Narrator: You know how Aunt Robin's a big fan of Halloween, always dressing up in crazy costumes? Well, she wasn't always that way. Back in 2005, she thought she was too cool for Halloween, unlike Aunt Lily.
Lily: Guess what came in the mail today?
Marshall: Our costumes? Do they rule?
rule 抜群である 最高である
Lily: They rule. And yours is 100% wool so you won't get hypothermia like last year.
hypothermia 低体温
Marshall: Tarzan nipple blue.
Barney: You know what I love about Halloween? It's the one night of the year chicks use to unleash their inner ho-bag. If a girl dresses up as a witch, she's a slutty witch. If she's a cat, she's a slutty cat. If she's a nurse...
unleash 爆発させる ho-bag 《スラング》(売春婦のような)女、やりまんブス slutty ふしだらな、みだらな
Lily: Wow, we get it.
Barney: She's a slutty nurse.
Marshall: Robin, what are you doing for Halloween?
Robin: Oh, I don't know. Probably hanging out with Mike, this guy I've been seeing.
Lily: Mike? There's a Mike? You have a boyfriend and you haven't told us?
Robin: No, I mean, he's not my boyfriend. He's just this guy I've been seeing for a couple of weeks.
Lily: Boyfriend.
Marshall: So why haven't we met him?
Robin: We're not really ready to go public yet.
Barney: Married.
Lily: How about we go on a Halloween double-date?
Robin: I don't know, we were kind of thinking about staying at home and dressing up as naked people.
Lily: Come on, Robin, trot our your new fella. Let us judge and evaluate him behind your back. It'll be fun.
trot 速足で駆ける、小走りする fella fellow ボーイフレンド、男友達
Marshall: Hey, Ted, you'll never guess what happened?
Ted: Your costumes came.
Marshall: Our costumes...yes, that is why we're best friends.
Robin: Hey, Ted, what are you doing for Halloween?
Ted: Well.
Marshall, Lily, Barney: Awww.
Robin: What?
Lily: Every Halloween, Ted waits for the Slutty Pumpkin.
Ted: That's right.
Robin: What's the Slutty Pumpkin?
Ted: You mean, who is the Slutty Pumpkin? It was four years ago.
Ted: I was at this Halloween party up on the roof of our building. I'm about to call it an early night when out of nowhere appeared this girl in the sexiest pumpkin costume.
out of nowhere どこからともなく
Robin: Wait, how can a pumpkin costume be sexy?
Ted: It was carved in strategic places.
carve 形作る
Ted: So, uh, we're at the bar and I see her mix kahlua...
Lily: Kahlua and root beer
Marshall: A cocktail she invented herself.
Ted: And she...
Barney: And she called it the Tootsie Roll.
Lily, Marshall, Barney: Because it tastes like an alcoholic Tootsie Roll.
Ted: Hey, can I please tell this story? So we had this instant connection. She gave me her number, but then something...
Marshall, Lily, Barney: Something went terribly wrong.
Ted: Guys! Something went terribly wrong.
Lily: Happy Halloween.
Ted: Sonny, where's Cher?
Lily: Cher?
Marshall: Right here, babe.
Ted: I just met the perfect woman. She's funny. She's beautiful. She loves Star Wars.
Marshall: Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. What's her take on Ewoks?
"What's your take on this?" この問題についてのあなたのご意見は?
Ted: Loves them.
Marshall: Oh good. I don't know why people are so cynical about Ewoks. The Rebellion would have failed without the Ewoks.
cynical 相手を小ばかにした Rebellion 反乱
Ted: And get this, she's a marine biologist. She spent a year in Antarctica studying penguins.
Marshall: Oh, penguins are cool, kind of like black and white Ewoks. I approve.
Ted: Hey, where's my, uh, Kit Kat? I put it right here on this table.
Lily: I don't know, but we have plenty of chocolate here.
Ted: No no no, you don't understand. I need that Kit Kat. She wrote her number on that wrapper. Where is it?
Lily: Uh-oh.
Ted: Hey, Dracula. Come on. Give me the candy. Gimme!
Ted: Where's the Kit Kat? Where's the Kit Kat!
Ted: Never found her number, never saw her again. But every year they have a Halloween party up on the roof so that's where I'll be.
Barney: You know, Ted, it's been four years. She could be engaged or married or, God forbid, fat.
God forbid とんでもない
Ted: I don't know, I got a feeling. This could be the year. Halloween is a night of wonder and magic.
Ted: All right, bring the mockery. Fine, I can take it. Come on, wouldn't it be the coolest story ever if the Slutty Pumpkin turned out to be my future wife?
mockery 無駄な努力
Lily: Oh, on the off chance that that could happen, maybe we should stop calling her the Slutty Pumpkin.
on the off chance 万が一の期待を持って
Lily: Ted, is your world ready to be rocked? rocked-rocked-rocked.
Ted: Can't wait.
Marshall: So, what do you think?
Lily: So, what do you think?
Ted: Wow! Marshall, you wearing eye liner?
Marshall: Oh, yeah. Weirdly hot, right?
Lily: We are so gonna win the costume contest this year.
Marshall: First prize, $50 gift certificate at the bar.
Ted: And how much did you pay for your costumes?
Marshall: $100
Lily: Each.
Ted: Well, I think you guys look great.
Lily: What are you going as? Oh, like I even need to ask.
Ted: Hey, I want the Slutty Pumpkin to recognize me and she knows me as a hanging chad.
Ted: What? She thought it was hilarious.
hilarious 大はしゃぎの
Lily: Yeah, four years ago, but nobody remembers what the hell a hanging chad is.
Marshall: What a sad commentary on our national attention span that we could forget such a turbulent time in our political history.
commentary 説明 attention span 注意持続時間 turbulent 動揺した、騒然とした political 策略的な
Lily: Sad commentary.
Lily: All right, Polly gotta pee.
Marshall: Again?
Ted: Where are you going?
Marshall: It's an elaborate costume.
elaborate 精巧につくられた
Barney: No, no, not again. Not this year. You're going as my wingman. Flight suit up!
Ted: No thanks. I'm sticking with the hanging chad.
Barney: Oh you're dangerous, Maverick. Your ego's writing check your body can't cash. OK. Here's the plan, and I crap you not. I'm getting us into the Victoria's Secret Halloween party. Trust me, by the end of the night, your chad will not be hanging.
Ted: We can get rejected by supermodels any night of the year. Tonight, I'm going up to the roof, I'm gonna have a few beers, I'm gonna wait for the Slutty Pumpkin. It's just what I do.
Barney: Hm, Victoria's Secret models prancing around in bras and panties, or Yale preppies reuniting their stupid a capella group. What's that, left hand? Right hand sucks? Word.
prance 跳ね回る、意気揚々と歩く preppies 名門私立校の生徒[卒業生]、良家[いいとこ]のお坊ちゃん[お嬢さん]reunite 再会[再結合・再結成]する word その通り
Ted: I'm heading up to the roof.
Barney: Well, boys, looks like it's just the three of us. What's that? Self-five? Nice. We out.
Robin: Hey, Chad, how's it hanging?
Ted: Hey, word play. Funny.