Let me talk to Elizabeth, all right?
It's the least I can do.
It's the least I can do 私にできるせめてものこと
No, the least you can do is nothing, which is exactly what you will do.
It's my fault.
No, I don't need you to lie to my wife.
You gonna do it yourself?
The truth, Peter.
Bold choice.
Bold choice 大胆な決断 冒険的な選択
See, I would tell her that I wouldn't stop complaining about the car, so you let me go into the nightclub, and you witnessed the suspect enter after me and had no choice but to follow.
It's almost the truth.
It's better than alimony.
alimony 慰謝料
We lost Dorsett.
What about the painting and the cash?
All gone.
Dorsett escaped.
This is bad.
Yeah, this is bad.
You know, this one may be a real problem, El.
So, if you don't find Dorsett, what happens to Neal?
He's done.
He's back inside.
Do you actually think he stole it?
You gonna be okay?
Yeah, I'll be...
I'll be fine, yeah.
Honey, listen.
About last night at the hotel...
You mean the nightclub.
Neal was complaining about my sandwich, and then he started fidgeting with the radio, so I...
fidgeting いじくりまわる
There was no nightclub.
I know.
Honey, you don't think after 10 years I know when you're...
Stretching the truth?
Well, that's a nice way of putting it.
put 表現する 言う
Next time, just tell me.
That's what I told Neal.
Then stick to it.
やり通す 頑張る
I will.
I know you're a good man.
Was she cute?
Well, now, that depends on your definition, 'cause I...I got to plead the fifth on this one.
plead 嘆願する 主張する take the Fifth 黙秘権を行使
Yeah, okay.
Who is this?
I could ask you the same thing.
You seem to have many names, George.
How'd you get this number?
You bought my girlfriend a drink with your credit card.
I'm impressed with your resourcefulness.
resourcefulness 機略に富む やり手
Now you will see mine.
I want the painting.
If it is not returned, Joshua will pay a visit to your beautiful friend at the gallery.
pay a visit to 訪問する
You leave her out of this.
leave そっとしておく
Brigitte was out of bounds, yet you involved her.
out of bounds 立ち入り禁止 yet けれども involve 関与する
You set the rules.
Now you must play by them.
I need two days.
That's all you have.
You stole the painting?
I was going to give it back to Julianna.
You're like a child...
No sense of consequence.
consequence 結果 因果関係 重大さ
Will you look at the inscription?
inscription 記入 題辞
The channing curator said he authenticated the painting before it was stolen.
He saw that it belonged to Julianna and chose to ignore it.
And you're Robin Hood.
And did I forget to mention the part where you stole the painting?!
mention 言及する 口にする
I didn't think Dorsett would get away.
This is because you don't like the guy from the channing.
You did this for spite.
spite 意地悪
I've done things for less.
I can't let him go after Taryn.
So, what are you gonna do?
This better be good.
This better be good ちゃんとした言い訳があるんだろうなあ
I took the painting.
Damn it, Neal.
I wasn't gonna...
I did it for...
We can use it to catch Dorsett.
He doesn't know I work for you.
We'll set it up tomorrow.
Now get the hell out of my house.
Good night, Elizabeth.
Bye, Neal.
Well, he, uh...
He told you the truth about the painting.
Because they threatened Taryn.
It's a start.
It's a start.