In the fall of 2012, Nick and Robin were going strong.Sometimes it's hard to say what it is exactly that makes a couple click.
Whatever it was, kids, Nick and Robin really connected at first.
Hey, you know, I think I'm really starting to feel something here
But then, as often happens, they started to drift apart.Why? Who can say?
Nick and I haven't had sex in three days.And it's your fault.Nick won't have sex because he pulled his groin muscle, all 'cause you made him join your stupid basketball team.
Did you say stupid basketball team?
Oh, my gosh, guys, we have to rush Robin to the hospital. Because somehow, she swallowed her vocal cords and they got lodged in her rectum, because she's talking out of her ass.
vocal cords 声帯 get lodged 引っかかる rectum 直腸
Over the summer, Marshall had joined a midtown professionals basketball league.His team of lawyers was called The Force Majeurs.Ever since they lost to a group of accountants, he'd started getting a little intense about it.
You sure you didn't have a ringer or two out there, Joel?
ringer 代役
Don't know what you're talking about.Good hustle out there, Aboubakar!
If Joel can use ringers, then so can we.And Nick is our best player.So as far as I'm concerned, you can both keep your groins on ice.
Groins on Ice.Least popular Madison Square Garden holiday show ever.
Why are you so into this basketball league?
Robin, it's the Little Ivies Professionals Over 30 Who Work In Midtown League.It's The Show!
You know, it's kind of funny, imagining people icing their groins.I mean, first they'd be all cold, and then the ice would start to melt, and things would get all wet and steamy.
Okay, Lily.Look, buddy, I'm also the captain of a team in the Little Ivies Professionals Over 30 Who Work In Midtown League.I'm addicted to the adrenaline, too.Still, don't you think you're getting a little obsessive about
Uh, hold up, hold up.Are you suggesting that you are a member of a sports team and you're the captain?
So says the C I personally sewed onto my jersey.After Victoria and I broke up, I had some free time.So, called up a few architect friends and put together a little team called the T-Squares.
See that? The floor's uneven.
And that window placement is rubbish.
rubbish ダサい
You know, if a genie gave me one wish, I would knock down that wall and create a nice flow.
Great wish.I mean, there's too much hardwood, right?
Did you nerds actually play any basketball?
Um, us nerds focused on something far more important: bonding.
You guys are going to get pounded.And I am not.
Oh, come on.You can't go a couple weeks without sex? Our point guard's a 52-year-old virgin, happy as a clam.
I'm sure he's quite a ball handler.
The problem is, now that we're not having sex, we're talking more, and I'm realizing that Nick is kind of dumb.
News to me.
I hadn't noticed that.
Oh, my God.You guys think that he's dumb, too?
So dumb.
Air bags are sharper.
sharper 詐欺師
Hot as lava but just as thick.
lava 溶岩
Wow.When did you guys start to notice that he was kind of dumb?
Well, there was that time Nick was doing the crossword.
Hey, what's a four- letter word for cut?
Is a four-letter word for cut.
What is?
What? Oh.I got it.Shave.
And there was the comment about Gypsies.
No, no.I think Gypsies prefer to be called Romani now.
Do they? Really? And what do unicorns and, uh, elves and leprechauns prefer to be called?
You do know, uh, Gypsies are a real ethnic group that actually exists?
Oh, you guys, I feel terrible now.I always thought they were just made up, like goblins or trolls or dolphins.
And then there's that story you told about how you and Nick picked up that Danish exchange student and you all took a shower together.
I never told a story like that.
Well, no time like the present.Let's give this Danish ho a name.I'm thinking Nadia.Yeah, she sounds slutty and bi-curious.
What is wrong with you?
Your kid is right there.Maybe want to clean it up a lit You're wearing a baby and you're doing pull-ups?
No, Ted, I'm sitting around getting soft, 'cause that's what champions do.
The problem is, now that I know how dumb Nick is, it's kind of making me reconsider the relationship.
Why? Eventually, Nick's groin will heal and you'll be back in Sexville, where all the crossword puzzles only have one box to fill.
Talk about a double standard.Every time I go after a busty dullard who can't tell time or thinks I'm the ghost of Leonardo DiCaprio, I'm shallow.But somehow it's okay for Robin to date a guy who can't be trusted around outlets.Dump him!
shallow 浅はか
Okay, that is ridiculous.Is Nick a genius? No.But does he have average intelligence? No.But he is a human being, with a heart!
And you're afraid if I dump him, it'll throw off his game.
throw off 抜け出す
Robin, he got 36 points and 17 rebounds last week.And that was with his shoes on the wrong feet.
Well, you're probably all wondering how the T-Squares' practice went today.
The T-What?
We played up here.Basketball, people don't realize, is all geometry, physics and engineering.If you think like an architect, you could win a thousand games without ever touching a ball.
What happened to your ball?
Some kids from the Hebrew school next door took it and wouldn't give it back.
Hey.How'd the breakup with Nick go?
So, I went to this fortune teller today and she said there was a curse on me.
Did she sell you something to ward off the curse?
ward off 避ける
It's like you're a fortune teller, too.
Nick, um I think we need to talk.Yeah.Uh it's just Whoa, these are hard.
Anyway, this $500 bracelet will ward off evil till the end of the week, so
Do you think that you could do, uh, sit-ups or something while you talk?
Yeah.Anyway, this fortune teller, she was able to tell me all sorts of stuff about my future, just from my credit cards and my social security number,
I knew you'd cave.Which is why I came up with a little extra incentive to break up with Nick.End it by 8:00 p.m.tonight or this invite goes live.
cave 降参させる incentive 動機
Robin and Patrice's BFF Fun Day?!
Kids, Patrice was a coworker of Robin's who'd become sort of obsessed with her.Robin had managed, until now, to keep Patrice at arms length.But if Patrice were invited to something called Robin and Patrice's BFF Fun Day, she'd latch onto Robin and never let go.
obsessed with 頭がいっぱいである latch onto しがみつく
Why would you do that? Delete that right now!
No! If I don't give you a little push, you'll let this drag on until Nick can have sex again, and then you'll be right back to procrastinating on all fours.
I hate to admit it, but the man in the suit has a point.
Ugh! Fine, but the playoffs are coming up soon, and I can't have this guy an emotional wreck.If you do dump him, at least let him down easy.
Yeah, take him to a nice restaurant.Preferably a dessert place.That way, you won't have to sit through a whole meal before you get to
Splitsville 離婚状態
No, Splitsville.It's a dessert place right around the corner.