Shut the door.
I need your help with this.
Is this the information on Hagen?
Diana's on her way with that.
on one's way 〜の途中
This is your wife's Visa bill.
I got it all.
Her eBay bids, video rentals, library books.
Thank you, patriot act.
patriot act 愛国者法
So you're stalking your own wife?
Wanna compare notes?
compare notes 意見交換する
Touch フランス語・フェンシング用語 参った
You figure out what she likes?
Yep.It's all in the summary.
pottery-making 陶芸
"Nancy Drew Mysteries".
Scented candles.
Scented 良い香りのする scented candle アロマキャンドル
Oleander オーリンアンダー
Old jazz.
Anything Italian, except anchovies.
Yeah, I don't think you're gonna find your answer tucked into a list of her eBay bids.
Then help me out here, all right?
You're the romantic.
I mean, what's the deal with the bottle?
"What's the deal? " 何ごとだ.どうしてそんなことをしてるの?
It's an '82 Bordeaux.
Costs 800 bucks a pop.
a pop = each 1本あたり
It does when it's full.
I got it empty.
Look, when Kate and I met, we had nothing.
I got that bottle, and I used to fill it up with whatever cheap wine we could afford.
afford 〔金銭的〕〜に対する余裕がある
And we'd sit in that crappy apartment and drink it over cold pizza and pretend we were living in the Cote d'Azur.
crappy ぼろ pretend 〜のふりをする
How'd that work out for you?
work out 上手くいく
It didn't.
'Cause that bottle was a promise of a better life.
What Kate got was a guy locked away for half a decade.
You make Elizabeth any promises, Peter?
Or do you think what she really wants is oleander candles?
Hey, Diana.
What do you got?
Hagen is leaving the country.
He booked a flight through a private charter company in Barcelona for the 19th.
One week.
Damn it, Neal.
Seeing you must have tipped him off.
tipp A off Aにヒントを与えるく
He's going to Spain.
That's something.
Is there any connection to our books and the bonds or the murder?
Hagen's impressive as hell.
impressive 印象的(頭が良い)as hell とてもく
A lot of international holdings, but he keeps himself out of the muck.
out of the muck 汚いものを除く ぼろを出さない
You get every available agent on this.
You know the good ones.
Steal them if you have to.
if you have to 必要なら
I wanna know every single thing about this guy, and I don't want any excuses.
any excuses 言い訳
Anything gets in your way......
forge your signature. Always do.
Always do いつもそうする
That's what I wanna hear.
If you're right about Hagen, we have one week to connect him to the Bond.
If we lose him on the 19th...Neal, if we lose him, you're back in.
I can't save you.
You're late.
Hey, give me a break.
I'm a working man now.
We were right about Hagen.
Of course we were right.
And I was stupid and impulsive, and he saw me.
stupid バカ impulsive 衝動に駆られる
I have one week to link him to the bonds.
One week or what?
I go back.
No, no, no, no.
Did you find anything about Kate?
Apparently, if a tree falls in the forest, it does make a sound.
I may lose her again, Moz.
Lose her?
I just found her.
So did he.
So did he.