You're not going in until we know the signal works. And if it does... just in case I need to be in contact with you.
You sure you're up for this? I wish I could say absence made the heart grow fonder.
up for 乗り気 make the heart grow fonder 情を深める
Jones, how we looking?
We've got eyes and ears on Diana. Diana, you with us?
Copy that.
Ah, it looks like somebody's approaching--here we go.
Lovely day. I like your watch.
You want something taken care of? You tell me what you want me to do. I do it, you pay. That's the deal.
I don't discuss the job till we're safely indoors. Given my line of work, you can't be too careful.
line of work 業種
Peter, we've got a hitch. Diana's following our suspect. No clue where they're headed.
Did you I.D. him yet?
Yeah. Conrad Worth. He was a suspect in an S.E.C. investigation a few months back. Never did pin anything on him, but he's looking really shady right about now. Peter, I don't like this.
shady 後ろ暗い
Someone backing her up?
Yep, I am.
Diana called an audible. She's following the suspect. Make it quick in there.
Neal... I hate for you to see me like this. Do you remember what my last words to you were?
"I'll see you soon."
Here you are. It's like something out of a novel.
Yeah, the kind you buy in an airport and then leave in your seat-back pocket.
Come on, I'm still me. I'm still Rebecca. Don't you see that?
When I first met you, what I saw was the innocence of Kate, the wit of Sara, the allure of Alex.
allure 魅力
Exactly. I'm the perfect woman for you.
No, you made yourself into that, into something you're not 'cause that's the job you were hired to do. What you are is a murder.
You can't separate the woman you fell in love with from any of my identities. It turned real. You saw the true me. And I know you. I can tell you still have feelings for me.
Rebecca, Rachel, and whatever name you decide to call yourself in the cafeteria line... it's over.
See, I can see what you're doing. That slick facade-- it means you feel threatened. Neal, I can see right through all your lies.
I admire the minimalist touch.
We just moved in. My partners and I-- we come and go as we please. And besides, this day and age... what more do you need?
It's lovely. Now, can we can get down to specifics?
It's funny. With all I've heard about you, I was expecting someone different. Please, sit down.
Talk to me, Jones.
I've got eyes on Diana. They're on his terrace. First sign of trouble, I'm in.
You're not the only job on my horizon. Please tell me I'm not wasting my time.
When I first heard about you, it was only in whispers. Your exploits are the stuff of legend. There was one story. You couldn't forget it if you've you heard it. Some friends of mine, they saw it with their own eyes. Caracas, May 2009... remind me-- how did that go down?
exploit 偉業
Enough with the closure, Neal.
I need you to ask about...
Caracas, May 2009... I want to know what happened.
Neal, are you helping Agent Burke make sure some bumbling agent is safely vetted? That's so beneath you. Come on.
bumbling 失敗ばかりしている beneath ふさわしくない
Then I guess we're out of things to talk about.
All right. You want to know some things? I got some questions too. One for one, we answer each other truthfully.
But if you lie to me, I lie to you. And besides, lovers are experts at sniffing out one another's deceptions.
deception ごまかし
You know, what you're asking me to admit to could get me thrown in jail. Are you wearing a wire?
Then let me be blunt. I don't discuss past jobs.
blunt ぶっきらぼう
Well, let me be blunt. I'm not sure you are who you say you are, so tell me what I need to know.
The story, Neal-- we're running out of time.
How about I go first? Something light to warm us up? Do you think you're smarter than your old friend Peter Burke?
Yes. And Peter thinks he's smarter than me.
Well, you can't both be right.
Which has resulted in years of debate. Now, one for one, truth for truth. Tell me what happened in Caracas.
May 21, 2009. An opera at the Teatro Teresa Carreno, tight security-- I snuck in, removed a wire from the orchestra's piano, and slipped it...
Over the lead actor's neck as the first act was ending. He owed a very large debt to the city's mayor and refused to pay, so I left his body onstage and left his head on the mayor's doorstep. That's the short version. I left out the '54 gullwing and the bridge jump over the Guaire.
It's... nice to finally hear it from the source. This is the address of an R&D facility in midtown. I need what's in vault 23, compartment 3. The haul is tiny, but its importance to me is not.
compartment 小部屋 haul 盗品
And what is it?
It's a thumb drive. I need it Friday morning, 9:00 A.M., period.
I expect my compensation upon delivery.
See, this R&D facility-- it's not like slipping into an opera house. It's incredibly secure. I mean, maybe we should bring along some--I don't know-- muscle in case you get into trouble.
One thing I forgot to tell you about Caracas. Someone got in my way as I was leaving the opera house. So I snapped the tendon in his middle finger. Tendons are elastic, like rubber bands. I later heard his doctor had to fish for the severed end deep inside his elbow. That enough muscle for you? You'll have the drive by Friday morning.
tendon 腱 elastic 伸縮する
Not a bad story, huh? What's your professional opinion, one thief to another?
You're not a thief.
Admit it-- you still love me.
I wouldn't call what we had love.
I disagree. Neal... you and I belong together.
Uh-huh. And how would that work exactly-- conjugal visits every third Thursday?
conjugal 夫婦の
Circumstances change. Come on, four years ago, would you have guessed that you'd be a snitch for the very people that were hunting you down?
snitch 密告者
That's it, Neal. We're done.
So you going after the diamond?
Who says I don't already have it?
I do. That little thing you just did with your eyebrow--it's a tell.
Maybe I'm working on it. Or maybe the diamond doesn't even exist.
Oh, it exists... and you're getting close. What are you gonna do if you find it with that thing on your ankle? What then?
I don't know. But I do know that whatever happens next sure as hell doesn't include you. Good-bye, Rebecca.
I think you invented a new sport in there.
Psychological judo.
Well, they say throwing salt on the wound is the quickest way to heal.
I don't think they say that.
You sure?
Yeah, they say something about time.
Well, time to move on.
I plan to... while she spends the rest of her life in a cell. Hey, about me saying that I'm smarter than you in there...
Oh, I know you think you are. That's why I always catch you. Good work. The Caracas story did the trick.
Diana got the assignment?
And then some.
Caffrey. Looks like Worth is targeting the offices of DCFI. It's a hedge fund run by Ian Dybek.
Ivy League, Upper West Sider, golfs at clubs that don't allow women. Dybek and Worth managed the fund together.
Hmm. Until they were investigated on suspicion of market manipulation.
Yeah, a bunch of strange activity from the company's server caught the attention of the S.E.C. It turns out Worth ran the high-frequency trading division.
The S.E.C. shook him down but didn't get enough to press charges.
But Dybek fired him anyway. I think he needed a sacrificial lamb.
I let Ian Dybek know that there's a security threat on his facility.
He want protection?
No, he thanked me, then proceeded to bolt out of the building. It looks like he tucked something small in his pocket.
bolt 急に飛び出す
Looks like a thumb drive. Where was he headed?
Home. I bet he had a reason.
Like hiding the drive from the FBI.
Firms like DCFI pay a fortune for their trading algorithms. Yeah, a millisecond means the difference between gaining and losing millions.
If there's an algorithm on that drive, it makes sense that Worth would want to steal it.
But not why Dybek hid it. It's not illegal to use an algorithm.
Unless it is.