Byron always got like that when he couldn't crack a hustle.
hustle =A hustle is slang for an activity to make money that is often illegal or outside of the main-stream.
Relaxing always helps.
Sorry, June.
I'm not really in the mood to relax.
Not even if you have a very lovely visitor?
Got your message. I'm here.
What do you want, Neal?
I want the music box.
I think you have a memory problem... Because I said that as long as you're a Fed, I'm not telling you where it is.
You're still with them, right?
Then there's nothing to talk about.
I'll make it worth your while.
You need me to get it.
No, I don't.
Then why don't you have it already?
I'll steal it and give it to you.
Just like that?
Just like that.
I don't believe you.
You'll just hand it over?
Yeah...When I'm done with it.
Knew there was a catch. What's this really about?
catch まずいこと
You get the box in the end. That's my offer.
Okay. If you can figure out how to get the anklet off.
I'm not wearing this as a fashion accessory.
Well, when the time comes, I need to know that you can get off your leash.
Otherwise, you're a liability.
liability 負債 重荷
I'll come back tomorrow at 6:00.
Lose the blinking jewelry, and you'll get what you need.
You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago.
Where you been?
Late start to the morning. Won't happen again.
Thank you.
Who's that?
Kimberly Rice.
Rising star in the Bureau.
You're not a fan.
She works in kidnapping and missing persons.
What's she doing in white collar?
She's here to see you.
Whatever I did, I have proof I didn't do it.
Here we go.
We just got the finger point.
The double finger point.
Must be serious.
Burke. And you must be the Neal Caffrey? Agent Kimberly Rice.
I've just heard wonderful things about you.
Let's get straight to it.
We've got a ransom situation.
ransom 身代金
Name's Lindsey Gless.
She was grabbed last night in a home invasion.
invasion 侵入
She's the daughter of Stuart Gless.
As in the CEO of Atlantic Partners, the company whose bonds you were convicted of forging.
convict 〜に有罪を宣告する
What's this kidnapping got to do with me?
You have a history with our prime suspect.
Ryan Wilkes. You know him?
Yeah, yeah. He runs his own little crime syndicate.
They work everything from grand-theft auto to extortion.
grand-theft auto 車両窃盗 extortion 強奪
And you used to run with him.
That's a rumor.
We may have tried working together once, But our styles didn't mesh.
mesh かみ合う
What makes you think Wilkes took the girl?
Chatter from our CIs puts Wilkes in town.
We also found traces of plasticine clay in a lock at the crime scene.
plasticine プラスティシーン
Someone made a copy of the key.
Yeah, it's Wilkes' MO. And that's why we need Neal.
Stuart Gless likes to eat lunch at Ristorante Laurienzo every Thursday.
At least, he used to. There's only one valet there.
valet 従者
Makes it easy to get your hands on his keys.
If Wilkes wanted to get into his house, he'd probably start there.
I'd check the security tapes.
That's good. That's good. I'd like to borrow Caffrey for the remainder of my case.
If Wilkes is behind this, don't you think it's dangerous to put Caffrey on his trail?
Caffrey's proven he can take care of himself.
Neal, starting immediately, you report to agent Rice.
All right, great.
Now that we're all on the same page, let's start with an easy one.
When's the last time you saw Wilkes?
Probably when he tried to kill me.
We pulled the security tapes for Restaurante Lorenzo.
We got a positive id of Wilkes. Nice work.
Something eating you?
eat 悩ませる
No, it's just, last time I saw Gless, He was on the witness stand at my trial, Explaining why I was able to beat his company's unbeatable bond.
trial 公判
I'm sure it didn't do wonders for his reputation.
The man lost his daughter, okay? You want his forgiveness? Help get her back.
Mr.Caffrey. Been a long time.
Mr.Gless, I want you to know
Agent Rice thinks you can find the people who took Lindsey. That's good enough for me.
Could you please just take us through what happened one more time?
I came home from the office.
Everything in lindsey's room was knocked down.
She was gone.
Then he called.
I told him I want proof she's okay.
That's it.
Did he give you any way to get in contact with him?
No, he, uh...
He just hung up without giving you his demands?
Would you mind excusing us for a moment?
Neal, may I have a word, please?
May I have a word with you? ちょっと話をしてもよろしいでしょうか?
What was that?
Remind me again. How much training do you have interviewing the parents of kidnapping victims?
You brought me into this.
To consult. Not to take the lead with my witness.
Your witness? Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we were on the same team.
Let me get something clear right here, right now.
You're a tool in my belt. Understand?
Tool in your belt. Got it.
You will listen and observe.
observe 意見を述べる
If I ask you to do anything, you do it.
If I have a question, answer it.
What if I have a question?
Then you run it by me. But you do not, under any circumstance, address my witness.
address 取り組む 話し掛ける
Oh, god. Sounds like a really great deal.
But I think it'll work better if you treat me more like a partner.
See, the way Peter and I do it is
I don't care how you and Peter do it.
I care how you and agent Rice do it.
I just want to help find his daughter.
You want to help?
Well, then, keep your mouth shut Unless I ask you to open it.
Permission to speak?
You haven't found any of Wilkes' prints around the house, have you?
See, he likes to use found items from the target location to cover his tracks.
Why don't you check the rubber gloves under the kitchen sink?
You have any more brilliant ideas rumbling around that head of yours?
rumbling 不平
No, I think that's it for now.
Then go wait in the car.