You'd better protect your king.
Where's Peter?
It's stuffy in here.Let's go for a walk.
stuffy 息苦しい
I know you won't think twice about killing him, so I haven't told the FBI.
Best not to discuss personal matters with everybody.
Yeah.But they're gonna find out soon enough.
You seem upset, Caffrey.You know?I mean, clearly you're dealing with a big problem here.And I wish I could help, but I got problems too.See, since Burke didn't stop my transfer...they're shipping me off to Barksdale later today.Now, my sources tell me that I, too, face dire circumstances...unless my debt with the Russians gets paid.
dire 悲惨な
How much do you owe them?
Two-point-five million.And once my problem goes away, then...Maybe then I can help you with yours.
I don't have two-and-a-half million dollars.
Neal, how long have we known each other?
Everything is gone, Keller.I've had to use my resources since my current activities are a little limited.
That's true.You do have expensive tastes.But I recall a night in Scotland when you acquired something worth that amount.
That was six years ago.
I'm fairly certain you held on to it.
hold on to 手放さない
I didn't.I didn't have any use for it.
Well, I do.So find it.You got three hours till my transfer.I'll be in touch.
You're gonna lose, Keller.Again.
Pis aller.My move of last resort, Neal.
last resort 最終手段
Hey, Neal.If you're looking for Peter, he's not here.
Yeah, I know.Diana, we got a problem.Keller and Lang worked out some kind of deal.Peter has been taken.
Listen up.One of our own's been kidnapped.Now, Graham, coordinate eastern and southern districts.Jones, I want you with Keller's transfer convoy.Campanelli, I want wiretaps within the next two hours...on every cell, home, prison, and business linked to Keller and Lang.Under no circumstances does anyone talk to the press.This is 24/7 until we find him.All right, let's do it.
convoy 護送 wiretap 盗聴
What did Keller tell you at the prison?
He wants two-and-a-half million dollars in exchange for Peter.
Keller doesn't have Peter.Keller is behind bars.
He's running this.He called me...when Lang drove away with him.
ERT is analyzing the phone.We put out an APB on the van.
put an APB out on 指名手配にする
Why does Keller want that kind of money?He's doing 20 years.
To pay off the Russian mob so they don't kill him...when he arrives at Barksdale.
The FBI doesn't negotiate, period.Particularly with someone who's already locked up.
All due respect, Keller doesn't bluff.He will kill Peter if I don't engage him.
engage 引き込む
The reason no one takes our men is because we make it clear...all hell will rain down on them if they do.
rain down on に雨あられのごとく降り注ぐ
You also have to be willing to sacrifice a few of your agents to prove your point.
This isn't a one-man con, Neal.This is the U.S.government.We will catch Lang.And we will string Keller up by his thumbs until he cries for forgiveness.
string up 高い所につるす
Protocol dictates we lock Keller down till this is over.But that gives him what he wants, to stay at Hawthorne indefinitely.
dicate 命令
You've already contacted the prison?
We're sending his ass to Barksdale Super Max.Come sundown, Keller is gonna be bunking with a 7-foot Russian named lvan.Diana, you stay with Neal.Listen, Caffrey.Let us do our job.We'll bring Peter home safely.Give us a minute?
Thank you.
Mozz.What's up?
I got a call from an unidentifiable voice from an unknown number.Gave me a time and a place for a meeting.Told me to tell you.Is this your little friend Keller?
Meet me at Madison Square Park in half an hour.
You got it.
Oh, and bring a hammer.
Uh, ball-peen or claw? Ball-peen or claw?
Surprise me.
Neal, what's going on?
Keller kidnapped Peter.Gotta go.
Elizabeth.Every agent in the bureau has one goal right now: To find your husband.
I know.Thank you, Reese.
We're going to post a team at your home in case he makes contact.Just, uh, give us a few minutes and I'll have them take you back.
They, um...They say this is the biggest manhunt the FBI has run in a decade.
Even I've never seen anything like this.
What do you know about Keller?
He's a chess player.He thinks 10, 12 moves ahead.
So everything they're doing, all the helicopters...and the agents knocking on doors...
He would have foreseen that.
foresee 予測する
They don't know his endgame.
What are you doing?
Well, they want me to go home.Sit tight.
Is that what you're gonna do?
What do you want me to do?
Whatever it takes to bring him home.
I'm supposed to escort you home.
I need to meet a friend first.
I hope you're not planning on a deal with Keller.
lf this were any other kidnapper...
Rule 1: Never let someone...emotionally involved do the negotiating.
Yeah.I've read the FBI playbook.So has Keller.
Well, why do you think he's so different?
Early in his career, Keller pulled a three-man job.The game was pretty straightforward, nobody got hurt.While walking away...the third man says he thinks he left his passport behind.While he's checking his pockets, Keller put a bullet in his head.The guy's passport was in his back pocket.Keller didn't wait to find out.
You were the second man.
If I can engage him, I can make sure Peter is alive and figure out a lead.
I can't endorse what you're doing.
endorse 支持する
What do you think Peter would let me do?
I'm gonna go get a cup of coffee.I'll meet you here in...
One hour.