And gets busy with her disappearing act.
Missed her by two days.
Where'd she go?
She's a ghost, man.
She did an outstanding job of melting away.
She's being held by someone.
She's too scared to say who.
Interpol told me the man who has Kate is with the FBI.
You think it's Fowler.
I do now.
What's he want from you?
Could be anything.
I'm not done with this investigation, Burke.
Neither am I.
Neal, Neal, he's close.
The man with the ring?
He wants something.
Who is he?
I can't tell you.
Please just tell me where you hid everything.
Hello, Kate.
Hello, Peter.
We need to talk about Neal.
If only there were some way to compare this to your life.
if only there were 仮定法過去 〜でさえあれば良いのだが some way to 〜するための何らかの方法
I get it, Moz.
I'm a pawn.
Your analogy lacks creative thinking.
analogy 類似点 lack 不足している
You're upset because it's accurate.
accurate 正確な 精密な
See, Kate has reign over the entire board while your movements are more...restricted.
reign over 〜を支配する
Fowler has to be lying about Peter.
There's no way he has Kate.
Neal, everyone has a price.
And Peter's been in the perfect position to control everything.
I hate to give the suit credit, but he's smart.
I know him.
There's no way he could do it.
If you're so sure, then prove it.
Find the ring...
ou find the king.
See if he has it.
I'm the bishop, if you were wondering.
I wasn't.
Do you trust him?
Look, he's the guy you want for this.
Well, you didn't answer my question.
Morning, Peter.
Agent Landry, meet Neal Caffrey.
The con man turned FBI consultant.
con man 詐欺師
My reputation precedes me.
precede 〜に先行する
Well, you're hard to miss.
hard to miss 〜を見逃すことはない
You took a swan dive out of a judge's chamber into a bakery awning.
I really don't like that picture.
But they do have the greatest cake in town.
What's up?
Agent Landry is here from the Dallas Field Office.
He's following a boiler-room case.
boiler-room テレマーケティング詐欺をするための部屋
Actually, I'm just still catching Burke up on the details.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, yeah.
You think Caffrey is the right man for this job?
Oh, yeah.
He's a criminal.
So are the guys in the boiler room.
Look, I busted him for bond forgery.
I know the story.
Then the guy breaks out of prison.
Three months left on a four-year sentence.
Then he's an idiot.
It was for a girl.
Well, it looks like he could have his pick.
pick 選択 最高の人
Yeah, well, there's something special about Kate.
Point is, she's no longer an issue.
You got a tracking anklet on him?
How's that work?
We can pull a map on his movements at any time.
When he's working or with me, we don't worry about it.
When he's off the clock, he's on a two-mile radius.
off the clock 勤務時間外である
He goes outside that, we get an alert.
Look, you need somebody who can sweet-talk their way into a high-pressure sales environment.
way into 〜にずいぶん熱中している
He's your guy.
Got some rangers tickets...box seats.
You guys interested?
Okay. Boop.
This is a boiler-room scam.
scam 詐欺
We've got an office full of junior Gordon Gekkos, selling bad stock.
Gordon Gekkos 映画ウォール街の主人公投資家、ゴードン・ゲッコー
It's a classic pump and dump.
pump and dump 操作する、上げ下げする
Guy in charge buys half a million shares of dollar stocks, gets his boys to inflate the price by selling it over the phone, then dumps his stock when it peaks, leaving our buyers holding worthless shares.
guy in charge 担当者 share 単位としての株 dump 放出する inflate インフレになる
People are losing their homes over this.
Guy last month got taken for $50,000.
got taken for a ride うまく乗せられてしまった
He's got three kids and no roof to put over their heads now.
The average victim of this scam loses nearly 30 grand.
victim 被害者
So we need to shut this room down.
Room is mobile?
They've run this operation four times now.
Every time they dump the stock, they pick up, move to another location.
Who's the guy in charge?
That's what we're trying to figure out.
Landry has got somebody on the inside, a female informant.
informant 情報提供者
How did she work her way into the boys'club?
She hasn't.
That's why we're sending in someone who can.
Someone who can hustle with the best of them.
I guess we won't be drawing straws.
draw straws くじを引く
All right, you're gonna interview with a guy named Brad.
Of course his name is Brad.
You think I can keep up with these guys?
keep up with の最新情報に通じている
Peter, I'm flattered.
flatter お世辞を言う I'm flattered 光栄で嬉しく思う
Oh, give me a break.
give me a break 何言ってんだ。
You could sell light switches to the amish.
amish アーミッシュ派の 米国ペンシルバニア州に多く居住しているキリスト教の一派。電気、水道、自動車などの現代技術を使わずに生活している。
Madison Cookler...
That's our girl on the inside.
She won't know who you are.
What's her role in all this?
The guys transfer the calls, after they make a sale, to her.
She takes down all the buyer's information.
take down 記録する
But thanks to her, we know exactly what kind of stocks the guys are looking to hawk.
We went fishing with several of our own front companies.
They took the bait on that one.
bait 餌
Rhymer pharmaceutical.
pharmaceutical 調剤、薬剤
And you got a tap on every phone in the place.
We're recording every call.
But the sales are real.
We just want to know who's behind it all.
So do I.
What's that?
For me?
Peter, I didn't get you anything.
For me?
Peter, I didn't get you anything.
We call it an eagle.
Recorder, transmitter, GPS.
Keep it on you at all times.
Love it.
We need to cut your anklet on this one.
Love it even more.
No, you don't.
After your last escape, we need a home run.
A lot of people think I made a mistake.
Well, let's prove them wrong.
Or else you're headed back to maximum security.
Glad some things never change.