Narator: And so I met her that night to tell her my decision.
Victoria: All right, I've been thinking a lot about this... Okay, wait, before you say anything, I wanted to give you this. This is what happens when you, you know, let them finish baking.
Ted: I want you to stay.
Marshall: Everything here is dark and sketchy and seems illegal. It's like shopping in Barney's mind.
sketchy 不審で
Lily: Oh, good luck, baby.
Marshall: Bye.
Woman: Now, what sort of dress did you have in mind, dear?
Lily: Nothing too huge or-or poofy. I'm not really a girlie girl. But I would like to look like a beautiful princess.
poofy フワフワした
Woman: I saw a couple up front that were nice. By the window? No offense, dear, but those are a little out of your price range.
couple up 結合する No offense 悪気はないんだけど
Lily: Where does she get off? She doesn't know how much money I make.
get off 〜に関する話をやめる 表明する
Victoria: Oh, these women are experts. They can guess your net annual income just by looking at your underwear.
net annual income 純年収
Lily: Damn you Old Navy and your reasonably-priced three-packs!
Victoria: At least we get free champagne!
Robin: And cake.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Robin: Speaking of which, Victoria, have you decided what to do about your doughnut fellowship?
Speaking of which そういえば
Victoria: You know, I don't know. I mean, I want to go, but I don't want to lose Ted. I even thought about long distance, as if that ever works.
Lily: Ugh. All talking and no sex. Kill me now.
Victoria: I know it sounds lame, but I actually think that Ted might be The One. That's pretty hard to walk away from.
Robin: Well, I don't know. I'd feel a little Stepford turning down a huge opportunity to chase some guy I'd only known two months.
Victoria: But this isn't just some guy. This is Ted. He's amazing. He's the best guy I know.
Robin: Yeah, in America, but German guys? Whew! I would let them bread my schnitzel any day, if you know what I mean.
bread a schnitzel have a sex with chick
Victoria: I really don't...
Robin: sex. Oh, excuse me, ma'am. This bastard's kicked.
Woman: Thanks.
Victoria and Robin: Oh!
Lily: It's okay, guys, I hate it.
Victoria: Just horrible.
Robin: It's bad, it's really bad. Short in front, long in the back? That is the mullet of wedding dresses.
mullet 髪の毛の長さが頭の左右は短く、後ろだけが長いヘアースタイル
Lily: You know, Victoria, Marshall and I did long distance once. In college, I did an art course in Paris. I was the only American there. It was really lonely. I only had one friend, Gabrielle. She was kind of homely and strange-looking, and she was really self-conscious about this little moustache she had. Anyway, halfway through the semester, she just stopped talking to me, and I never figured out why. And then I had nobody. The only thing that got me through was knowing that my soul mate was back at home waiting for me. If Ted's your soul mate, then it may be worth it to hang onto him.
homely 家庭的な、素朴な self-conscious 自意識過剰の
Victoria: But how am I supposed to know if we're soul mates? It's too soon. Ooh. Speak of the devil. Hello.
Ted: Hey, random question. How do you feel cats?
Victoria: Cats. Hated the musical, love the animal.
Robin: A cat person. Why am I not surprised?
Victoria: Bye. Why does Ted want to know if I like cats?
Lily: Maybe he's going to buy you one.
Victoria: I did hear barking in the background. Maybe he was in a pet store. Does he want us to get a cat together?
Robin: Maybe he's using an adorable kitty to guilt you into staying.
adorable 愛らしい、かわいい guilt 罪悪感
Victoria: That is low. Do you really think that's what he's doing?
Robin: Oh, I wouldn't even wait to find out. I would be on the next plane to Germany.
Victoria and Robin: Aw.
Lily: Oh, God, you guys are sucky liars.
Robin: Ugly, ugly, ugly.
Victoria: I don't know what to say. You know what? We're doing this all wrong. I am going to get you one of those front window dresses, just for fun.
Lily: Are you okay?
Robin: I'm fine.
Lily: Okay. Just kind of seemed like you're trying to hustle Victoria out of the country.
Robin: I'm not, I'm just trying to support her. She got a super-important dessert scholarship.
scholarship 知識
Lily: Stop being sarcastic. It is a super-important dessert scholarship. Wow, that's hard to say without sounding sarcastic. Look... I know you're not Victoria's biggest fan, but she seems to make Ted happy. So think about that before you use your miles to buy her a plane ticket.
sarcastic 皮肉な
Victoria: Somebody say "beautiful princess."
Lily: Oh, my gosh, it's perfect! Oh! This dress is totally going to get me laid on my wedding night.
Victoria: Oh, look how happy she is. You know, I've always thought of myself as one of those independent women who would never let any guy mess with my career. And now I'm actually thinking about it. I feel guilty, like it's un-feminist or something.
Robin: I know what you mean.
Victoria: You do?
Lily: Well, I'm always putting my career ahead of my relationships, and... to be honest, there's a lot of lonely nights in that job description.
Victoria: See, that's what I'm afraid of.
Robin: Choosing Ted over your career doesn't make you un-feminist. Maybe it just means that you guys would be happy together.
Victoria: Robin... I think that you are the coolest. I'm so glad that we're friends.
Robin: Oh, no way... you're the coolest.
Victoria: No, you are.
Robin: Okay, I am.
Victoria: I'm going to stay.
Victoria and Robin: Aw.
Lily: Oh, I am so beautiful! Oh, don't tell me how much it costs. Just snap my neck now, so I can die this pretty.
Robin: Wow, you look incredible.
Lily: Oh. Okay, okay, how much is it, on a scale of never to never ever?
Robin: Never ever, ever, ever, ever... times infinity.
Lily: Well, it's okay. You know, what makes a bride beautiful is that she's just happy to be getting married. Oh, guys, I know I look amazing, but the important thing is that Marshall and I love each other, right?
Robin: Yes, you're right. But also... you just sat down in the cake.
Victoria: But, you know what? It's going to come out because it's only... chocolate and raspberry.
come out 〔汚れ・しみなど〕落ちる
Robin: Okay. Come on, get up, let us see how bad it is.
Lily: It was like this when I found it?
Woman: And how will you be paying for this?
Lily: Credit card... s.