Where are you?
I've got a tail.
Have you started?
Of course I started, but without you here, I'm not sure which colors to sample, so this whole thing might be an exercise in futility.
exercise 果たす in futility 役に立たない
Just pull the primaries. I can mix the rest.
I'm not an idiot. I scraped a titanium white from the Rembrandt, a midnight blue from a Vlaminck.
scrap 解体する
Oh, you should get a Monestial blue.
You know, I should get a Monestial blue. If you find one thick enough, feel free to let me know. Oh, that's right -- You're not here!
Breathe, Moz. How are we doing on the canvas? Did you check the Dali?
Evidently... Our friend Salvador liked to stretch time but not canvases. I'll find something.
Evidently 明らかに
I know you will.
Yeah, I figured I should have a copy of the Chrysler lying around in case Peter came looking for it. You get everything?
Some canvas and a spectrum of prewar paint that would pass any wood's light or I.R. spectroscopy they want to throw at it. The red is from a portrait of Fernande Olivier.
spectrum スペクトル prewar 戦前の spectroscopy 分光法
The last person to mix this paint was Picasso. We're taking from masters.
Oh, Picasso was a communist. He'd be happy to share.
communist 共産主義者
What's the plan for the gallery?
Ah! The plan for the gallery. I pried some information from a loose-lipped gallerista. They're sending our swatch out to an authentication lab at 11:00 A.M. tomorrow morning. The gallery opens at 10:30, so we have 30 minutes to get inside, make the switch, then get out.
pry 詮索する loose-lipped 口が軽い
It's gonna be close. Security?
A standard Schlagel on the door, with surveillance cameras.
We'll need a distraction while I pick it.
I can't buy you that much time by myself. How about a Kansas City mud slide?
You gonna work the jackhammer?
Let's run a Phoebe Cates.
Who's the girl?
I don't think June would mind if we used her granddaughter.
Well, she's pretty enough. Will she do it without asking questions?
I'm sure she's up for a little excitement.
up for 乗り気で
Excellent! Oh -- now on to the bigger question. How do you plan on losing your tail, outside evolution?
I'll take a page from Magritte.
take a page from 手本にする
Ah, you got to be kidding me. Caffrey!
Did I win? The contest -- "Wear a dark suit, fedora, "come to 23rd and 10th. Best-dressed wins 500 bucks."
Yeah. Yeah. You won!
Okay, Moz. You're up.
Hey, I have a delivery for a Thomas Johnson.
You just missed him. Tom took a job in Boston. His last day was Monday.
Oh, damn. Can't blame him, though. Boston's a hell of a town.
though まったく
Something I can help you with?
No, I'm just admiring the view. Nice, huh? Oh.
Look what I did. I got it all over me. Ugh.
There is something very seriously wrong with me. Today of all days. Would you mind holding this?
Oh. Uh, sure.
And could you take this?
O-okay, but
And I'm gonna need you to hold this up for me.
Uh-huh. Oh. Of course.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Miss! You can't take your top off here.
Look, I don't think you get it. I can't be late today, okay? My boss will kill me if I'm late.
C-come on, man. Let her change!
Yeah. I guess it couldn't hurt. Uh, just be quick about it, okay?
Thanks, guys, really. You have no idea what this means to me.
Oh, or...us.
Which top do you like? This or this?
Uh, th-the second one.
You guys are wonderful.
Yeah, just a couple of working stiffs doing what we can to help out a lady in distress.
stiff 堅苦しくて不器用な人 in distress 窮地にある
Almost there. Perfect. We are good to go. Great. You are a lifesaver. You too.
Screw Boston. This is a hell of a town.
Hey, Peter.
You gave Jones a nice runaround.
runaround はぐらかし
That was Jones? I thought that could've been Lawrence. I didn't want to blow my cover. Why'd you put Jones on me?
You really want me to answer that? You at home?
Where else would I be?
What are you doing?
You know, arts and crafts -- the usual.
Jones will be at your place in 20 minutes. He's gonna stay on you. You're gonna let him.
No problem.