Big plans for the weekend?
Uh, you know, I gotta fix the sink, catch the game.
With Elizabeth?
Yeah, she's into it.
be into 〜にハマル(夢中になる)
How cool is that?
She likes to watch the Giants.
Giants は野球ではなくアメフト(ニューヨークなので)アメリカのスポーツは地域密着で出身地とファンはほとんど一致する
Even on your anniversary?
Even on 日 〜なのに even on Sunday 日曜なのに
I see this stuff coming from six months out, and then I take it right in the teeth every time.
stuff 事 six months out のout は経過を意味する take it 取り組む right in the teeth 直前になって ←in the teeth 正面から まともに 6か月前にこのことに気付くけど、毎回直前になって、取り組む。って感じかな?参考
Relax, man.
You still have a few days.
This is what happened last year.
I said I'd make up for it with something special, not just a corner booth at Donatella's......and a romp in the sheets.
make up for A with B Aに対してBで埋め合わせる romp in the sheets ベットで戯れる
Skip the dinner.
We've been married a decade.
decade 10年
That doesn't cut it anymore.
Okay, Romeo, let's... let's problem solve.
What's she into?
What makes her feel alive?
feel alive 生きてるって感じる
I'm drawing a blank.
度忘れした 思い出せない
How could you not know?
How could you よく〜できたものだ
When you were chasing me, you knew my shoe size, what time I woke up in the morning.
That's the job.
Very different.
So, a relationship isn't work?
Oh, no, no.
You don't get to lecture me on relationships.
get to lecture 忠告する
My wife didn't change her identity and flee the country to get away from me.
identity 身元 flee 逃亡する
Yes, yes, yes.
That was harsh.
harsh きつい ひどい
I didn't...I didn't mean that.
Yeah, you did.
Did she really flee the country?
I don't know.
Did she go to France?
I don't know.
What am I gonna do?
No.No more relationship advice from this side of the car.
Call Dr.Phil, okay?
I saw the best mind of my generation get run down by the drunken taxicab of absolute reality.
get run down ひかれる drunken 酔っぱらった absolute reality 絶対的な現実
What the hell, Mozzie?
Sitting in the dark, misquoting Ginsberg?
misquoting 間違った引用
The light's how they find you, man.
Hey, you know, you can't just help yourself here.
I can't help myself 〜せずにいられない。だけど、"just help yourself" はご自由にお召し上がりください。セルフサービスでお願いします。なので、勝手に入っていい場所じゃない
How'd you get in?
I used this.
I knocked.
I introduced myself to June.
She's great.
Did you get a load of that granddaughter?
get a load of 見る(注視する)
Thanks for coming.
What was I gonna do... not come?
Can I see?
Can you pick it?
No way.
No way.
You flew too close to the Sun, my friend.
flew 飛ぶ
They burned your wings.
burne 焼ける
Where's Kate, Moz?
Where'd she go?
She's a ghost, man.
She did an outstanding job of melting away.
do an outstanding job 上手くやる melting away 姿を消す
Well, keep looking.
Check France.
I know, okay?
It's probably nothing.
Just..look everywhere.
There's something else.
I need you to help me figure out who created... this.
figure out 理解する 解決する
It's superb.
superb すばらしい
You know the worst thing about art forgery?
You can't take credit for your work.
take credit for 手柄にする