Barney: And so, inevitably, you have to do the thing you've been dreading all along. Now, a relationship-ectomy is a delicate surgery as it is, but in the case of the platinum rule, it takes a very, very steady hand, and that's step 7: CONFRONTATION. [TITLE: CONFRONTATION- set of metro news 1]
inevitably 必然的に dread 非常に怖がる -ectomy 〜の切除 surgery 外科 steady 落ち着いて
Robin: Curt, we need to talk. I like you...
Marshall: Guys, we like you a lot...
Barney: I don't like you.
Robin: We're pretending this works, but it doesn't. And I'm getting a little sick of the whole charade.
Lily: We're getting a little sick of charades.
Barney: I mean, I don't like you that way. I used to like you that way but now that I've seen everything there is to see, I don't know, I kind of want to see those same parts just on other girls.
Robin: So maybe we could go back to just being coworkers.
Marshall: Maybe we should just go back to being neighbors.
Barney: Other girls and you, if you're into that but the other girls have to be there, too. That's the important part.
Wendy: Gosh, you're just terrified of ever getting close to anyone, aren't you?
Barney: Or that. Let's say it's that. So can I get a gin and tonic?
Barney: And in any other relationship, that would be it. End of story. But because you have to see this person again, there's a step 8: FALLOUT.
Robin: And now, here's Curt "the iron man" irons with sports. Curt? Curt?
Curt: Well, the Knicks lost. It's sad, really. They had a real shot. Then, out of nowhere, game over. And why? Why Robin?
out of nowhere どこからともなく
Robin: Uh, well, their perimeter shooting has been a little bit off this season...
perimeter ペリメータ
Curt: The knicks lost because they were afraid of getting hurt. So they didn't even try. Well, you know what I think? I think the knicks didn't deserve my love to begin with. Kincks suck!
Robin: And that's sports.
Lily: Do you see anything?
Marshall: I think we're clear.
Lily: Ok go go go.
Marshall: That was close.
Lily: Too close. You've got to be kidding me. What do we do?
Marshall: I have no idea.
Ted: Guys, are you here? I forgot my keys. Can you open up?
Lily: It's just Ted!
Marshall: Wait!
Ted: Hello? Guys?
Marshall: Baby, we only have one choice.
Lily: Okay, hurry! Michael and Laura are probably...
Laura: Hey, neighbors.
Wendy: Barney, I just want you to know, I have no hard feelings. It wasn't the best idea for us to get involved. I hope we can still be friends.
Barney: Thanks Wendy. Of course we can.
Wendy: If you need anything else, let me know.
Ted: Waouh. I've got to hand it to Wendy the waitress that was very mature of her.
Barney: She's gonna try to kill me. This is poisoned.
Ted: What? You're being ridiculous.
Barney: Yours is poisoned too. She's trying to kill me and everyone close to me.
Ted: What are you talking about?
Barney: Ted! Look at the facts. I dump her and she says "no hard feelings". She's a psycho! What other explanation is there?
Ted: Uh, that you're letting yourself believe she's crazy so you don't have to face the far more likely possibility that she doesn't want to date you either?
Barney: Where did Marshall get that hamburger?
Ted: I don't know, I guess Wendy the Waitress brought it to him.
Barney: Noooooooo!
Marshall: Dude.
Barney: You're welcome.
Robin: Wait a second. You've been sitting here, pretending to be the expert on all this, but the truth is, this was no real fallout from your breakup at all?
pretending 見せ掛けの
Barney: Yet.
Robin: You're an idiot.
Ted: All right, I'm taking off.
Barney: What?
Ted: I have a date.
Ted: You're such a jerk!
Barney: Ted, have you not been listening? Attraction, bargaining, submission, perks, tipping point, purgatory, confrontation, fallout! These things will all happen to you as surely as they happened to all of us! It's a rule of nature.
Ted: Well, I'm sick of all the rules! There's too many of them! The hot/crazy scale, the lemon law, the platinum rule! If everyone in the world followed every one of your rules, the human race would cease to exist. Yes chances are to Stella and I are not going to live happily ever after the overwhelming odds have it ending badly. And when that happens, it'll be for one of a million possible reasons. But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try. And when it does fail, so help me god, it's not gonna be because of some rule. PS you just made my hair look awesome. Good night.
sick of 〜にうんざりしている human race 人類 cease 停止する
Narrator: So Stella and I went on our date. But here's the funny thing turns out, it wasn't actually a date.
Marshall: So what do you mean "it wasn't a date"?
Ted: She thought we were seeing a movie just as friends.
Marshall: Why would she think that?
Robin: Did she see your tattoo and assume you were gay?
Ted: Apparently, there's a rule that says I can't date Stella.
Barney: Exactly, the platinum rule. Stella reads my blog.
Ted: No, this rule comes from the american medical association. Doctors aren't legally allowed to date their patients.
Lily: Oh, sorry Ted.
Ted: It's okay. What are you guys watching?
Narrator: So that was the end of the story between me and Stella, at least for the time being. But I don't know, looking back on the platinum rule, I think there's a ninth step. We'll call it coexistence. It's the moment you realize that all that anger and resentment just isn't useful.
for the time being 当分の間 coexistence 共存 resentment 恨み
Robin: Thanks for watching.
Curt: Good night.
Narrator: And you start to let go of it.
let go of 〜を解き放つ
Marshall&Lily: Hey guys!
Lily: So what do you guys have going on tonight?
Laura: We're going to have a few friends over.
Michael: Gonna play some charades.
Marshall: Have fun.
Narrator: And move on with your life.
move on with 〜に取り組む
Narrator: It just takes a while.
Wendy: On the house.
Barney: Thanks. Crazy!