I appreciate the irony.
appreciate 十分よく理解する irony 皮肉 奇遇
We're looking into them, and they're looking into you.
Tell me what you got.
I checked into Peter's boss... Hughes.
This guy's a legend.
Been with the FBI for 25 years.
They were forced to make him retire, but they found a loophole and brought him back.
loophole 抜け道
not have any skeletons in the closet 隠しておきたい秘密は何もない skeletons 秘密にしている過去のスキャンダラスな事件や事実
nada スペイン語=nothing
And I checked, uh, that Agent Ruiz, who handles organized crime.
Uh, lots of skeletons there, but I don't think he's smart enough.
I checked, uh, Jones.
Did you know his first name is Clinton?
Checked into, uh, Lauren.
You checked Lauren?
You said, "Check everybody".
Then there's this guy from OPR. Fowler.
What about him?
Used to work violent crimes for the Bureau.
violent 暴力的な、乱暴な
Wife was killed during a robbery, and he took a year leave.
take leave 休みを取る
Then he joined OPR, and his files were sealed.
He showed up awfully fast after this went down.
awfully とても、ひどく、恐ろしく go down =happen
Have a ring?
No ring.
Tan line?
But that doesn't mean it's not him.
I hope not.
OPR is like this giant sucking black hole...
suck 吸い込む
Accountable only to the DOJ.
Accountable 責任がある、説明する義務がある
Department of Justice?
Department of Justice 司法省
Well, DOJ is just a euphemism, of course, for the military industrial complex.
euphemism 婉曲表現
And big oil, right?
Goes without saying.
Um, by the way, that necklace...
Did you...
I didn't take it.
Because if you need a fence...
fence 盗品を購入する人
Okay, okay.
Got it.
I get it.
If we can't figure out how he stole it, we can try to grab him when he goes to fence it.
It's a unique piece.
It's too hot for the market right now.
Brunei is an interesting angle 'cause the market there is less rigid...
rigid 厳正な、厳格に適用する
Yeah, the language barrier can be a challenge, though, 'cause one time...
Neal Caffrey?
You're under arrest.
We found the signature "NC" microprinted on the fake diamond.
It matches the signature we found on the counterfeit bonds he made. See?
It's good work, Agent Burke.
Let's go.
He's my responsibility.
Neal...You have the right to remain silent.
I didn't do this.
Remain silent. Please.
All right. Let's go.
You let me down, Neal.
let me down 失望した
I let you down?
You told Fowler to look for my initials.
And you told me to look at your bonds under a polarized light, remember?
Well, guess what. I did. And, yeah, you signed them.
And you think I'd be stupid enough to do that again?
I guess you were.
The thief is associated with a law enforcement, your anklet was tampered with, you have no alibi, and your initials are on the diamond.
associate 仲間に加わる 関連付ける enforcement 執行
What am I supposed to think?!
I was set up.
By who?
I'm working on that.
work on 〜に取り掛かる
You're not helping things.
Agent Burke.
His lawyer's here.
He's a lawyer?
You can check my University of Phoenix online degree.
Go, cardinals.
Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to speak to my client... Alone.
I didn't let you down.
All right.
Any problems?
This was genius.
I don't know why we didn't think of this earlier.
And here the man is now.
Agent Burke.
That was an excellent job yesterday.
Appreciate the cooperation.
cooperation 協力
You know, Caffrey was a great asset.
asset スパイ 有用な[役に立つ]人
He did good work for us.
That may be, but don't forget, he's a criminal.
Good job.
Guys, I want to pull out the paperwork on, uh, 2b.
We have a problem.
Caffrey's lawyer just requested every file the bureau has on him.
The judge ordered us to comply.
comply 応じる
The judge actually raised his voice to the prosecutor. "Open discovery. Turn over every document the Government has on Caffrey."
raise one's voice 声を張り上げる prosecutor 検察官 discovery 証拠開示手続き Turn over 譲る
They're sending a truck.
All right.
Did you follow Fowler?
Once the request went through, he made a pit stop at a local dumpster.
go through 可決される dumpster 大型ごみ容器
He shredded these.
I knew it.
Thank you, Moz.
This is perfect.
Uh, information on the judge.
He's got a private office not connected to the federal building...on Mott Street.
Moz, I need you to liquidate some assets.
liquidate 清算する、弁済する
I need money.
I want you to buy a bakery.
So, all the Tulane information checks out.
He's eerily clean.
eerily 薄気味悪いほど
Of course he is.
What's Neal's lawyer been up to?
What have you been up to? 今まで何をしてた?
Not much.
Legally we can't follow him.
Attorney-client privilege.
Attorney-client privileges 秘匿特権
Yeah, yeah.
So we have no idea what he's doing.
Well, we do know he made a large real-estate purchase in Neal's name.
real-estate 不動産
He bought a bakery?
That's what it looks like.
Why'd he buy a bakery?
We don't know.
We don't even know where the damn thing is located.
All we have is a lease with a redacted address.
redacted 編集済みの
Attorney-client privileges.
Yeah, covers a lot of sins, that one.
A bakery.
Construction 組み立て
How's the air-conditioning in the judge's office?
Hmm, broke down this morning.
All right.
Let's go to court.
Hey, you.
You got my message.
I did.
Thank you.
I wanted you to have a familiar face here.
Well, I'll take yours anytime.
So, uh, are you sure Neal did this?
I am.
Of course, he says he was framed.
frame でっち上げで(人)に罪を着せる、(人)を犯人に仕立てる
Maybe he was.
Ah, I wish it was true.
What's up?
So, the arraignment's been moved.
arraignment 罪状認否
Neal said he's gonna confess.
confess 罪を告白する
So I guess you were right.
Neal never confesses.
Yeah, he said some important people were gonna be named, and he won't do it in an open court, so they moved the proceedings.
proceedings 訴訟(手続き)
Judge's chambers around the corner.
chamber 部屋
Honey, I'll call you later, okay?
Uh, get ahold of Hughes.
get ahold of 連絡する、話をする
Bailiff, would you open a window?
Bailiff 廷吏 ていり 裁判所で法廷の雑務をする職員
Oh, the heat is stifling in here.
stifling 息詰まるほど暑い
Unfortunately, the air-conditioning is not working today.
Thank you.
Please, wait outside?
Per your request, Mr.Caffrey, the chambers have been cleared.
Thank you, your honor.
In accordance with that agreement, you are now prepared to give a full confession?
In accordance with に従って confession 自白
I am, your honor.
I'll admit I've done a lot of things in my life that I'm not proud of. No.No, that's not true.
I'm proud of most of them. But what I'm about to do today...This is gonna be good.
Judge Hickman's office.
Fourth floor.
Thank you.
That son of a bitch bought that bakery.
I confess that I did not steal the diamond necklace from La Joyau Prieux.
I cleared these chambers because you claimed to have sensitive information vital to this case.
vital 不可欠な
If you didn't steal the diamond, then who did?
I'll let you know.
Somebody jumped out of a window and ran into a van!
He's not in the van.