ERT is going over the alarm system, but this guy's a pro.
ERT =evidence response team 鑑識 go over 〔詳細に〕〜を調べる
Think they'll find any prints?
No. You okay?
Who is that?
I don't know, but Hughes doesn't look happy.
O.P.R.'s here.
And that explains why.
Office of Professional Responsibility. The police have internal affairs. We have OPR.
OPR 職務責任局 internal affairs 内務調査部
Hughes wants you in the office.
Of course he does.
Agent Burke, this is Garrett Fowler.
Bad news travels fast.
travel 〔知らせやうわさが〕伝わる、伝達される
Yes, it does.
As far as anyone knows, he is here for a standard review.
As far as anyone knows 周知の限りでは 公には standard review 定例視察
Yeah, because that line always works.
Nobody's gonna buy that bridge today.
Buy the Brooklyn Bridge おまえってだまされやすいな
That's my file.
Yes, it is.
Impressive work.
I wanted to talk to you about the case that you're currently investigating.
The jewelry heist?
Well, the only people that knew that diamond was gonna be placed in the vault the night before the show were a few key NYPD brass and a handful of FBI agents.
key 重大な brass お偉方、大物
You think it's an inside job.
And you already have a suspect, don't you?
You know where Neal Caffrey was last night?
Am I being interrogated here?
interrogate 尋問する
You're not.
Look, this whole thing is a waste of time.
Caffrey didn't do it.
He wears an electronic monitoring anklet.
It records everywhere he goes.
Just pull it up.
pull up 〔情報を〕引き出す
Yeah, we did that.
And some of the data from Caffrey's anklet is missing for last night.
Went dark for six hours.
go dark 〔信号が〕消える
Well, that's impossible.
That anklet can't be tampered with.
No, it can't, but... evidently the database where the information is stored can be.
evidently 明らかに
Someone wiped out six hours of tracking data.
wipe out 消去する
Then I suggest that you lurk around the US Marshals office, because they're the people who monitor that anklet.
lurk コソコソ動く、人目を避けて行動する
Caffrey belongs to the Bureau.
That makes him our problem.
Any leads?
Any leads 手がかり
This is a short list of suspects capable of pulling this off.
capable of 〜ing 能力がある pull off うまくやり通す
The best ones are already incarcerated.
incarcerated 収監された、投獄された
This guy is dead.
List just got shorter.
Adrian Tulane.
This is our prime suspect?
Yeah, it's a top-notch forgery.
topnotch 一流の、最高の、ピカ一の
Not many people are capable of this kind of work.
What about you?
If I were legally allowed within 50 feet of the right equipment, maybe.
legally 合法的に within … feet of A Aの〜フィート(1feet=約30.48cm)以内に
Tulane's smart... and a showman.
Cameras don't scare him, and he has the facilities to pull this off.
pull off 上手くやり通す
It's got his signature all over it.
signature 特徴
All right.
Let's talk to him.
What is with you?
What is with you どうしたの?
You're like a kid on a sugar high.
sugar high 糖分による興奮状態 甘いものを食べると、子供が暴れるという都市伝説的な常識
You don't understand.
Tulane is a legend.
No, don't oversell him.
oversell 褒め過ぎる、過大に評価する
It's like you meeting Eliot Ness.
Doing a puzzle with your girlfriend, huh?
That's a nice, wholesome family activity.
wholesome 健全な
How can I help you, Agent...?
Burke, FBI. You're Tulane?
You know I am.
Yeah.I do. I want to ask you a few questions.
Are you familiar with...
familiar with 精通している
The diamond necklace that was stolen from Joyau Prieux?
Yeah. That.
Whenever something like this happens, I get a visit from someone like you.
That's why I try to be prepared.
You'll find plane tickets confirming I arrived in the country this morning.
Oh, and you're gonna love the photos from my trip to Madrid last week.
Anything else?
What's that supposed to be? A cloud?
I'll be in touch.
I'll be in touch 連絡するね
Stop grinning.
grinning ニヤニヤ笑う
What? The guy is slick.
slick 利口な、如才ない、巧妙に立ち回る
Let's hope he's guilty, too.
Let's hope that 〜になるように期待しよう、〜だと願おう
I'm just curious.
The, uh, the Uffizi job. Did you...? Right. Right, right, right. I love your alleged work. Big fan.
Uffizi Gallery ウフィツィ美術館 alleged そう思われている、いわゆる
Ugh, that was a bust.
bust 失敗
Why are you disappointed?
disappointed がっかりした、落胆した、失望した
This is the part you like.
Moving the pieces.
Solving the puzzle.
I am moving the pieces.
What were you doing the night of the heist?
Went over some case files.
That's it?
Didn't hang out with anybody? June? The short guy?
hang out ブラブラして時を過ごす、当てもなくうろつく
I don't have an alibi.
Look, I get it.
Inside job, diamond forgery, OPR's in town.
I'm sure I'm at the top of the list.
I am the list, aren't I?
Did you do it?
Come on, man.
Did you do it?
I didn't do it.
I'm telling you the truth, Peter.
Hey, Looking me for?
Yeah, I need you look at this.
It's forged bonds.
Some of Caffrey's old work.
I need you to look at them under a polarized light... for a signature.
What? Neal's signature?
Yeah, when I arrested Caffrey the second time, he told me he signed the bonds.
I want to know if that's true or if he's bragging.
brag 自慢する
Is this, uh, related to our fake diamonds?
Let's hope it's not.