Chairman: Mr. Mosby, I'm going to ask you one last time. Should The Arcadian be a landmark?
Ted: No, it shouldn't be a landmark. There are a lot of important buildings in New York. The Arcadian isn't one of them.
Zoey: E-Excuse me, I have a question for Mr. Mosby. If he doesn't think The Arcadian's worth saving, then whose voice is this?
Ted: The Arcadian should be a landmark. It should. The lion head stonework is iconic. I hate working for GNB. They're a bunch of... wieners and gonads.
Chairman: Is that your voice, Mr. Mosby?
Ted: Yeah, that's me.
Ted: This is a nightmare. I can't believe she kept that tape. The LPC's gonna come back with a decision tomorrow, and based on today...
Robin: They're gonna landmark the hell out of that place.
Ted: Yeah.
Barney: We'll end up out of a job, all thanks to some stupid, only sort of awesome lion head.
Marshall: Better get used to that lion head. As of tomorrow, it's gonna be there till the end of times. And all because of my sweet, sweet rhymes.
Ted: What are we gonna do? We should buy a bar.
Barney: We should totally buy a bar!
Marshall: We should absolutely totally buy a bar!
Robin: It's really the only sensible idea right now.
Marshall: Oh, oh, and ready? It's a theme bar. It's a courtroom.
Ted: Yes! Where the bartenders wear sexy judges' robes.
Marshall: I'll allow it!
Barney: The only court where you show up, then get served.
Robin: Ho! You're judged by a jury of your beers.
jury 陪審員
Ted: That's not bad.
Lily: Just stop it! No one's buying a bar. Right now we have a little problem. Let's just think of a solution.
Robin: Lily, it's over. The good guys lost.
Marshall: I don't know, homegirl is pretty diabolical. If there is a plan that'll get us out of this, it's somewhere inside this butter churn. She'll think of it. I'm just gonna sit here... and watch it happen. And she's got it! Lily, what's the plan?
Barney: Oh, this ought to be good.
Narator: And then Lily told us her plan.
Barney: Oh, this is good!
Ted: We have to find Arthur right now.
Arthur: What is so difficult about this?! Tugboat figured this out in, like, five minutes. This is bush league!
bush league マイナーリーグ
Barney: Hey, Arthur!
Robin: Oh, cute dog!
Arthur: No! Tugboat, my other dog, that was a cute dog. This little disappointment is nothing but a cheap facsimile. I said it! Yeah, my love is reserved for dogs that go to the bathroom on command instead of wasting my time!
Barney: Listen, Arthur, Marshall's wife has an idea for how we can save, not saving The Arcadian.
Arthur: Oh, his wife has an idea. Let me tell you about wives, okay? They leave you and take your best friend with them. You're not Tugboat! You'll never be Tugboat!
Barney: Uh... Hey, Arthur?
Arthur: I guess this one's kind of cute or whatever. So... so what's the idea?
Lily: Okay, first hear my demands. One, Ted and Barney keep their jobs. Two, when you guys do finally blow up The Arcadian, one of them gets to push the button.
Barney and Ted: Dibs.
Arthur: Fine! What's the idea?
Lily: Well...
Narator: Kids, for legal reasons, I have to skip this part of the story and jump ahead to the next night, as the Landmarks Preservation Commission gave their verdict.
verdict 裁定
Chairman: Last night, this committee took a vote, and while we have all felt from the very beginning that The Arcadian is, well, an eyesore... Mr. Mosby's surprising testimony about the lion's head stonework left us no choice but to declare it... a landmark. But then, something else happened last night. That same lion's head stonework...disappeared. So... that makes our job a little easier. Motion denied.
committee 委員会 eyesore 目ざわり motion 申し立て
Ted: Zoey... Zoey!
Zoey: All right, what do you have to say for yourself?
Ted: I don't know. Sometimes... things have to fall apart to make way for better things.We're done here.
Ted: Okay, you don't have to hold back anymore. You may now say what you really think of Zoey.
hold back 隠す
Barney: I don't know, she may have been right about that lion's head. It gave The Arcadian a regal elegance. Then again, it goes really nice with my duvet. I hope I used the right screws.