Here are the backgrounds.
They match June's tickets.
Now all we do is print the tickets on top of that, and you, my friend, have top-tier seats to the symphony.
top-tier 一流の
It's too bad the Sumners are at the royal Riviera. You know, I could have swiped those tickets for you. Saved you an awful lot of trouble.
June, are you sure the Sumners didn't give away their seats?
15B is Preston's favorite roulette play. He feels it's bad luck if anyone except a Sumner sits in that seat.
But you said the family never goes.
Yeah, entitlement issues of the rich and not famous.
entitlement 権利
All right. Here are your originals. Well, as our resident expert, would you authenticate?
Well, it's enough to...fool me. And we all know, I am no fool.
No, you are not. You're a lifesaver. Thank you so much, June.
Thank you.
Bye, June.
Bye, now.
So, how's it going with Little Miss Repo?
Little less "War of the Roses" now that there are no secrets between us.
Uh, have you forgotten about the battle of the missing Raphael?
Okay. Fewer secrets between us.
Hey, Peter.
You busy?
Well, you said you were too busy for me not to be. How's everything going?
I can't get a moment alone.
Peter! It's your turn.
Okay, okay, yeah. One second. One second.
They'd only let me escape to make a work call, which didn't please her dad.
Is he staring?
Like a creepy doll. You -- you want to come over and ease the glare?
ease 和らげる glare まぶしい光
As much as I would love that ammunition, you made Sara the boss today.
ammunition 銃弾
Damn it. El hates the gift her parents gave her. Now there's extra pressure on mine to be great.
Well, you said it would be.
Well, I thought it was, but in reality, it looks like they didn't send the platinum package. And now I can't get a minute to check the disc. Is Mozzie there?
Oh, that cat can dance.
You must be really desperate.
Like a caged animal.
I'll send him over.
I'm only doing this for Elizabeth.
Mozzie, what are you doing here?
Well, birthdays only come but once a year, for those of you using the Julian calendar. Here, I got you this, uh...
Oh. Oh, thanks for making me look good.
Mozzie, this is a Mis.Rule. How did you get this?
How did you get it?
I paid for it. But let's keep that between us. As they say, three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.
Only Benjamin Franklin said that.
You know he invented the bifocal.
bifocal 遠近両用の
That's a factoid, actually. The Dollonds made spectacles of that type for years before Franklin got credit, but misinformation within an elitist, patriarchal society runs deep.
factoid 擬似事実 elitist 特権階級の patriarchal 男性に支配された
You're distrustful of our founders?
distrustful 疑念を抱く
Oh, Mozzie is distrustful of a lot of things.
A true Marxist!
Long live the proletariat!
Come on in.
Now you may thank me, Suit.
I chose white. Goes with everything.
What do you say we listen to music, stand around awkwardly, and wait for the night to end?
awkwardly 気まずく
Sara and Bryan look cozy.
cozy 親密な
Really? I didn't notice.
Step over here, please.
Bryan just snuck through the metal detector.
He's definitely not here for the concert.
We got a problem. The symphony must have updated their security system when the Strad went missing. Our tickets don't have a barcode.
What do we do now?
We'll be fine. Go with me.
Can I help you, sir?
I hope so. I'm Preston Sumner III. My grandfather called ahead.
Uh... I'm sorry, sir. I never got word to print these tickets.
Well, phone connections from Nice can be tricky, but as you can see, these are my granddaddy's seats -- Lucky 15B for black.
Right, sir, but only a Sumner can --
Can sit in a Sumner's seat. Yes, this is my wife, Diana. Doesn't she look lovely tonight? She's an avid fan.
avid 熱烈な
Dudamel's mastery of Mahler's 5th Symphony last month was breathtaking.
If you'd like to verify with my grandfather, he's at the Royal Riviera.
That won't be necessary. In fact, Maurie... Can you take them in? Maurie's our resident instrument expert. He'll tell you all about the show.
Lovely. Thank you so much.
Right this way.
Do you know if any of the instruments we'll be hearing tonight are unique?
Quite special, in fact. Our second violinist will be playing an Hilaire, and the first, a Nagyvary.
A modern string said to match the sound of a Stradivarius.
Don't be fooled. Nothing beats the original.
Will we get a chance to compare? I hear the symphony has a Stradivarius.
Oh, we do... But it's fragile. We only feature it opening and closing nights. Oh, excuse me. Second violin calls.
Thank you so much.
That's true.
Recognize our Klimt portrait?
Mm-hmm. It says here Annie Chaite is second violin. So we know Bryan and Annie are connected somehow, and he snuck something past security.
All right. I'll keep an eye on Bryan. Go check with Sara.
Oh, gosh! Sorry. I should watch where I'm going.
You're Neal Caffrey.
I usually pride myself on keeping a lower profile. What gave me away?
Who, actually. My girlfriend -- She was after you for a stolen Raphael. Spent a lot of late nights on you.
You going to intervene?
intervene 介在する
No. No, I'm only concerned with one instrument here, not in watching them swing theirs. Did you clock Bryan getting through security?
clock 気づく
I guess I was the spark she needed to escape a...monotonous routine.
monotonous 単調な
Until she realized fireworks don't have a lasting flame.
You know, the nice thing about fireworks -- there's usually a second show.
Well, you boys look like you're getting along.
Famously. You remember Neal, sweetie.
Hard to forget.
Nice to see you, Sara.
You don't mind if they join us for drinks afterward, do you?
I can't think of anything more fun. I'm Diana, by the way.
Great. We'll find you after the show.
Well, at least we know Bryan and Annie won't be meeting up anytime soon. Come on.
So, I told Derrida, "I will see your deconstructionism," and I will raise you transcendent abnegation."
deconstructionism 脱構築主義 transcendent けた外れの abnegation 自制
You've created your own philosophical bubble.
I'm on my third manifest.
Peter, where did you find him?
Oh, ho, ho. Well, like Alan said, mental instability is everywhere.
instability 不安定な
Mozzie's a friend of Neal, who is Peter's C.I.
Well, you've lived an extraordinary life.
I have, haven't I? As Abbie Hoffman said to me, "Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Now, if you'll excuse me, I do have to go to the restroom.
Rampant narcissism, delusions of grandeur, paranoia from overblown sense of self. He's...
Rampant 凶暴な delusion 妄想 grandeur 高貴さ overblown 度が過ぎた sense of self 自意識
Well, it's a shame about his rabid kleptomania. He needs constant supervision. I should go check on him.
rabid 狂気じみた kleptomania 窃盗癖