Morning, senator.
Oh, nice and early.
Good start already.
I was gonna go grab a smoke before we jump in.
jump in 飛びつく
Do you have a light?
Smoking makes you look weak.
I'll remember that.
Oh, uh.... We should discuss my fee.
You know, I was hoping we could do it off the books.
I'm sure we can come to an arrangement.
come to an arrangement 取り決めをする
How's your first day of work?
I've taken up smoking.
take up smoking again 喫煙をまた始める
Politics is already corrupting you.
corrupt 堕落させる
You get the picture I sent?
The symbol's the flower of Aphrodite.
We ran it through the ACS database and came up with two coffee shops, a bakery, a winery, and a high-class escort service.
Politicians and hookers ... that one's as old as time.
Listen, there was a word written inside the matchbook ... "CiNNaMoN212."
All caps except the vowels.
vowel 母音
Got it.
Any luck convincing Jennings to pay you off the books?
convince 納得させる
Yeah, yeah.
He, uh, made a call to get the money.
I put an ear to the door.
He called the man on the end of the line "darrow" or "narrow."
All right, break's over.
Get back to work.
Hey, sweetie!
Oh, hey, El.
How's San Francisco?
It's amazing here.
I biked across the bay this morning to watch the sunrise.
How was the sunrise?
It reminded me of Belize... Which makes me miss you even more.
You got any big plans for tonight?
Just catching up on some work.
Are you looking for high-class female companionship?
Uh, what kind of work is that?
Oh, it's not what it sounds like.
Our discreet service gives you a chance to spend a day with the girl of your dreams.
discreet 口外しない
Or that.
We will introduce you to fashion models, pageant winners, beau...
pageant ショー
Oh, I can't wait to hear this explanation.
Research, I swear.
All right, has the press picked up on the stadium story?
A couple of reporters have asked about it.
And we denied it?
Of course.
Make sure to specify that he did not meet with the zoning committee.
specify を明確に述べる zoning 都市計画での committee 委員会
He didn't meet with the committee.
Back-date a meeting in his books showing it was scheduled and leak it.
We'll say he canceled.
But why?
This doesn't make sense.
Of course it does.
Jennings is a Maverick.
Maverick 無党派の
That's why the FBI is digging into his past.
He's upsetting all the right people.
But there is no stadium project.
We can't create one out of thin air.
out of thin air 何の根拠もなく
Don't be so cynical.
cynical ひねくれた
That is exactly what we're going to do.
These people want a park.
That's why we're going to deny that Jennings has met with a couple of big corporations...
Which corporations?
Doesn't matter.
Pull their names out of a hat.
out of a hat 無作為に
We're going to deny that Gary has met with them about forcing a bond measure that would turn the park into a new stadium.
The more we deny there's smoke, the more the press will see fire.
Listen to him.
Let's take a 15-minute break, everyone.
You stay.
What's going on?
We may have found a solution to our problem with our FBI agent.
That's not Mrs.Burke.
When were these taken?
Last night.
If Burke's having an affair, we can use that.
Do we know who the girl is yet?
Not yet.
I'll find out.
Well, I know who she is.
She's a prostitute.
How do you figure?
This Burke is an FBI guy.
He's a control freak.
control freak 仕切りたがり屋
He's not gonna have an affair.
It's too sloppy.
sloppy 不注意な
He may be right.
We can use her.
These pictures aren't enough to take Burke out.
But if we can get her to meet with him again and she's under our thumb...
We might have someone who can help us with that.
under someone's thumb の言いなりになって
You told them Diana was a hooker?
Mm-hmm. Captain Shattuck sure cleans up nice.
The stakeout was canceled.
Diana came over to work.
Why am I explaining myself to you?
Not everything's a conspiracy, Neal.
conspiracy 陰謀
I hope that's true.
I've never lied to you.
Oh, come on, Neal.
You lie for a living.
Not to you.
I may have let you draw certain conclusions that weren't correct, but never an actual lie.
draw a conclusion 結論を出す
All right, so, one of Jennings' guys was standing in my backyard taking these?
You got to them.
They think you're having an affair.
Took a risk and told them Diana was a prostitute, and they took the bait.
They told me to find her and put her in touch with a guy they know named Barrow.
Ah, your mystery man Jennings called to get you paid off the books.
So, maybe the Aphrodite escort service is where the cash is coming from to pay his straw donors.
That's what I think.
Can you set Diana up with an alias as good as mine?
As an escort?
Can you come here a minute?
You gonna tell her?
I'm not telling her.
You're the one who made her a hooker.
You're the one who's sleeping with her.
You got a point.
You got a point それ言えてる
Neal told Jennings you're a hooker.
You and I are having an affair.
You're gonna go meet with an escort service.
Anything else?
It's good to have her back.
Did you confront the suit about the pictures?
confront 直面する
Yeah, I did.
He said it was a misunderstanding.
Oh, right. So was the bay of pigs.
bay of pigs ピッグス湾 So was the bay of pigs つまりダメだったんだな
So you think he's looking into who killed Kate in his off hours.
I suppose that's a good thing.
I want to know what he's found.
He's trying to protect you.
Oh, come on, Moz.
I don't need protecting.
It's only fair.
We keep secrets from the suits all the time.
Now they have their own.
There's a certain universal synchronicity to it all.
Spare me your "circle of life" crap.
Spare me 勘弁してよ
What are you writing?
Oh, it's a letter campaign to stop this new stadium from being built.
There's a letter campaign?
You really need to pay more attention to what's going on in the world around you.
Listen, Moz, you should know that ... that you got a real shot at stopping this.
get a shot at 〜に狙いを定める
Keep it up.
Keep it up その調子で頑張れ