Here you go, sir.
Thank you.
I'm disappointed in you, Caffrey.
You're not a coffee fan? You're never gonna fit in in this city.
Nah. I saw by your anklet you were out front of Midtown mutual here. I was wondering if I was gonna see you at work.
I'm reformed, agent Siegel.
reform 改心する
Just a man trying to get his fix on the way to the office. You're gonna waste a lot of time keeping an eye this close on me.
get one's coffee fix コーヒーで一服する
I don't plan to. I was looking for you 'cause I need your help.
Why? What's the case?
I'm looking for an apartment.
Well, apartment hunting isn't exactly my area of expertise.
But New York is. I figure if anybody knows an area to move to, it'd be you.
Oh. Where you live in the City reflects who you are. So who is agent David Siegel?
Recently divorced. Figured you already know that from some kind of tell I have, or...
Phantom ring. You start to play with it, then realize it's not there anymore.
Yep, just like that.
That I do. So I'm a... I'm a man starting over. What better place than New York, right?
All right. How do you feel about ironic eyewear?
Sad for humanity.
That rules out Williamsburg and Greenpoint. Gentrifying areas with a little danger?
I prefer my danger to be work-related.
No Bushwick then. What's your price range?
Price doesn't matter.
It does in New York. Unless you're secretly rich. You're secretly rich.
Surprised Neal Caffrey. I guess I'm doing something right here.
It's easy then. Greenwich Village. Plenty of culture, central location. And as a native of Chicago, you will appreciate the best pizza in New York.
I'll check it out. Why'd you choose where you live?
It's in my radius.
Right, right. Yeah, radius.
Are we talking Hilton rich?
Hearst? Do you own your own yacht?
Not in the office, Caffrey. I don't want anyone to know about it. Is that clear?
All right, you want to give a con man a secret? You live a dangerous life, agent Siegel. God, the finger point again. I'll get to work. I guess that one's for me.
Her name was Stephanie.
What, your ex-wife?
My yacht.
I knew it.
All right. Shh.
I knew it.
You've grown power-hungry with the pointy fingers, you know that, right? And please tell me you don't do it to Elizabeth.
power-hungry 権力に訴える
Curtis Hagen was granted early release from prison today.
And like his namesake, the Dutchman will probably disappear into the night again. How'd he get off?
namesake ちなんだ名前の人
Some evidence was damaged in the warehouse. His lawyer saw an opening and took it. Takes me back. Look how far we've come since that case.
You've come.
Excuse me?
Well, you're in Hughes's office, with a well-deserved promotion. I'm still on an anklet, just with somebody new holding the leash.
You've gone from an incarcerated con man to an invaluable part of this FBI team. That is nothing to sniff at.
incarcerated 収監された sniff at 鼻であしらう
Hagen's free. I'm not.
You're right. He's free... For now. He's a career criminal. He'll make a mistake. And when he does, we'll catch him. Or at least you and Siegel will.
We'll keep an eye out.
See you later, Peter.
See you.
Interesting choice for a meeting place. Are you deciding on your next forgery?
I left that behind me, Mr. Caffrey.
Prison changed me, as I'm sure it did you.
It didn't, actually.
No, apparently not. What a pity.
pity 気の毒に
I did what you asked. Hagen, you're free.
You did. It was a lovely start.
No. I'm done. It's over.
I'm the one who decides when it's over, not you.
Is that all you called me here for? To threaten me?
Not at all.
There's something here I want to steal.
And here I thought prison changed you.
It did. No more forgery, no more getting my hands dirty. You see, you're gonna steal it for me.
So you find me amusing?
Well, you realize you've shot yourself in the foot, right? I'm on an anklet, which means the FBI knows I've been here. So if I boost this painting, they'll know it was me. Then I'll be back in jail and no good to you.
Oh. Well, I suppose you're going to have to be extra clever then, aren't you? At which, so far, you're failing. I don't want this painting.
This Karen Kates is the most valuable piece in the museum.
To some, perhaps.
The Mosconi Codex. You want me to risk jail for a little light reading?
This is no ordinary book. And well worth that risk.
To you, maybe.
Yes, to me. And what's important to me is now what's important to you. You have 48 hours.
This book's binding is attached to an A90 pressure plate. If I move it an inch, this place is going to light up with alarms.
Don't move it then. I only need chapter 13.
Oh, great.
Excuse me. I'd like to request a book for study.
I can get you an application. Which one would you like?
The Mosconi Codex.
You and me both. Hi.
Hey. So, can I check out the Codex or...
Oh, uh, sorry. I wish I could, but no one can check it out. I mean, it can't even be opened.
A book that no one can open. That's cruel.
cruel 無慈悲な
I-I agree. And this one, the Mosconi Codex, it's a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a shatterproof glass box. I mean, I would give my left arm to peek inside it. Sorry. I-I'm rambling. It's just the Codex. It's a pet obsession of mine.
peek チラ見する rambling まとまりがない
I respect a good obsession. What makes it so valuable?
Well, so before he died, Mosconi claimed that the greatest wealth in the world was within its pages.
Oh, that's an easy thing to claim for a book that no one can open.
That's true. I mean, it could be the key to enlightenment or a list of his favorite recipes.
enlightenment 啓蒙
Why not take a look inside and find out?
The owner gave strict instructions in the lending that it can't be opened.
The owner. Hmm. Who is the owner?
Of course.
Adds to the intrigue, doesn't it? So we're just left to judge a book by its cover.
intrigue 好奇心をそそる
So there's no way to find out what's inside?
No way. Though Mosconi did gild the first page of every chapter, so we know there are 25 of them.
25, yeah.
Taunting me with their secrets.
Taunt 愚弄する
What, just a town car? Is your limo in the shop?
How's agent Siegel working out?
Still checking my anklet a couple times an hour.
That's good. That's his job, like it or not.
I've started going to coffee trucks outside banks and museums.
You're toying with him.
How are things with you?
Owner's box at Yankee Stadium for tomorrow's game. Elizabeth, myself, and my favorite pinstripes.
And a bunch of politicians.
I let Elizabeth handle them. She plays them like a violin. It's almost as fun as watching the baseball game.
It's nice to see you enjoying the perks of your new job.
Thank you, but that's nothing. I got something better.
What, are you throwing out the first pitch?
Access to the secret government underground streets with no traffic and plenty of parking.
You've got to stop listening to Mozzie.
He swears they exist.
I can't imagine what you'd think is better than that.
This is.
For tireless service to the Bureau, for going above and beyond in the field, I do hereby promote special agent Clinton Jones as acting S.S.A.
tireless 絶え間ない
Peter, thank you.
You deserve it. I'm just the lucky guy who gets to give you your button. I'm proud of you.
Thank you.
Congratulations, supervisory special agent Jones. Sounds important.
Yeah, a little more autonomy. A lot more work.
autonomy 自主性
So you're happy.
Oh, very. Although somehow, I think he's a bit happier about it than I am. Listen, we are probably going to go celebrate. You want to join us?
Next time. No autonomy, still a lot of work.
All right. All right, next time.
Thanks, man.
I'll help you on one condition.
You want to know what's inside the Codex.
Precisely the opposite. I don't want to lay eyes on it. As long as you're working with "Suit the Sequel," I have to become a new man. What do you think? Too Ringo?
lay eyes on 目を留める
Too Bieber. Look, if you want to redefine yourself, you should become a teetotaler.
There's some lies even I can't sell.
Well, look, I appreciate your identity crisis, but I need to focus on how to steal the Codex.
Con suit 2.0 into removing your anklet.
Siegel's never taken my anklet off before. The first time he does, he's gonna be on high alert. I can't risk it. Besides, it already shows me at the museum. I need to find a reason to be there.
We can piggyback. Convince someone else to rob the museum.
Two thieves go in, and one comes out in cuffs.
And if you're investigating a possible robbery, you have every reason to be there.
Yeah, but who do we piggyback? I mean it's got to be someone good enough to pull it off, but someone we don't mind screwing over.
Who's that?
Zev is a besmirchment on the name of con men. Remember the de Beers diamond vault heist?
besmirchment 汚す行為
Yeah, you spent months working on it, and then someone got there an hour ahead of you.
And pulled off the heist exactly as I planned it. That was Zev. That's what he does. He's an idea-napper.
The thief of thieves. And now we can use it against him.
And I get to cross a name off my enemies list.
You know, for most people, that's a metaphor. It's not an actual list.
Good? So, what can we have Zev steal?