Yes. Katherine MacMillan. I read about it in this morning's paper. Poor Olly. If there's anything I can do...
You can tell me why you demanded $100,000 from her.
No, no, no. No. I didn't demand anything. Sometimes... The birth mothers will threaten to reclaim their children unless they're given a large sum of money. It's unfortunate, but these are the waters.
Prove to me that Olly's birth mother came forward.
Well, I'll be happy to give you the name of my chechen contact. If you need proof beyond that, feel free to charter a flight to Gudermes and find her yourself.
Katherine told you she didn't have the money.
Well, yes, and I had no idea what she'd resort to to get it. She's an adult. I told her the truth. She robbed a jewelry store. If I'm guilty of something, it's believing that she was a good parent. I don't tear families apart, agent. I bring them together. Sometimes it doesn't work out.
resort 頼る
Clark Maskhadov.
A.K.A. "Clark the shark."Yeah, he likes to chew people up. He's the enforcer for Kaz Abramov.
A.K.A. =also known as chew up 食いつぶす enforcer 執行者
Chechen mob boss? What's he doing calling on Donovan?
call on 訪ねる
Maybe he wants Donovan's help becoming a daddy.
You think the chechen mob's involved with his adoptions.
My gut tells me there's a connection.
Your gut's rarely wrong. Where's Maskhadov now?
I've got Jones sitting on him. Let's see where he leads us.
Excuse me, ma'am.
What's Sara doing here?
Let her up.
Are you sure that's a good idea?
I don't know. Let's ask her.
What are you doing here, Sara?
I came to see Neal.
Hear that? She came to see you.
It's not a social visit. You broke into my house... again.
Can you prove it?
I can. I'd like him to submit to a polygraph.
I'm not issuing a polygraph.
That's okay. I brought my own.
She has her own.
I see that.
Sara, if you had any proof that could justify this polygraph...
I'll take it. I didn't break into her house.
Great. Can I borrow an office?
This should be fun.
All right. State your name.
State 述べる
Neal Caffrey.
What color are your eyes?
Okay. Tell me a lie.
That color does not bring out the subtle glint of hazel in your eyes. Voice stress analyzer. Sterling bosch.Standard issue.
bring out 浮き彫りにする subtle 微妙な glint 輝き hazel ハシバミ色
More portable than a polygraph, and I don't have to hire an analyst. An unopened package from the FAA was stolen from my home. Did you take it?
I did not.
Do you know who did?
I do not.
He took it.
What makes you so sure?
Package from the FAA. Kate died on a plane. Neal's involved.
The package arrived while we were working together on the Halbridge case... the same time you started playing nice. I think there was something in that package... something you wanted, and you used me to get it. Am I wrong?
You're wrong. Listen, Sara, despite what you think, this situation has nothing to do with us. So why don't we call a time-out, talk things over, and get past it? Coffee, dinner, you name it. What do you say?
despite にもかかわらず
I say that you're also responsible for the theft of a Raphael in April of 2005.
I only agreed to talk about the stolen package, so I guess we're done.
No. No, we're not.
I took the polygraph.
You cheated. I don't know how... But you cheated. You're playing with fire. Sara is like a tornado in heels, and you're...
Please, please don't reduce me to a trailer park.
reduce to 〜を…に変える
Mm, if the shoe fits. Hey, Jones.
if the shoe fits. 思い当たるところがあれば。
I just tailed Maskhadov to the old New York room.
How long ago?
10 minutes. Looks like the place is hopping.
hopping 忙しくしている
Good. Thanks.
Clark the shark just disappeared into the old new York room.
I thought that place got shut down.
Well, apparently, it's reopened for business. Donovan won a Texas hold 'em tournament in Macau last year.
There's our connection between Clark and Donovan.
Could be. Let's find out. This conversation about Sara is not over.
I didn't think it would be.
Bouncer and a password to get in.
Bouncer 警備員
The guy talking to the girl in the purple dress... That's Bernie Buryatskiy, Abramov's right arm.
Want me to see if Donovan's inside?
How you gonna get in?
Call me.
You want me to get in? Can you hear me?
Don't hang up.
Oh, excuse me. Sorry about that, sir.
Can I see your phone?
Go ahead.
That's great. What happens when Buryatskiy finds out he's got your phone in his pocket?
Better keep his hands off my rollover minutes.
hands off 手を出さない
Hey. Password?
He's okay.
Burya. Ready for big game?
I'm ready to win.
Maybe I check your sleeves for pocket queens.
You'll find nothing.
Give me a light.
Kaz Abramov. It's a pleasure.
Who are you?
Nick Halden. I hear you got a game going.
Unfortunately, we just filled last spot for Friday night.
That's a shame. At the risk of sounding immodest, my last gambling spree a few years back brought the sun city to its knees.
immodest うぬぼれた spree 酒盛り
And what? You want to use my establishment for your encore?
establishment 敷地 encore アンコール
Wherever I play, attention follows. The type of attention that draws bigger players with much bigger wallets.
The buy-in is $100,000.
When's it get interesting?
Sam. Find my new friend here a seat for Friday night, will you? Please.
What do you got? Ooh, you got one.
Are you still there?
Anything on Donovan?
I'm working on it.
Buy-in for Friday is $100,000. Method of payment?
Bank account and routing number.
Just one moment while I verify.
I'm sorry, Mr. Halden, but it appears your account has insufficient funds.
insufficient 不足して fund 資金
There must be some error.
Apologies, but I won't be able to hold your spot in the game until I have the money in hand.
You saw me and Abramov chatting just now, right, Sam? That was him thanking me. Now, I'd hate to tell him that the man who saved his beloved prostitutka from the Russian diamond mines was denied access into his poker game because you couldn't overlook something as trivial as a bank error. Come on.
beloved いとしいひと prostitutka 売春 mine 鉱山 trivial ささいな
We close to entrants one hour before the game. And it has to be cash.
entrant 参加者
Thank you.
See ya.
I may have an angle on how we can take down Donovan. You got 100 grand I can borrow?