ハイライトは"If you were Neal, you wouldn't have run for me?"



White Color(ホワイトカラー) シーズン1【原題】Pilot

coming to bed tonight?

Are you が省略されてるのかな?


What's wrong?


Oh, don't tell me it's Neal Caffrey.

don't tel me〜 まさか○○じゃないでしょうね。

I've been competing with him for three years.

私は四年も彼とあなたをめぐって競い合ってる って感じかな?

He'd be out today.

out 出所

You considering his offer?

consider 考える(熟考する)

Of course you are, or you'd be in bed with me.


Can he help you find him?

Neal's smart.

You know how much I like smart.

Is he as smart as those Ivy League co-eds they throw at you?

Ivy League アメリカの名門私立大学8校の総称 co-eds 男女共学 共学教育機関に在籍する女子および女性学生 throw at 投げかける あなたの優秀な部下とどっちが優秀? ピーターも部下がハーバードかどうか聞いてたりするので学歴は重要なんだろうなあ。

He's almost as brilliant as the woman I married.


Ooh, good answer.

So, what's the problem?

This is not the way it's supposed to go.


You get caught, you do your time.

捕まったら、刑に服さないといけない do your time 服役する

There's more to this...more to this than some lost love.

There is more to 〜 than よりも意味がある。 これには失恋よりも別の意味がある

Some side angle he's playing.

play an angle あらゆる手段を講じて目的を達するという意味らしい 何とかして別の目的を達成しようとしているってことか?

So you're suggesting he escapes a maximum-security prison, knowing full well that you'd catch him, just so he could trick you into letting him out again?

knowing full well that 〜と言うことを十分知っている "trick A into do"は「Aを騙して、〜させる」

It's a working theory.

working theory 仮説


Keep working.

keep working 考え続けて

Is it so hard for you to believe a man would do that for the woman he loves?

it is so hard for you to believe 信じらないようね

Neal just bought himself four more years in prison.

just buy himself 被る

For what?

For what?

If you were Neal, you wouldn't have run for me?


Let me see it.

You understand how this works?

これがどのように動作するかわかっているな? 条件はわかっているな?

Yeah, I'm being released into the custody of the FBI under your supervision.

I let this thing chafe my leg.

chafe 擦り切れさせる GPS tracking ankletを付ける 足を擦り切れさせる

Anything I'm missing?



If you run and I catch you, which you know I will because I'm 2-0, you're not back here for four years.

You're back here for good.

for good 無期限ってことらしいけど、この場合goodだと違和感たっぷり

You're gonna be tempted to look for Kate.

be tempted to 〜の衝動に駆られる


I told you.

The bottle meant "goodbye".

Then leave it at that.

leave it at that そういうことにしとこう。この話はここまで。

This is a temporary situation.

Help me catch the Dutchman, we can make it permanent.

Where are we headed?


Your new home.

He is Neal Caffrey.

My office called earlier.

There you go..."snake eyes".

snake eyes ぞろ目 11が蛇の目に見えることかららしい

Thank you.

Can I talk to you for a second?


Hang on.


A little farther down.


Do I have to stay here?

Cowboy up, all right?

cowboy up 諦めずに頑張れ

It cost $700 a month to house you on the inside, so that's what it costs here.

For the money, this is as good as it gets.

You find something better, take it.

take it そこにしろ "I will take it" これを買います

What about clothes?

I'm wearing my entire wardrobe.

entire wardrobe すべての持ち衣装

You like thrift stores.

thrift store 節約 古着屋

There's one at the end of the block.

No, don't start.

"don't start" は説教や愚痴など)を言い始めるのはやめろ

No protests.


This is what you wanted, isn't it?



Look at it.

It's no...oh look at her.

You don't get that in prison, do you?

No, not at all.

Listen, your tracking anklet is set up so that you can go anywhere within 2 miles of this place.

Here's your homework.


Remember...Two miles.

I'll see you at 7:00 a.m.


ピーターとニールが再会し、ピーターとエリザベスの会話の直前まで ニールとジューンの出会い



なんかあった?って聞いても別にって応えるピーターに「don't tell me it's Neal Caffrey」ニールのことじゃないよね?
「I've been competing with him for three years」四年も彼とあなたをめぐって競い合ってる。おしゃれ。
「He's almost as brilliant as the woman I married」なんかもオシャレ。
「it is so hard for you to〜」することが困難だ。なんかはいろんなところで使えそう。
「leave it at that」は、しつこい。もうこの話はここまでみたいな時に使えそう。
「If you were Neal, you wouldn't have run for me?」は、エリザベスの名言。
「be tempted to」 〜の衝動に駆られるもまた出てくるので次回は聞き直さなくても良いようにしたい。

ホテルは月700ドル 1泊2000円位か?ここでも言い合いになるけど、当然ピーターの勝ち。

ハイライトは"If you were Neal, you wouldn't have run for me?" 使えそうなと言うよりも、好きなシーン。 エリザベスが迷っているピーターに「あなたがニールなら、私のために脱走はしないの?」 エリザベスは今後も迷っているピーターに助言します。この夫婦の会話がドラマですごくいい味を出します。