiting the Everest of swindles.
summit 登頂する swindle 詐欺
Who's the mark?
Vincent Adler?
Oh. Now this is getting good.
It was the first time I heard Adler's name. What?
Mm. Those bonds... that's the first time I'd come across you.
Really? Tell me.
You're stalling.
No, I'm not. Come on. We got... we got a long time until sunrise. We got plenty of beer and...this. So tell me. Did you have to fight to take my case?
Yeah. It was a real tug-of-war.
tug-of-war 主導権争い