Kate leaves you a bottle with a map on it, and this is where it leads us... Grand Central Station?
It's something I'd recognize, Moz.
Something significant.
significant 重要な 意味深い
Grand Central Station!
Something familiar.
familiar よく出入りする場所
She could have sent us anywhere, so she sends us to a place that leads everywhere?
You know, there's a great oyster bar in there.
Hey, I think there's something in here.
"X" marks the spot... again?
Kate likes the classics.
"Dear Neal, heard you're looking for me."
"Wish I could explain more, but time is not on our side,"
"but you need to stop looking."
"No one can deny what we have, but it's over."
what we have 今あるもの (現実?)
"Please move on."
All this for "move on".
Oddly bipolar.
oddly 奇妙に 余分に bipolar 躁鬱病者
I'd rather have some oysters.
Have a good weekend?
Ah, nothing too exciting.
I went to the park.
Oh, great.
Glad you're getting out.
Love to. No time. Got a stolen painting.
It's June's Italian roast.
Haustenberg, well...
Was it a museum heist?
heist 強盗
No. Residential robbery.
residential 居住の robbery 強盗
I'd like to meet the person who keeps a Haustenberg over their mantel.
mantel 暖炉の前面の飾り
I love Haustenberg.
Which one of his paintings was stolen?
This one is called "Young girl with a locket".
locket 首飾り
No photograph?
No, but I bet you it's a painting of a young girl wearing a locket.
You don't get enough credit for your deductive skills.
not get enough credit for 〜の功績が十分に認められていない deductive 演繹(想像力)
It's worth $2 million and change.
change お釣り
That's nice.
Haustenbergs are rare.
Not many of his works made it out of Hungary after the war.
Yeah. Rare can make it valuable... Very valuable.
What are you looking at me for?
Why do you think?
I didn't steal it.
I know you didn't steal it, but you like paintings.
I'm worried that if we find it, it may be too much temptation for you.
I can handle temptation.
Do you wanna keep your eyes on the road?
This is a taurus. Car can take care of itself.
taurus トーラス(フォードの車)
I'm keeping my eyes on you.
Good, good. The road is important, too.
I see the road.
Sorry about that.
No. Don't apologize. That was... He stopped.
You know I didn't steal it.
You checked my anklet?
I always check your anklet.
I pull a map up on you every day so I can see exactly where you've been.
What was so interesting about Grand Central Station?
Oyster bar... It's the best in town.
I stayed within my two-mile radius.
I wonder if we've been a little too generous on that.
generous 寛大な
Oh, yeah.
What, are you gonna sulk now?
sulk すねる
You don't trust me.
What did Reagan say?
"Trust, but verify."
That was also the motto of the Soviet secret police.
Get used to it, comrade.
comrade 同志
Eyes! Road!
Let's just recover the painting.
Yeah, and drive.
Wow, so, the FBI... You're really taking this seriously, huh?
We are.
Are you the homeowner?
My parents are dead, I'm over 21, and I was robbed.
rob 強盗を働く
Any other questions?
Was the painting insured?
It's worth $2.6 million.
That's where it was.
Tuesdays I have classes.
Uh, the instructor let us out early.
I came in here, and there was this... monster here, and he shoved me up against the wall.
shove 押し付ける
He hurt you?
I hit him in the face, and he said if I did it again, he would kill me.
What did you do?
I hit him again.
Do you have a photo of the painting?
Your report only had a description.
Yeah. Yeah.
Can I help you?
Oh, it's okay, Gary. It's the FBI.
They're here about the painting.
Oh, of course.
Thank you for coming so quickly.
Sure, sure. Were you there when it happened?
No. I was at work at the time.
Wish I could be more help.
We looking at an inside job?
Thief knew her schedule. Nothing else was taken.
I'd go with that.
I'd go with that, too. Help Julianna with that photo.
Gary, I have a few questions.
Gary's your, um...?
Will that do?
will that do? 控えめな提案 Is that OK?
Oh, my goodness.
That's my grandmother. That's the painting behind her.
Could be your twin.
I'll take that as a compliment.
compliment 褒め言葉 敬意
I was named after her. She raised me.
name after ちなんで名づける raise 育てる 養う
When she died, she left me the house...
And the painting.
What did uncle Gary think of that?
You don't look like an FBI agent.
I'll take that as a compliment.
What's an FBI agent look like?
You got the photo?
Let's go.
I've never seen a guy lawyer up that fast.
I've got that he's a stock trader on wall street and that his attorney will answer any further questions I might have.
attorney 弁護士
So, uncle Gary tips off the thieves, splits the take.
take 利益
More likely, uncle Gary owes money to somebody, and he got tired of staring at 2 million bucks hanging on the wall.
More likely それどころか、owe 金銭上の借りがある get tired of 〜が嫌になる stare at じっと見る hanging on the wall 壁にかかる
Now he shuts up, and we do this the hard way.
shut up 話を辞める do〜the hard way 力づくで行う
The hard way?
All we need from Gary is the name of the guy he's working with, right?
So, why don't I talk to him?
You? Yeah.
O... Okay, let me rephrase that.
let me rephrase that 言い直すよ
Since I am a consultant and not technically an employee of the FBI...
A consultant on a tenuous probation.
tenuous 立場が弱い probation 保護観察
As I'm constantly reminded.
constantly 絶えず remind 思い出させる
Is there anything illegal about me talking to him?
You can't threaten him. Don't plan to.
threaten 脅す
Or lie to him.
Don't plan to.
All right.
All right. No lying.
I'm just gonna ask him for the name.