Look, Lily, I'm sorry about Amanda, but I'm just gonna say it.You are being a birthday brat.You're all bent out of shape just 'cause you think I ruined a couple of pictures?
brat ガキ bent 好み
Oh, Ted, these girls have ruined so many events.Or are you forgetting Paris?
What happened in Paris?
It was junior year, and I was studying abroad in Paris, - and hadn't seen Marshall for two months.
Two months! And I had just started having sex.I wasn't ready to stop for two months.
And Marshall was coming to visit over spring break.
And at the last minute, Ted decided to come with the girl he had just gotten back together with, Karen.
I am so excited you're here.
I'm so excited to go to Paris.
I'm so excited to have sex again.
But just before the plane took off
Wait, I wanna tell you something.
Really?'Cause I think I wanna tell you the same thing.
Is your thing, I had sex with my philosophy professor last night? 'Cause that's my thing.
And thus began the longest seven-and-a-half hours of Marshall's life.When I picked them up at the airport
Ted broke up with me.I need to sleep in your room this week.Marshall can bunk with Ted.
bunk 〜に寝床をを提供する
Two months! My balls were bleues! Bleues!
This will come as no shock, but the rest of the trip was terrible.And all I wanted was a romantic kiss picture in front of the Eiffel Tower, which I actually did get.It just happened to be between Karen and Fransois, our waiter from the day before.
come as a shock ショックである
Wow, that's just awful.Just, just, just Oh, whoopsie, hey, I dropped my phone.You mind picking it up for me?
Oh, sure.
Smile, you son-of-a-bitch! Got it!
Did you, though?
What? How do you do that? You weren't even standing up.
The camera loves me, Robin.More than loves me.The camera lusts after me.The camera wants to put on some nice lingerie, pop in an Al Green CD, dim the lights, and do all the work, while I just lie there with my eyes closed.
lust after 劣情を抱く
Look, I'm sorry about Paris, and all the ruined group shots.But when you're single, you gotta hope that each next new girl is the one.I mean, Erin.
And Sara.
It's Lailanie.What is wrong with you?
At the time, yes.I thought each of these girls could be the one.But I gotta stay hopeful.I mean, what's the alternative?
Here's the alternative.How about no more random skanks at my birthday? Hey, sweetie.
Uh, do you guys have a cooling rack?
Oh, drawer under the oven.Can't wait.You're just the best.
And, Ted, I'm sorry.I'm gonna have to agree with Lily on this.I mean, these kind of events are hard for a new person.That's why I didn't bring Don tonight.I mean, when I lived in Japan, this guy, for our third date, brought me to his brother's wedding.Now I, a total stranger, am in that Japanese couple's wedding picture for all eternity.
Yeah, Ted, I think you should listen to Robin.
Right.Right.'Cause Robin's your best friend.
Your best friend in the whole world.
Careful, Lily.It's a trap.
And before she was your best friend, what was she? Oh, that's right, one of my random skanks.
Okay, yes, Ted.This particular skank.
happened to work out.But she's the skanky exception, - not the skanky rule.
Hey, I'm crying a little bit.
Okay.Hey, guys, that about wraps up this whole skank conversation.Let's get back to the birthday song.Okay, Barney, your part goes like this.She's cute She's cute She's cute
Lily, I bring girls to these events because you guys are important to me.You're my family.
And, hey, Robin.Hey, Robin.Robin.Your part goes like this.And nice And nice And oh, so nice
Yes, we're a family.So, why can't these events ever just be us? Like the time we celebrated Marshall passing the bar exam.
Hey, guys.This is the disgusting, smelly hippie I'm dating.
disgusting むかつく
I did not say that.
Well, you might as well have.
might as well 〜するのも同様である
Hey, guys.This is Strawberry.
Um, should we order some more food?
Oh, no, Strawberry's not eating.
I'm a vegetarian.
Okay.Well, let's all raise a glass.For the last three years, Marshall has been working so hard, - and I am so proud of you.
Meat is murder! Meat is murder!
Okay, I admit it.Strawberry was a mistake.But how could I have known that going in?
Her name was Strawberry!
Look, if it's such a big deal, Amanda doesn't have to be in the group photo.But I promise, she's not gonna ruin your birthday.Just give her a chance.
See, look, guys, we're all friends again! Now let's work on those harmonies.Happy, Happy Lily Day Happy, Happy Lily Day
All done! I hope you like it.
Happy 42nd birthday, Lori.
Kids, you know how I've told you about Lily's you're-dead-to-me look? That expression she gets just before she explodes in white-hot rage? Well, this wasn't it.But this was Marshall's.
Forty-second? Does this hot piece of ass look 42 to you? Or does she look like her name is Lori?
Oh, Marshall, it's okay.
No, Lily, it's not okay! Ted, get this stranger out of my house.
I am so sorry.
Happy, Happy Lily Day Happy, Happy Lily Day.