Barney: What? Yeah! See, that cage represents your commitment.
Marshall: Oh, my God. Freedom has never tasted so delicious.
Man: Hey. You work out?
Marshall: I do. And thank you for noticing. You're obviously in very good shape yourself.
in good shape 全てうまくいって
Man: Well, I try. So you want to dance?
Marshall: You know what? I'm very flattered, and, objectively, you're a very attractive man, but this is actually my fiance.
Man: I'm sorry. You know, I saw your drink and I...
Marshall: No, no, this isn't my drink. This is hers.
Lily: No, it isn't.
Man: Whatever. How 'bout you?
Ted: Oh, I'm straight, too. But I thank you for your time, and I appreciate your interest in my body.
Marshall: You see that? Being hit on doesn't have to be terrible. I feel flattered, and everyone left with their dignity.
left with もち続ける dignity 威厳
Man: Hey, I really like your sweater.
Robin: Wow. You actually do, don't you? You're not checking out my boobs or anything.
Man: My name's Gay Ken, what do you think?
Robin: I love this place! Let's dance!
Lily: And not be groped!
grope まさぐる
Robin: Whoo! Thank you.
Man: Damn.
Ted: Thank you!
Marshall: We're hot.
Ted: Totally.
James: And then Tom says to the dealer that the handmade Georgian clock has a chip on the corner. Blam, we get that puppy half price. What up?! Bam!
Barney: Sounds like you really rocked that arts and crafts fair.
James: Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. Hey, oh, my God. This is so liberating, being able to talk about this to you. I cannot wait for you to meet Tom.
liberating 解放する
Barney: And I cannot wait for you to meet my good friend... this guy. Excuse me, do you know anyone who would like to buy my incredibly muscular, fun, large-handed brother a drink?
James: Eh, eh, eh, let's focus on you, Barnaby. Okay. All right. I spy a group of women who have let their defenses down because they are in a gay club. You see that chick right there? She looks like she'd fall for sports agent and football player.
fall for 〜を好きになる、〜にほれる
Barney: Okay, I'm in. Which one am I?
James: Please.
Barney: He's very shy, loves tennis and Brazil, and drops his pants after three dirty martinis. Now go, man, go!
Marshall: I just never thought I'd see Barney so vulnerable.
vulnerable 傷つきやすい
Ted: Well, I guess no one wants to feel like they're going through the world alone.
Man: Look at me, in a yummy sandwich!
Marshall: Okay, we're actually right in the middle of something right now, so...
Man: Ooh, I know what I want to be in the middle of. Thoughts?
Ted: God, can't two straight guys come to a gay dance club, enjoy some techno and good conversation without being bothered?
Robin: How's it going, guys? Still enjoying the attentions of men?
Marshall: That's like the eighth guy who's hit on us in ten minutes. It's like, hello, my eyes are up here.
Ted: And it's never the hot ones. It's always the losers. Bums me out!
It bums me out 気持ちが下に行っている=落ち込んでいる
Lily: Looks like the boys learned their lesson. Do you totally miss being hit on?
Robin: Oh, totally. Let's go find a sports bar.
Barney: James, James, since you like arts and crafts, look at what Charles here made with cherry stems. He did it with his tongue. Yeah.
James: Barney.
Barney: So, Charles, why don't you put your number in my brother's phone, and once he's in a funner mood...
James: Barney, Barney, I don't want his number. I don't want anyone's number, okay? I'm getting married.
Charles: Wow. Best of luck to you both.
James: Thank you.
Charles: My number's in here. I'm very discreet.
discreet 用心深い
James: Okay, okay, excuse me. Barney, family talk. Okay, dude, you have got to stop this, okay? I know that my getting married is threatening to your way of life...
Barney: Oh, so now it's my way of life? I thought it was our way of life. You've completely turned your back on it. Look at you, not even suited up. Do you remember why we suit up, James?
James: To get laid.
Barney: To show people that we are different from the millions of T-shirt and jeans lemmings out there. The suit shows that we are a force to be reckoned with, a two-person army that plays by its own rules. But you've taken off the uniform, you've crossed enemy lines, and you've abandoned me. Well, I'm not gonna let you do that. It's not too late to back out of this stupid marriage thing! You don't have to do this, bro!
reckon with 〜を考慮に入れる
James: Yes, I do.
Barney: Why?!
James: Because Tom and I are gonna have a baby.
Barney: What? There's gonna be a baby?
James: Yes. We're adopting.
adopt を養子にする
Barney: Oh, my God. I'm gonna be an uncle?
James: For the rest of your life.
Narator: And that's how Barney became Uncle Barney. A year later, at James's wedding, Barney could not have been more proud.
Barney: To James and Tom. May you have a long and happy life together. And may I always have the skin and libido of a much younger man. Cheers.
all: Cheers.
Barney: Thanks. I decided to leave out the hetero college phase. No one wants to hear about that.
leave out 〜を除外する hetero 異性愛の
Lily: It was perfect. You even made Tom's dad cry. Might have been doing that because he's a Republican.
Republican 共和党員
Marshall: Whoa. It's 9:00. We should be getting back. You guys want to split a cab?
Ted: Uh, no, I think I'm gonna stay a little bit longer.
Robin: Yeah, me, too. I'm not tired at all.
Marshall: All right, well, it's getting late. Got to get the wife home.
Lily: Oh, stop calling me that. It makes me sound fat.
Barney: Ugh, it's a freaking epidemic. Ted and Robin get up to dance.
epidemic 伝染病
Barney: Hey, buddy. Your parents are married. Now, listen, you. Just because you're being raised by married people doesn't mean you have to choose that lifestyle. High-five. Luckily, you got me. In 20 and a half years, you'll be 21, and I will be... Well, I haven't decided how old I'll be yet. But we are gonna bro out, uncle and nephew style. Stick with me, kid. I am gonna teach you how to live. Great suit, by the way. Who is the cutest?
Rosa: I don't get it. Tom liked my breasts in tenth grade. Why doesn't he like them now? Why?
Barney: Rosa, why always be attracted to the unavailable ones? Why not accept the fact that you're a beautiful woman who is worthy of love? Are you brave enough to hear that? You...