Ted, why are you here? You had that meeting; I told you not to come.
You said, Nah, it's stupid, which is Robinese for, It's important. Everyone knows that.
Well... not everyone. But you shouldn't have skipped that meeting. Was it important?
Nah, it's stupid.
And yet, my future husband-- who I sometimes fear is troublingly similar to my emotionally unavailable father-- is off shooting laser guns with, oh, yeah, you guessed it: my emotionally unavailable father.
troublingly 厄介なことに
Oh, come on, that's not fair. If you told Barney that you needed him, he'd be here in a heartbeat.
in a heartbeat すぐに
I didn't have to tell you. And you're here. You don't even know why.
Seems like I'm here to dig.
Looking for Ds?
Long story short, I promised my future self the locket would be my something old at my wedding. What?
No, I just like that there was ever a version of you who imagined having a something old at your wedding. Robin Scherbatsky-- you're a girl.
Shut up. You're a girl.
That's been established. The new information here is that you're a girl. Wait... is that...?
Oh, my God, I found it.
Okay... what's really going on with this locket?
I'm gonna admit something that I couldn't admit until I found this. I've been having fears about marrying Barney. I mean, in many ways, he's-he's grown up into a mature, caring adult...
I'm gonna shoot you with your own gun.
...but I still don't know if he's ready for this. I still don't know if I am. But if I could find this locket-- if it was still here, waiting for me-- that would mean that the Universe wanted me to marry Barney. And that everything was gonna be okay. And when it was gone, it was like... every doubt I-I ever had about Barney, about myself, got dug up. But I found it. And everything's gonna be okay.
Any last words?
You know, seeing you on the field of battle-- ruthless, manipulative, untrustworthy-- you've got all the qualities I would've wanted in a son. Now I say to you the last words my father said to me: Shoot me already.
ruthless 無慈悲な manipulative 巧みに操作する untrustworthy 信頼できない
Or we could keep playing, if you want.
Nah, it's stupid.
Okay, Team Animal House, I got him! Come on out! You're point guy, R-dawg. Woof, woof.
Oh, thank God.
This is a sign from the Universe.
It's not a sign from the Universe...
Yes, it is! The-the locket is just gone and you're telling me that doesn't mean anything? You know this is a bad omen, Ted-- you're Universe Guy!
And you're Skeptic Girl! You're-you're not supposed to believe any of that.
Skeptic 懐疑論者
Well, maybe I've grown skeptical of being skeptical. This is a sign.
Look, it's not a sign. You're doing the right thing marrying Barney. The Universe isn't sending you some message. As we know from science, rain is liquid water in the form of droplets which have condensed from atmospheric vapor and then precipitated. It's not a sign.
droplet 飛沫 condense 液化する atmospheric 大気の vapor 蒸気 precipitate 凝結させる
Ted, this is a sign and you know it. I mean, the Universe is screaming at me right now! How-how-how can you, of all people, tell me to ignore that?
Because maybe it's dumb to look for signs from the Universe. I mean, maybe the Universe has better things to do. Dear God, I hope it does. Do you know how many signs I've gotten that I should or shouldn't be with someone? And where has it gotten me? Maybe there aren't any signs. Maybe... maybe a locket's just a locket, a chair is just a chair. Maybe we don't have to give meaning to every little thing.Maybe we don't... maybe we don't need the Universe to tell us what we really want. Maybe we already know that, deep down.