Okay, you can do this.You can do this! Oh, you can do this.
License and regis
License and registration.
Excuse me?
I can only assume you need a license to have a face that beautiful.And that body? I'm guessing something that explosive has to be registered with the proper authorities.
Get out of the car.
Why, am I under arrest?
No, But you're about to be under me.
No.False.Did not happen.
That's a line from a porno.I've seen that porno.Hell, I've made that porno.
When will you realize that the only difference between my real life and a porno is my real life has better lighting?
You're lying.
I am not lying! I swear on my mother.I swear on Goliath National Bank.I swear on my suits.I am not lying.
He was lying.Here's what really happened.
Go ahead, honey, kiss him.
Go inside, Mrs.Matsen!
Mrs.Matsen, go inside!
Is there anything I can do to make this better?
No. Hello.
It's me! It's Barney.It's me! I need your help! I'm in big trouble!
Slow down.What happened?
I'm guessing something that explosive hasto be registered with the proper authorities.
Get out of the car.
Why, am I under arrest?
Yes, you are.I ran your plates.You've had 15 moving violations in the last three days.Get out of the car.
But no, my wife's having a baby! I have a sausage with your name on it!
Out of the car now!
I need you to come to Brazzaville, New Jersey and bail me out.
I'm in the middle of something.
Hurry, Ted.You have no idea of the kind of the hardened criminals they've got me in here with.
hardened 札付きの
Are we gonna get our spray paint back?
Save me, Ted!
You want to do something for me? I need a ride to New Jersey.
You'll pay for tolls, right? I'm kidding.
So Stella and I drove all the way out to New Jersey, bailed your Uncle Barney out of jail and drove all the way home.
Oh, By the way, Ted, how's that girl you've been seeing? That super hot French chick with the big enormous boobs?
Oh, you mean Claudette? She's fine.
Man, she's the hottest girl you have ever been with, Ted.Ever! Bye Stella.
Bye.I'm so sorry again about everything.For what it's worth
I'll talk to Tony.
I want you to be happy, Stella.I'll talk to him.
And I did.I don't remember what I said to him, but I guess I changed his mind because the next day, they flew to California.Stella set up a new dermatology practice.And against all odds, Tony found some success as a screenwriter.His movie, The Wedding Bride, was a big hit.But we'll get to that later.
OK, But just tell me this.Why Tony? I mean, is it the money, the kung fu pajamas? Like, what what is it?
He's the one.
The one.
Yeah, I know it's kinda sappy, but, yeah.
Ok, I'm gonna say something out loud that I've been doing a pretty good job of not saying out loud lately.What you and Tony have What I thought for a second you and I had What I know that Marshall and Lily have I want that.I do.I keep waiting for it to happen and waiting for it to happen, and I guess I'm just I'm tired of waiting.And that is all I'm going to say on that subject.
say something out loud 何か声に出して言う。
You know, I once talked my way out of a speeding ticket?
I was heading upstate to my parents' house doing, like, 90 on this country road, and I got pulled over.So this cop gets out of his car.He kind of swaggers on over and he's, like, "Young lady, I have been waiting for you all day." So I looked up at him and I said, "I'm so sorry, Officer.I got here as fast as I could."
get pulled over 車を止められる swagger 威張って歩く
For real?
It's an old joke.I know that you're tired of waiting, and you may have to wait a little while more, but she's on her way, Ted.And she's getting here as fast as she can.
Bye Stella.
Good Bye Ted.
She tracked me down two days later using a phone book.And that's the last time I wrote my name in my undergarments.
You're back!
When you told me that peanut butter and jam joke, I was completely disgusted.But I was in the shower this morning and it popped into my head and it actually made me laugh.Peanut butter.So I can see now how I may have overreacted.Marshall's words, not mine.
It's good to see you again, Lily.
Thanks.So what have you been up to?
I'm going to an amnesia ward with a bunch of photos of my children and a wedding ring.I'm gonna find the hottest patient/my wife, and we are going
amnesia 記憶喪失 ward 病棟
Okay, so that's good enough for tonight.I gotta ease back into this.See you tomorrow.