Narator: Which brings us to April 25, 2008. My 30th birthday, or as it would come to be referred to in later years The Day of the Goat.
refer to 〜に言及する
Lily: Hey, where are you?
Barney:I'm in the limo, right outside of Ted's office.
Lily: Great. Well, everyone's here. Stella just arrived and there is something here so awesome, I'm not going to tell you what it is, but you won't believe...
Barney: Goat in a party hat?
Lily: Damn it! Well, you still gotta see it. It's so much fun having a goat at a party!
Narator: In a few short hours, Lily would come to regret those words. But we'll get there.
Barney:Uh, gotta go. Here he comes.
Lily: Okay. Bye.
Ted: Whoa, you guys went all out.
go all out 大枚をはたく
Lily: Okay, everyone, Ted's in the limo, five-minute warning! Everyone get ready! Oh, Missy, are you excit?? Yes, you are!
Ted: Whoa, we're leaving the city. Where the hell is this party?
Barney: Vegas.
Ted: Vegas? I thought the party was on the rooftop.
Barney: Surprise! Just a decoy, my friend.
decoy おとり
Ted: So there's no roof party?
Barney: Oh, no. There is. We're just not going. This is how good a friend I am. They want you to spent your 30th standing around drinking flat beer ten feet above your living room. But not me, bro. I pulled out all the stops. Private jet, Valderrama suite at the Bellagio. Steaks at BOA, scotch at Ghostbar, then two ringside seats to watch Floyd Mayweather go ten rounds with, wait for it... a grizzly bear!
心構え pull out all the stops 全力を尽くす
Ted: Take me home, Barney.
Barney: No! We have to go to Vegas. Look, Ted, I didn't want to say this, but... there's something that I have to tell you, and I wanted you to be in the best possible frame of mind before you heard it.
frame of mind 心構え
Ted: You slept with Robin.
Ranjit: You slept with Robin? Barney! That is Ted's ex-girlfriend!
Barney: When did you find out?
Ted: Hey, Robin. Come here!
Robin: What's up?
Ted: I was, uh, just going through some old stuff and I...
Marshall: Oh, crap!
Ted: Anyway, uh, I came across this.
come across 偶然見つける
Robin: From my vacation in Vermont.
Ted: Yeah. I don't know if you'd even want it, but if you do, it's yours.
Robin: I slept with Barney!
Ted: What?
Robin: It was just one time, it, it was the night that Simon dumped me and I was in a really vulnerable place and I, I wanted to just pretend like it never happened, but I couldn't, and... I can't. I just, I had to tell you. And... I just hope that we can still be friends.
vulnerable 傷つきやすい
Ted: Of course we can still be friends.
Robin: So you're not mad?
Ted: Well, I'm... it's a little weird, but, um... No, I'm not mad.
Barney: So you're not mad?
Ted: No, I'm not mad. I mean, Robin and I broke up a year ago. We've, we've both dated lots of people since then. I'm with Stella now. Seriously, I...I'm fine with this.
Barney: I'm so relieved to hear you say that.
Ted: Yeah. Yeah. Oh, hey, I just remembered, um, my mom is coming into town next month. Maybe you'd like to nail her, too!
Marshall: Where are they?! I'm getting a cramp.
get a cram 痙攣する
Lily: Marshall, can we keep the goat?
Marshall: No.
Lily: But she's so cute and furry and soft.
Marshall: Yeah, and she also sheds, eats out of the garbage and can't control her bowels. Why don't we just call Duluth Mental Hospital and say my Uncle Linus can live with us?
shed 抜け落ちる bowels はらわた
Robin: Yeah, Lily, that may seem like a good idea after a couple of drinks but tomorrow morning you're going to want this thing out of your house.
Lily: Oh, you should talk.You slept with Barney.
Robin: Marshall!
Marshall: I'm sorry! I couldn't take it anymore.
Lily: I can't believe you did that. That's so gross. Was it amazing?
Robin: What? I... Lily, I really don't want to talk about this.
Lily: I know but it's Barney. It's just hard not to be curious. Did he have like devices and stuff?
Robin: Lily,come on.
Lily: Hot wax?
Marshall: Stop it.
Lily: Did he tie you to anything?
Marshall: That's enough. What's wrong with you?
Lily: I'm sorry. Is he all smooth down there?
Ted: Three billion women on the planet! Three billion! And you have to sleep with the one that I dated for a year! Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?! Robin?!
Barney: You think I'm proud of this?! I'm horrified that this happened.
horrified 恐怖に襲われた
Ted: How did it happen? Huh? Barney, I want to know. Tell me exactly how it happened.
Barney: You mean... what position? Stop it! Stop it!
Ranjit: Hit him!
Barney: Ted! Stop!
Ranjit: Hit him!
Barney: Stop!
Ranjit: Hit him!
Barney: Okay. Okay. You're pissed. You deserve to be. Fine. You know what? One free shot. On me. Anywhere but the face. Who punches someone in the groin? Okay.Okay. I deserved that. I deserved that. But what's important now is... we're passed this whole Robin thing now, right?
Ted: You think that this is just about Robin? This is about... You know, I've seen you do some bad stuff. I mean some really terrible stuff to a lot of different people. I just always thought there had to be a limit. I always thought I was the limit. You're always spouting off these rules for bros. Isn't one of them, "don't do this"?
spout off とうとうとしゃべる
Barney: Yeah. And I broke it. I'm sorry. But, Ted...seriously, this suite at the Bellagio...
Ted: I am not going to Vegas with you! I'm not going to blow off my friends and my girlfriend, and spend my 30th birthday in a strip club. The fact that you think I would... You know, Barney,earlier this week I started putting things in a box and that box was labeled "stuff I have no use for anymore."
blow off 無視する
Barney: What does that mean?
Ted: It means... maybe you belong in that box.
Barney: Are you saying you don't want to be bros anymore?
Ted: I'm saying I don't want to be friends anymore.
Barney: Okay, I'm going to stop you right there, because it seems like you're about to say something that's going to pretty much ruin Vegas.
Ted: Ranjit, stop the car. I'm getting a cab.
Everyone: Surprise!
Narator: Oh, right, the goat. So funny.You're going to love this. So later in that night, the goat locked himself in the bathroom and was eating one of Robin's washcloths and wait, hold on. Robin wasn't living here on my 30th birthday. When did this happen? Oh, wait, the goat was there on my 31st birthday. Sorry, I totally got that wrong.