Here's another one for you, Peter.
Stop hoarding all the new cases, Burke.
hoard ため込む
Bond forgery sent over from NYPD. Two phony Atlantic incorporated bonds in six months. What? You want it?
phony 偽造 incorporate 法人化する
Two in half a year?
Atlantics have never been forged.
I'll pass.
All right. Wow. This is quality work.
Mm, so is my kid's drawing on the fridge. He's all yours.
Okay. I think this guy has a future.
What was my nickname?
Come on. Every case gets a nickname. Hagen was the Dutchman before you I.D.'d him. What was my nickname?
Oh, don't recall.
Oh, that's too bad. Well, the sooner you remember, the sooner we can move on.
James Bonds.
James Bonds.
James Bonds.
Yes, yes.
Would you like another beer?
Shaken, not stirred?
Shaken 動揺した stir かき回せる
Oh, see, I knew it was a mistake telling you. Believe me, yours was just one file in a giant stack of cases.
Yeah. But it was on top.
You weren't that good.
This guy's good.
Honey, come on... Are we gonna put this away, or is that our new coffee table?
Oh, I'm sorry.
What about this one is getting under your skin?
skin をだます
You really want to hear about this?
Well, of course, always.
All right.
He's tampering with federal evidence.
tamper 許可なくいじる
Wow. That's a forgery?
The seal, the signature, the security strip. See, most forgers are only experts at one aspect. The man who forged this bond is capable of bigger things. He can do it all.
Well, so can you.
Lose the 'stache?
Yeah, sorry, Magnum. I still love you.
I love you, too.
Satchmo... Elizabeth named him?
How do you know I didn't?
Well, Elizabeth likes old jazz. You don't. Don't forget I knew a fair amount about you before it was over.
fair amount かなりの量
Know thine enemy.
Know thyself, and you will win a hundred battles.
Mozzie's influence?
Big student of history.
Tell me how you went after Adler.
He was a big fish.
There he is, our white whale. What did you find out about him?
Well, he's the C.E.O. of Adler Financial Management, and he runs their top hedge fund.
Good. What'd he bring in?
bring in もたらす
I don't know.
Never say that. Know everything. Adler made $150 million last year, up 8% from the prior year. Know thine enemy, and you will win... Sun Tzu.
All right. What's the con?
Well, Adler routes a hefty percentage of his profits into an account in the Caymans every six months.
hefty とてつもなく大きい
Exactly. All we need to reroute his next wire transfer is two pieces of information... Account number and password. That's where you come in.
Where does he keep it... Personal safe, deposit box?
In his head. He's too smart to keep it anywhere else.
I can't just walk up and ask him for it. That's impossible.
A wise man once said it's fun to do the impossible.
Bertrand Russell?
Walt Disney. You should read more.
Our clock is five months. You'll ingratiate yourself, become a trusted friend, then convince him to tell you.
ingratiate oneself to 取り入る
Why don't you do it?
I'm more the behind-the-scenes guy. All right, look at me, and then look in the mirror. Who has a better chance of charming Adler at the charity dinner on Friday?
The antiquities recovery project? It's five grand a plate. I can't afford that.
Well, you can if you cash in a few more of your bonds.
Big mistake.
Cashing those bonds was a calculated risk. But it was worth it for the con we were about to run on Adler.
Yeah, but bankrolling them got us our first visual on you.
bankroll 融資する
If I recall, I wasn't the only one who made a mistake that day.
No, hang on, hang on.
Yeah. Yeah, it was that bank in Midtown.
Did you get it?
The teller was a sweetheart.
Oh, she gave you a sucker. You know, the irony of that would not be lost on Alanis Morissette.
This guy's a forger. He's good.
Shh. Brooks Brothers suit.
Yes, I understand.
So that means fed... Talking to the bank manager. We got to go.
...These bonds, I want you to call me immediately.
Never met a fed before.
Let's keep it that way.
Detain him if possible.
Detain 引き留める
Excuse me. Sorry, I-I couldn't help but overhear. Are you with the FBI?
Special agent Peter Burke.
Wow. I-I just took some money out of the bank, and I heard you talking about counterfeiting.
Your money's safe. I'm looking after counterfeit bonds.
Well, I have some bonds at home. How would I know if they're not real?
I'm sure they're fine.
Well, thanks again for all the hard work you're doing, agent Burke. That's for you. Have a good day.
He's not a nanny goat in a petting zoo. He's a fed. Within minutes, he could have set up a five-block perimeter... Hundreds of trench-coated G-men.
nanny 子守 perimeter 外周
It was worth it. We now know two things. We got to move off bonds, and his name is Peter Burke. Know thy enemy, right?
Fine. Now you've got the money to pay for the invitation. What name you gonna use?
I don't know. Halden. Nicholas Halden.
Quaint. Get yourself a few aliases. You're gonna need them. Oh, pop quiz, hot shot... Adler's market strategy pre-crash?
Quaint 古風な pop quiz 抜き打ちテスト hot shot やり手
Short derivatives, bullish on commodities.
bullish 上昇傾向の commodities 商品
You have learned much, grasshopper.
Why are you filling that bottle with bargain red?
Have you studied Adler's wine list?
Is that the '91 Bordeaux?
The one year it was corked in the wrong bottle. $800 a pop. I, of course, got this bottle empty. Best served when the guests are drunk. And I asked my cleaner to keep an eye out for something in your size.
Yeah, I don't know if I'm a suit guy.
Ah, you'll be fine.